Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

If you want bent stems to stay bent, it's helpful to hang a weight of some sort along the bent section. I use an unfolded paperclip with a binder clip on it (size depends on the branch) and hang it at a point that keeps the branch flat without bending it below horizontal.
Thanks, Shed!

So not a ShedClip®, just a regular unfolded paperclip? Are you sure?

I'm not looking for another lawsuit. :laughtwo:
Looking great as usual GDB (Had to double check that incase Mr. Sauga pulls me up on it :laughtwo: ). Looking forward to seeing you in action with the new light too.

Congrats on the GJOTM nomination - this has been a great journal to follow along. I met and followed a lot of other growers here when i rejoined 420 after some years of absence, and i've had a laugh along the way. I thank you for your good humoured and welcoming nature :Namaste: deserved nomination!
Looking great as usual GDB (Had to double check that incase Mr. Sauga pulls me up on it :laughtwo: ). Looking forward to seeing you in action with the new light too.

Congrats of GJOTM - this has been a great journal to follow along. I met and followed a lot of other growers here when i rejoined 420 after some years of absence, and i've had a laugh along the way. I thank you for your good humoured and welcoming nature :Namaste: deserved nomination!
Thanks so much for the kind words, Google! :Rasta:
Hello growers.

So I followed the advice of @InTheShed and got some paperclips to use for holding down the bent stems on the fauxto Lemon Haze. Actually, shed recommended a paperclip in conjunction with a binder clip. Since I omitted the binder clip, I believe I will label my gadget the GDBclip. For those of you who may think that I'm desperate to see my initials attached to the name of a weed growing gadget, shame on you!


I placed a few GDBclips on the fauxto last night. Don't know if they will work but they look like they might. The GDB Research & Development staff has been really slacking lately and maybe on the way out the door.
Lookin good Gdb!
I feel your pain on the tall Lemon Haze. I had to build plywood plant stands for my last Dwc auto grow ,they were all the same height other then a huge Purple Punch!
Lookin good Gdb!
I feel your pain on the tall Lemon Haze. I had to build plywood plant stands for my last Dwc auto grow ,they were all the same height other then a huge Purple Punch!
Thanks, @N420.

If I wasn't buzzed pretty much all the time, this situation would frustrate me. I tried to ensure that all those photos would be around the same height when flipped. I pretty much achieved that, although as another user pointed out, the individual plant's canopies were somewhat tilted.

So having to unexpectedly put the fauxto in there -- being nearly a foot taller than all the others -- was not cool.

Adding to my concerns, this is my first time using the @NextLight mega. It's the biggest, brightest light I've ever used and I'm unsure what to expect. The LH is currently only about 14 inches below the light. On flip day 12! :lot-o-toke:

I'm almost certain that I'll soon have to bite the bullet and elevate the 5 "real" photos so that I can raise that light up off of the LH. Drat!
Looking good! Sorry about the tall haze situation. I haven’t grown one before, but I seem to remember another member saying that hazes tend to keep stretching though the whole grow. Maybe someone else can confirm or correct? Just something to consider when you bump the rest up.
Looking good! Sorry about the tall haze situation. I haven’t grown one before, but I seem to remember another member saying that hazes tend to keep stretching though the whole grow. Maybe someone else can confirm or correct? Just something to consider when you bump the rest up.
Thanks, HH.

That's my understanding about how a haze plant grows. I have a few different strains and I'm waiting to grow them all at the same time (in my tallest tent) for that reason. (Then again, the Super Silver Haze that @Carcass has going now doesn't seem that tall. Hmmm)
Outdoors I implement the same practice for super cropping. I have found bending them over without a tie down allows them to upright the branch again.

It took a few times of bending without ties over a week or so to crack and break the tissue (xylem) on the outside of the stalk. Once I saw that happen, I tied them off to themselves using bread tie (plastic coated wire). It is the same idea as your "GDBclips©" but with a touch more pliability to accomodate all sizes of branches and stalks.

Your plants look extremely happy. You have a knack at micromanaging and keeping on top of your grow(s).

Your thread is inspiring and hilarious.

I love the idea you have of trying to make logic of the pisitil development of your NL's.

Last year my plants in super soil had different types of pistils/stigmas. Some were straight like the plant got frightened. Still others had pistils/stigmas curly like a brain.

Have you noticed I difference in trichome production, between MC and super soil? Terpene production?
Outdoors I implement the same practice for super cropping. I have found bending them over without a tie down allows them to upright the branch again.

It took a few times of bending without ties over a week or so to crack and break the tissue (xylem) on the outside of the stalk. Once I saw that happen, I tied them off to themselves using bread tie (plastic coated wire). It is the same idea as your "GDBclips©" but with a touch more pliability to accomodate all sizes of branches and stalks.

Your plants look extremely happy. You have a knack at micromanaging and keeping on top of your grow(s).

Your thread is inspiring and hilarious.

I love the idea you have of trying to make logic of the pisitil development of your NL's.

Last year my plants in super soil had different types of pistils/stigmas. Some were straight like the plant got frightened. Still others had pistils/stigmas curly like a brain.

Have you noticed I difference in trichome production, between MC and super soil? Terpene production?
Thanks for your kind words, @Patient Puffer. They mean a lot.

I can stay on top of my grows because, much to Mrs. GDB's chagrin, I don't do much of anything else! :Rasta:

The pistils on the NLs contrast with the other 2 plants to such a degree that I think anyone would wonder "why?"

There are no trichomes present yet to compare between the super soil and MC plants.

BTW, I got downstairs to check on the GDBclip. It seems to be working as intended. However, I tweeked it just a bit to make it more of a 90 degree angled gadget.


I love coming in and bursting bubbles. Those are actually replicas of the Whizzle Clips and can be bought off Amazon; 1000 clips for 1.99 USD.
That's bull.

And why would I listen to anything you had to say about my release of a new gadget? By now it's clear to me that you see me as a threat to your domain of views and rocks. You want to be a multi-national distributor while keeping me a vendor on the corner, next to a wiener stand. :rofl:
I'll soon have to bite the bullet and elevate the 5 "real" photos
I've got about ten different size empty boxes just for that, since my light is a real pain to adjust...
With 5 plants that need raising, you may have to build a shelf in there for them- do you have any plastic pots? maybe you could just turn them upside down and sit your plants on them?
(Then again, the Super Silver Haze that @Carcass has going now doesn't seem that tall. Hmmm)
Not that tall?:oops:
I'll have you know that it almost doubled in size when it stretched, so now it's just like a big pot plant.... only smaller... ;)
I never even got to use my CarcassHooks® to hold anything down... :rofl:
Hello growers.

So I followed the advice of @InTheShed and got some paperclips to use for holding down the bent stems on the fauxto Lemon Haze. Actually, shed recommended a paperclip in conjunction with a binder clip. Since I omitted the binder clip, I believe I will label my gadget the GDBclip. For those of you who may think that I'm desperate to see my initials attached to the name of a weed growing gadget, shame on you!


I placed a few GDBclips on the fauxto last night. Don't know if they will work but they look like they might. The GDB Research & Development staff has been really slacking lately and maybe on the way out the door.
I've been making similar things out of necessity, from garden wire.
Nice bend you got there, though...mine either curve or snap off completely lol
I've got about ten different size empty boxes just for that, since my light is a real pain to adjust...
With 5 plants that need raising, you may have to build a shelf in there for them- do you have any plastic pots? maybe you could just turn them upside down and sit your plants on them?

Not that tall?:oops:
I'll have you know that it almost doubled in size when it stretched, so now it's just like a big pot plant.... only smaller... ;)
I never even got to use my CarcassHooks® to hold anything down... :rofl:
It's awesome no matter how "only smaller." :laughtwo:

Good luck with the CarcassHooks®. It's a tough market to break into!
Hello growers. Welcome to the latest GDBupdate! :laughtwo:

First the autos.

The Chocolate Kush and Blue Dream'atic are on day 63 and getting 5.3g of Mega Crop. The 2 NL strains, a Blue Lights and a Northern Lights x Pakistani Chitral Kush are on day 55 in concentrated super soil. They have been getting plain water and intermittent carb loads.

I took a few pics of my fuzzy NL strains. Their pistils are beginning to curl and/or change colors. It's just the beginning but at least it has started.

BL and one of her tops:



The NL x PK and a top.



The fauxto Glue Gelato.

The GG is on flip day 61 and is getting 5.4g of MC and 15ml of terpinator. She's full of cloudy trichs but I haven't seen any amber yet. Her buds are really hardening and she's dropping leaves. In summary, she's getting ugly and is almost done!


The photo tent.

I bit the bullet and elevated the 5 "real" photos. They were all raised 5 inches and now sit approximately 20 inches below the @NextLight mega.

I did not raise the light for the fauxto Lemon Haze, so she remains a little too close to the light, IMO. She's going to have to deal with it. My plan all along had been to lower the light for the other photos. Since I raised the plants instead, it made sense to leave the light where it is. I'm thinking like Spock here, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." :Rasta:

All of these plants (except the Geoflora-fed Critical Kush) are getting 5g of MC and none of them seems to want any more or less. This fact has made life much easier. I get to mix my MC nutes in 5 gallon buckets rather than individual gallon jugs!

I've also been giving the fauxto LH 2ml of calmag with her feeds to address a leaf issue. It seems to have worked. I stuffed her into the left-rear corner of the tent because she throws too much shade. :laughtwo:


It's getting a little cozy in there!


Thanks for stopping by.

Hey GBD, your ladies are looking great. I was looking at your pics when I notice something (circled in red below) on one of your leaves. Not sure what it is, could be nothing, but I thought I‘d point it so you could take a look if you want to make sure it isn’t some sort of unwanted pest. I’m hoping it’s not.

Hey GBD, your ladies are looking great. I was looking at your pics when I notice something (circled in red below) on one of your leaves. Not sure what it is, could be nothing, but I thought I‘d point it so you could take a look if you want to make sure it isn’t some sort of unwanted pest. I’m hoping it’s not.

Thanks, BigD! I found it!

Just a little brown spotting, thank goodness. :smokin:
That's bull.

And why would I listen to anything you had to say about my release of a new gadget? By now it's clear to me that you see me as a threat to your domain of views and rocks. You want to be a multi-national distributor while keeping me a vendor on the corner, next to a wiener stand. :rofl:
Somebody say weiner stand? I'm in!
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