Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

You slay me! :rofl: :rofl:
And how can I forget. Shed probably let his guard down 'cause he was self-satisfied about the way he recently highlighted my tilted canopies with some ShedLines (ShedLines® ?).
Anyone running more than two strains I stop paying attention to the names and just look at the plants. ;)
Apparently an excellent strategy if you're reading my thread! :Rasta:
I had the fauxto out for feeding today. She's on day 43 post-flip and has been getting 5.7 MC since flip day 25 when I upped it from 5.5. I think this plant has about 20-25 days to go. Seems like a good time to change something, right?

Well, good idea or bad, today I lowered her MC to 5.4g and added 15ml of Terpinator. I'll run with this dosage until the end. (For the Anecdote!)
She's sooo good looking! Perhaps I'll show that pic to mine so she'll work up some ambitions too!

I'm still at 1.8g/l, taking inspiration from you, with zero burns, so I'll be adding some banana peel water and maybe a little AN Big Buds - living on the edge :laughtwo:
I think you may not quite be level then!
Ha! Well that ain’t nuthin but a little gangsta lean!!!

My, you sure have upgraded things around here. Very soon you’ll have more buds than you’ll know what to do with! They’re all looking nice and healthy, well done GDB.
Ha! Well that ain’t nuthin but a little gangsta lean!!!

My, you sure have upgraded things around here. Very soon you’ll have more buds than you’ll know what to do with! They’re all looking nice and healthy, well done GDB.
Thanks, HH! :ciao:
Hello grow crew.

Something is amiss in the auto tent.:lot-o-toke:


Ignore that little snoot front right. That Dark Devil has been a "miss" for quite a while now. No, I'm talking about that tall thing in the back left corner that's supposed to be a Lemon Haze auto. Day 49 and not a single pistil.

Hard to believe but I think I've got another fauxto.

Here's one of her tops. What do you think? Have I been thrown another curve ball?


What do you think? Have I been thrown another curve ball?
It sure looks like it... she's a beautiful plant, though....
I wonder what's up with the seed folks?- I still remember the old days, when an auto was an auto...
You may need to set up a dedicated fauxto tent, if this stuff keeps up... :oops:
It sure looks like it... she's a beautiful plant, though....
I wonder what's up with the seed folks?- I still remember the old days, when an auto was an auto...
You may need to set up a dedicated fauxto tent, if this stuff keeps up... :oops:
IKR, and a hamburger was beef! :Rasta:
Ahh man! That must be so frustrating. If that happened to me I'd be in a real jam with the limited space I have. It's a beautiful plant too, or rather you've grown a beautiful plant there @Grand Daddy Black

Does this happen a lot then? I'm guessing it does if you've coined your own term for it in "fauxto" :rofl: Or is that an actual term? Forgive me, I've been out of the game for a while.

I've had the opposite happen once, where I was expecting photos but got autos, was annoying, but not the end of the world as i just let it live out it's days in my veg area.
Ahh man! That must be so frustrating. If that happened to me I'd be in a real jam with the limited space I have. It's a beautiful plant too, or rather you've grown a beautiful plant there @Grand Daddy Black

Does this happen a lot then? I'm guessing it does if you've coined your own term for it in "fauxto" :rofl: Or is that an actual term? Forgive me, I've been out of the game for a while.

I've had the opposite happen once, where I was expecting photos but got autos, was annoying, but not the end of the world as i just let it live out it's days in my veg area.
Hey GoogleGenie.

I wish I could take credit for the term "fauxto" but I got it from fellow 420 member @Carcass.

Does this happen a lot? To me it does. This is my third in less than a year's time. :Rasta:
Genuine question, not to spark controversy - But what's the attraction to Autos? Is it the lighting schedule you can flower them under? Why would one go with auto over photo?

I don't really understand why people prefer to grow autos over photoperiod, the lack of control alone is enough to put me off - but I'd like to understand - help me understand guys :passitleft::peace:
Genuine question, not to spark controversy - But what's the attraction to Autos? Is it the lighting schedule you can flower them under? Why would one go with auto over photo?

I don't really understand why people prefer to grow autos over photoperiod, the lack of control alone is enough to put me off - but I'd like to understand - help me understand guys :passitleft::peace:
I think the biggest attraction is the turnover time. You can grow out an auto before many growers flip their photos to 12/12. Unless you're the OP for this thread, where 100 days is the average ;).
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