Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Hello growers!

I got my much-needed milk crates today! They allowed me to elevate all the plants in the photo tent (except the LH) and raise the light a few inches more off of the LH. I think all of them will be happier now.

But look at the Critical Kush front right. She's my GeoFlora girl and those yellow leaves appeared overnight! That is not normal, not even in my abnormal world. :Rasta:

I think I may have been under-watering this plant. Thing is, I'm not sure why it's been under-watered. I've never been able to get her pot as heavy as her tentmates after watering them all to run-off. If I tried to continue watering it after run-off, the water would just run through it.

I'm not going to go stream of consciousness trying to explain all that's going to my head at this point.

She's due for her next top-feed tomorrow and I'll continue the discussion then.

Believe me, I'm doing a huge favor to you (the reader) by holding off on my thoughts for right now. :laughtwo:

Here's a pic of the plants crated up.


I had to pay money for these things. That's the result of growing older and wiser and realizing the downside of being locked up for any amount of time, even a few hours.

In my younger days, I most certainly would have obtained these via a scavenger hunt of various alleys behind stores. Of course then, there was no chance of being caught red-handed on a security cam. :laughtwo:
Hello growers!

I got my much-needed milk crates today! They allowed me to elevate all the plants in the photo tent (except the LH) and raise the light a few inches more off of the LH. I think all of them will be happier now.

But look at the Critical Kush front right. She's my GeoFlora girl and those yellow leaves appeared overnight! That is not normal, not even in my abnormal world. :Rasta:

I think I may have been under-watering this plant. Thing is, I'm not sure why it's been under-watered. I've never been able to get her pot as heavy as her tentmates after watering them all to run-off. If I tried to continue watering it after run-off, the water would just run through it.

I'm not going to go stream of consciousness trying to explain all that's going to my head at this point.

She's due for her next top-feed tomorrow and I'll continue the discussion then.

Believe me, I'm doing a huge favor to you (the reader) by holding off on my thoughts for right now. :laughtwo:

Here's a pic of the plants crated up.


I had to pay money for these things. That's the result of growing older and wiser and realizing the downside of being locked up for any amount of time, even a few hours.

In my younger days, I most certainly would have obtained these via a scavenger hunt of various alleys behind stores. Of course then, there was no chance of being caught red-handed on a security cam. :laughtwo:
I’ve had a variety of deficiencies in my GF plant, but especially towards the end of the 2 weeks. To the point where I started doing a mid feed and the last feed I actually did after 10 days instead of waiting the full 14.

I also noticed for whatever reason the GF plant just never seemed to want as much water. The MC plant I can give fairly quickly and it dissipates, if I water the GF super super slow (I think always technically recommended but who really has time?) it would seem to suck it up/ absorb it a bit more.

love the milk carton comment and I can relate, just not worth it anymore haha :)
I’ve had a variety of deficiencies in my GF plant, but especially towards the end of the 2 weeks. To the point where I started doing a mid feed and the last feed I actually did after 10 days instead of waiting the full 14.

I also noticed for whatever reason the GF plant just never seemed to want as much water. The MC plant I can give fairly quickly and it dissipates, if I water the GF super super slow (I think always technically recommended but who really has time?) it would seem to suck it up/ absorb it a bit more.

love the milk carton comment and I can relate, just not worth it anymore haha :)
Damn, Jerry. That's so on point in my case too!

I've been watering my GF plant slower... ..and slower.....and slower, to try to get her to retain water, but she just won't do it. It starts running out after about 1.75 liters and then turns into a drain pipe. :straightface:
Damn, Jerry. That's so on point in my case too!

I've been watering my GF plant slower... ..and slower.....and slower, to try to get her to retain water, but she just won't do it. It starts running out after about 1.75 liters and then turns into a drain pipe. :straightface:
It seems crazy, I’m glad I’m not alone on this. I actually got to the point of using one of those pump sprayers with the tip removed, takes probably 15-20 minutes to very evenly disperse water over the top surface and that’s the most success I’ve had. My arm also gets tired from pumping it haha. In contrast I can pour 2 gallons in the MC pot in probably 5 minutes. I assume there is some science behind it?
It seems crazy, I’m glad I’m not alone on this. I actually got to the point of using one of those pump sprayers with the tip removed, takes probably 15-20 minutes to very evenly disperse water over the top surface and that’s the most success I’ve had. My arm also gets tired from pumping it haha. In contrast I can pour 2 gallons in the MC pot in probably 5 minutes. I assume there is some science behind it?
I don't know science. But I'm thinking the root growth in the GF plant is deficient.
Hello growers.

I took down the Blue Lights tonight.

I looked at her through the loupe this evening and thought I saw a bug. It wasn't a spider mite, too big. It looked almost like a baby black ladybug. I kept the loupe on it for quite a few minutes and never saw it move. Hell, it probably wasn't even a bug. But because I discussed bugs in another members post today, I'm just spooked by even the thought of 'em. :Rasta:

Here she is mostly de-fanned.

Blue Lights day 85 - the end.JPG

And from there it was pretty easy to trim her up because those buds are solid through and through.

Blue Lights down - day 85.JPG

She came to 305g wet.

As I was taking her down, I started thinking about my means of drying, which currently consists of one of those hanging mesh racks in a dark closet, the bottom shelf of my refrigerator and another small fridge devoted to this purpose but not having a lot of room inside.

When the plants in my photo tent are ready these 3 options probably won't be enough. (I've still got 3 more autos that will need drying, soon I hope.)

So I took one of the boxes that my milk crates came in and began development on a GDBdryer.

I made holes in the tops of the box and using my ever-present bamboo sticks made some racks going across.
It's a rough prototype. But having parted ways with my R&D staff, I'm on my own.

So I'm looking for tips on how to improve the box as relates to ventilation, air flow, etc.

I've got 2 more of these boxes and plan to use them all.


That's it for tonight.

I did the same thing for a CBD 20:1 here - same'ish size and all. I had a tray of water in the bottom. The plant was tiny, far less than 200g wet. It was more controllable and stable than my usual cupboard (which was taken by my fauxto). The plant did not dry nearly as fast as I'm used to - I thought it would dry fast in there, but no...
Congrats on the harvest GDB! Those are some fattie buds. :Rasta:

I’m sure shed will post up a link to his dry box, but he makes a hole at the low end of the box and another at the high end of the box. Then adds a fan pointed towards the lower hole for air circulation. I’ll just say, use caution, I’m fairly sure I lost 3 plants to mold from using boxes to dry.
Nicely done with the blue lights, GDB!! She looks tasty.

Believe me, I'm doing a huge favor to you (the reader) by holding off on my thoughts for right now.
I have no plans this morning, and a full cup of tea....
Nicely done with the blue lights, GDB!! She looks tasty.

I have no plans this morning, and a full cup of tea....
Thanks Dutchin. I hope she's tasty. She smells like bubblegum! ;)

I'll be getting to the Geoflora thing later on today.

Enjoy your tea. Is it a herbal variety?
I got my much-needed milk crates today! They allowed me to elevate all the plants in the photo tent
I grow outdoors so I don’t need milk crates to elevate my plants. I put my plants inside the crate. That gives me lots of places to tie off to for LST plus the crate acts a natural pot elevator for draining. Win-Win!

I tried to continue watering it after run-off, the water would just run through it.
People don’t think gravity be like it is but it do. :rofl:
Hey GDB, congratulations! Nice work for a beautiful plant! So listen. Don't be disappointed if your ck doesn't firm up like this one did. Some of my most memorable bud has been very light and weird, for instance the dark devils (4) all grew with airy bud and they were some of mine and everyone's favorites. The current Nevilles haze is looking the same. Some just go that way. It's nothing personal they told me.
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