Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Hello gang!

Well talk about a leisurely takedown, I'm just finishing up the chop of the Fat Kid's Cake clone, having started on Friday. And this was no big plant.

She's been boxed up for the fridge. I've got 'em packed in a little cozier than I prefer, but 1 box is all she's getting.

FKC cl 9-30-24 boxed for fridge.JPG

I forgot to weigh her. No matter. It is what it is.:Rasta:

The 3 remaining plants -- the Cosmic Lights clones -- will be coming down shortly. I'm going to take all three at once, but I've already begun plucking off fan leaves every time I visit the tent! By the time I decide to tackle them there won't be a lot left to do.


She looks real good- maybe she'll surprise you...

Those 2 outdoor ones I just harvested go from no amber and clear, to plenty of amber and cloudy- they were harvested between 9/1 and 9/21, so close to 3 weeks between start and finish.

I can't tell a lot of difference in the buzz', they're both good, but with the more ambery/cloudy stuff, it seems to last just a little longer with just a bit more "psychoactivity" going on....

They both taste equally bad, because it's waayy too early to be smoking it...but I had to try it a few times ...😁
That's interesting that you didn't notice much of a difference at the different stages. I've never fully bought into the theories around how trichs relate to the type of high. And I also don't find that sativas necessarily lead to an energetic high while indicas are more sedating. I pretty much smoke 'em and see how I feel!

Sometimes the weed will confirm one of the "theories," as the Lemon Bubble I recently tested. It has a sativa lean and it sent me out on an "adventure." But I know from experience that I can smoke that same strain at another time and nod right out!

I think terpenes play the major role in how weed affects a person along with the person's physical metabolism at the time of ingestion. If that sounds like I'm talking above my range of knowledge it's because I am! But that's what my gut tells me. :)


Thanks for looking in.

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