Grand Daddy Purple S1 & Pre-1998 Bubba Kush S1

Here's the GDP S1s and the GDP f3 I put in with them:


One of the whorled S1s didn't hold that trait:


These two did:


The f3 didn't hold that trait either:


I'm going to try using this product I found in the health food store for treating the whorled plant I pick as the father:


The only other ingredient is pharmaceutical grade deionized water, so it should work.
The next generation of my GDP is on; my timer went out while it was on the dark period and I didn't realize it for a few days now. Most of the plants went into flower. I didn't check the GDP S1s I'm growing separately yet (mostly female with the one f3 unknown), but the tally so far is:

GDP less-haired (mother) x GDP less-haired (father) - 2 males, 2 females, 2 unknown
GDP more-haired (mother) x GDP less-haired (father) - 3 males, 3 females, 2 unknown
Original (?) GDP x GDP less-haired (father) - 4 males, 3 females, 1 unknown
GDP S1s - all 8 feminized

I'm going with a less-haired father and mother as the main part of this grow again (to keep something headed towards stability), but instead of adding one of the Original GDP (?) x GDP less-haired (father) plants as a mother I decided to use one of the S1s. I also put a female offspring of the GDP more-haired (mother) x GDP less-haired (father) in:


Over the next few grows I hope to see something I really like because the number of directions I'm taking this all in is getting complex. I'd like to narrow it down a bit.
Notes: Everything involved with the breeding of this is underway :thumb: I put all four parent plants under my t5 setup this morning, and transplanted all the other GDP plants I have going on into 1 gallon pots. Here are both whorled S1s I'm going to try to breed together:


The one in back will be the mother:


I sprayed this one with CS for the first time just now:


Not likely it's going to hold a recessive trait like that, but it's worth a go..... :straightface:
Thanks everybody. I dusted the females in the GDP f4 grow with the top flower of the male, even though they don't have many hairs. That male is too tall for where I have it at, so I bent the top over. I'll get pics up soon, and as soon as I pull some plants for chop (next week), I'll be putting these GDP mother rejects into bloom. They should be green by then; they're a bit pale now. Still no signs of change on the S1 plants I'm breeding.
Geez got more timer problems this one's my fault though. I put a piece of duct tape over the switch on my timers because I've thrown light cycles off they move so easy over the years the piece of tape I used on one dried up and fell off then when I put the 4" flex duct in the back of the locker I'm breeding the two whorled plants in I moved the timer and the switch went to constantly being on that's why I don't see any signs of sex yet. Bummer. Well at least the father plant got an early start being treated with CS. Gonna be another week or two.
Whorled GDP S1 colloidal silver treated parent:


I'm going to take the CS treated plant out of the locker from now on to spray it because it looks like the GDP S1 mother caught some of the overspray:


I remember worrying a lot about that GDP pheno whenever I grew it before. The beginning always looks like male parts but this time I think it is.
I just broke the father from the GDP f3 (going for f4) grow in half to keep it off of the lights and it shed pollen all over. I'll get a pic up in a few days.
GDP f3 father, GDP f3 (less-haired) mother, GDP S1 mother, and GDP (more-haired) mother:


GDP S1 mother:


GDP (more-haired) mother:


GDP mother rejects (the thin branched plant in the middle is a Vietnamese Mindfuck and the flowering plants in back are Apollo 13 f2 clones):


GDP (more-haired) mother reject:


In the event that the second whorled GDP S1 I'm breeding is a male (or both are; I still don't know), I have this other GDP S1 as a backup; it started reverting, then went back to the whorled condition when I put it into flower:

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