Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Hello grow pals.

I've got a few auto pics today.

I'll bet most of us, even us older citizens, take for granted the ability to take digital photos. Many on this site probably have never known another way or have only a vague idea of what it entailed!

Well, it wasn't always so. We used to have to buy stuff called "film." And once used, that film had to be taken or mailed somewhere to be developed into hard-copy photos. But digital, well that just referred to fingers and toes.

Then in the 70's according to the Oxford English Dictionary:

From the late 1970s, digital computers and electronics, which had previously been the preserve of businesses and research institutions, started to become sufficiently inexpensive and compact to be suitable for use in the home. Subsequently, many types of information gained a digital equivalent: a laser disc could store a film as ‘digital video’ and ‘digital sound’, a ‘digital recording’ could be purchased on a CD, and filmless cameras could be used to produce ‘digital photographs’. The word also came to be applied to different types of media: digital radio and digital television are increasingly important methods of broadcasting.

So that's today's history lesson for all the youngsters!

Blue Lights and Northern Lights x Pakistani Chitral Kush (day 66)

The fuzzy-wuzzies are moving along. The BL developed a CalMag deficiency the other day. It seemed to happen overnight! I opened the tent one morning and saw a bunch of brown, sick looking leaves. But I know better than that. It didn't happen over night, I just missed the early indications. Mea Culpa, but unfortunately nothing new. I'm really trying to get better at spotting problems earlier. :Rasta:

I've been giving her CalMag over her past two feeds and I think its working.

BL on the left:

The Chocolate Kush and Blue Dream'atic are on day 74 and both are starting to do that self-defoliation thing that plants do when they're nearing maturity. Both had lots of spent, yellowed leaves underneath. I could blow on them and they would fall off. A good sign!



I'm anxiously awaiting for all of these autos to finish so I can use the tent for my upcoming sponsored grow.

I've come to ignore the breeders' estimates for the length of time it takes to grow a given plant. Their outlook always seems to be rosy, but I ain't growing roses.:laughtwo:

I'm "guessing" that all 4 of these plants will be done within 30 days if not sooner. Please let me know if you agree.

Thanks for stopping by.

If I could have some plants like That I would be so happy they are magnificent my friend!
If I could have some plants like That I would be so happy they are magnificent my friend!
Thanks, Oldhippie!
Plants look Fantastic !! That would be nice to wake up to and get the sent of flavors in the air . :bong:
Thanks, Smokesbetter!

I failed to mention the smell. There is a somewhat faint aroma coming from the auto tent, hardly noticeable.
The photo tent is a whole different animal, it's smelly as all get out. I've put a towel under the door to the basement trying to keep the odor from upstairs. But the basement air is all strong weed all the time.:Rasta:

Funny thing is I have a carbon filter sitting around unused, one, because I love the smell and, two, because during these Covid times we're having no visitors to the house.
Outstanding GDB! :bravo:
Thanks so much @fredwalk!
Hello growers.

I took some solo photo pics tonight. All are flip + 47 except the LH which is + 39. I've upped the feed on all to MC 5.5 except the Geoflora-fed CK.

GDP - still the alpha female. She smells!
GDP flip 47.JPG

Cheese = starting to get fat and frosty but I still don't smell any cheese!
Cheese II flip 47.JPG

CK - the Geoflora plant has the airiest buds so far. Not sure I like that.
CK flip 47.JPG

Double Black - if this plant has dropped a single leaf I missed it.
DBL Black flip 47.JPG

LH - she looks like she's starting to get light burn on some of her leaves. I'm a little surprised it took this long.
Leaf Burn LH flip 39.JPG

All the gang:
Photo tent Mar 19th.JPG

I forgot to take a solo pic of the SBG. :Rasta:

Thanks for stopping by.

Thanks, Smokesbetter.

I've got one of those trimming gadgets that I hardly ever use. I might give it a go with this bunch! :Rasta:
Hello growers and a happy weekend to you all!

Thought I would share with you my "hacker's hack."

In my photo tent, the interloper fauxto Lemon Haze is much taller than her tentmates. I've elevated them all to get them where I want them under the light, but that still has the un-elevated LH a little to close to it.

In my last update I noted that some of the leaves on the LH were getting light burn.

I looking for some more beverage carriers to elevate the plants even more. Then I could raise the light at bit. But what do I do until I find some?

Well, the @NextLight mega came with a dimmer switch. It's a small square piece of gear that can be affixed to something. But I just left mine on top/center of the light.

Moving this dimmer to the front section of the light as shown here...


Caused the light to tilt forward, effectively raising it a smidgen from the plants in the rear of the tent (where the LH is).


Good for the LH, not so good for the other plants in the rear of the tent. Until I find some more elevators, I'll rotate the other plants from back to front every few days.

They might get confused or they might be amused! :Rasta:

That's more than a smidge where I come from (NY), but great idea! That @NextLight Mega is very versatile, and you're really showing off what it can do.

And take it from a schlepper, plant risers are the easier choice. :)
IKR! I'm having a hell of time trying to find what I need. :straightface:
Looking great in the tent, GDB!
I use cardboard boxes to raise my plants, but they're only in 3 gallon pots- not sure I'd trust cardboard
for anything bigger/heavier than that.
Good idea, tipping the light like that!
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