Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Thanks for the explanation GDB!
Please, Shed! If you asked me to, I'd explain to you how I fold my underwear. Then you'd not only "understand how", you would know how! :laughtwo:

new watering jug.jpg
So do you stop watering completely or just long enough to figure out how much they take? In other words, do you try to get a certain amount of runoff, like say 10-15%?
I'm not that precise BigD13. That's why I water them slowly. I water them enough until I see water coming out at a fairly good drip rate (but not running out) from more than one spot at the bottom of the pot. I judge whether I've watered enough (got enough runoff) by the amount of water left in the saucer after the dripping stops and by lifting the pot.

I honestly can't tell you the amount of runoff I'm looking for by percentage. If I had to guess, I'd say...wait let me get out my slide rule...I'd say around 12%. :Rasta:

Thanks for looking in, man!
I collect & measure my runoff. I then divide that by how much I watered with to give me the runoff percentage. I also weigh my plant (only growing one now,) before and after watering. I do that mainly to know when to water as I recorded the weight after transplanting in to my 7 gallon pot but before watering for the first time. I can also kinda estimate how much the plant has grown weight wise. Yeah, I’m kinda OCD that way. ;)
Thanks DAB!

Does it really taste like Pineapple? I already know it smells like bubblegum.:laughtwo:
The sample I had was fruity for sure, I wouldn’t say definitely a pineapple taste.....I guess I’ll have to try some again...
I just love Trainwreck and anything it produces!!
Hope your day is going well.
Any day I’m not pushing up daisies is a good day!!
Doesn't stopping as soon as you see runoff just tell you how much water is left from last time...kinda like weighing it?
You are in college Shed. I'm grinding my way through night school.

All that runoff tells me is to stop watering the plant because it's probably taken all it's going to hold. I rely on that premise and lifting the pot, which I suppose is sort of like "weighing" it. :Rasta:
I collect & measure my runoff. I then divide that by how much I watered with to give me the runoff percentage. I also weigh my plant (only growing one now,) before and after watering. I do that mainly to know when to water as I recorded the weight after transplanting in to my 7 gallon pot but before watering for the first time. I can also kinda estimate how much the plant has grown weight wise. Yeah, I’m kinda OCD that way. ;)
Good for you BigD13. There's nothing wrong with going with some of your OCD tendencies, depending on what you're doing!

I will say that if I was growing one plant at a time, I can think of all kinds of monitoring mechanisms I could employ. I could weigh the pot every couple of hours if I wanted to and get a real feel for the rate of water consumption! But I usually grow 'em 10 or more at a time. I have to pick my spots as to when to follow my OCD leanings. I tend to medicate a lot of those inclinations away. :laughtwo:
What a nice ending run with some excellent flavor. :blunt:

I believe I would also like to see group 2. How can you go wrong with a Chemdog x with a Weeding Cake.

You know what they say “no rest for the wicked” o_O
Do you still have a plant hanging in the closet to dry so you can try a dry trim?
I think it's "No rest for the weary", Nev! :laughtwo:

Yes, I still have the dry trim candidate. I took her out this morning and did what little trimming was required. It seems that most of the leaves that I would normally wet-trim away had curled into the bud so there was not a lot of snipping left to do. Hmmm.

Thanks for stopping by @Nev, even though you called me "wicked." :Rasta:
Hello growers.

I stretched out the takedown of the Cheese plant over 2 days and that was wonderful!

She was a sticky, funny-smelling plant but not too hard to trim. I noticed there was barely any larf on the plant and I attribute that fact to the penetration power of the @NextLight Mega! The Mega is a beast to say the least. She also had a few really fat, heavy buds, one of which weighed more than my entire yield from a DDA a few months ago. :laughtwo:

In the end, she came to 563g wet, with most of the stalks removed and she filled my bowl.

She's a tad bit frosty, too.

Now that's packing a bowl! Looks great and not at all cheesy.

And please send my condolences to the Kotellos family.
Thanks, Shed. I'm ready to admit that her strange, non-bubblegum aroma may somewhat resemble that of cheese. I am loathe to admit that, and I really, really hope it doesn't taste like cheese! :Rasta:

Haven't given much thought to Mr. Kotellos or his family. I'm not going to his funeral and I know he's not coming to mine.
Congrats on yet another great harvest, GDB!
I grew a Cheese outdoors awhile back- it stunk plenty, but I never smelled any cheese...she's been a main ingredient in my gummies for quite awhile now .
Congrats on yet another great harvest, GDB!
I grew a Cheese outdoors awhile back- it stunk plenty, but I never smelled any cheese...she's been a main ingredient in my gummies for quite awhile now .
This one stinks too Carcass, and it's not a very pleasant stink! :Rasta:

Thanks for the kind words, man!
Hello growers.

Next up on the chopping block is the Double Black on her day 75 post-flip. She has been quietly going about her business without any outlandish behavior. And a good sign: she smells like bubblegum!

Here are her parting shots:



This takedown will be spaced out over a few days. Aah!

That's going to look great hanging upside down!

Are the top leaves light-bleached? The two tops at 6:00 look that way. Maybe it's just the flash though...
Thanks, Shed.

No bleaching, it's the flash that caused that effect.
Thanks, Nev.

I must confess, I like big buds! :Rasta:
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