Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Great looking plants GDB. It brings a tear to my eye to see how far they have come with such tender loving care. When do you take over? :blunt:
LMAO! I'm going to let the knucklehead that's been growing 'em take them all the way to the bitter end! :Rasta:
Flipping already?! With that nextlight mega you can grow plants much taller than before. It gets really good penetration up to like 42” away from the panel. I remember Greytail talking about how he never got larf even on the bottom of the plant with the nextlight mega.
First time using the light, Chef. :thanks:
Another sleepless night for me, thus a 4:20 something update.

If you've been hanging around here you know I've had some spider mite issues. I've been battling those suckers with @Sierra Natural Science spider mite treatment.

But bugs, period, just give me the blues and I wanted to do more to prevent battles instead of fight them. SNS reached out to me about their 209 Systemic Pest Control. I bit.

I've got something for all sorts of bugs now!


I hope those little sobs are about to stop bugging me! :Rasta:
I'm up too.
I haven't slept right in about a month now.

I believe I have some 209 coming to me. I hope it works well for you.

I had issues with white flies on my tomatoes and gall mites on my maple tree last year. I'll be trying it in the spring.
Re sleeping; for oral surgery reasons I haven't vaped/smoked this year yet, but I have instead been chewing some decarbed bud that I usually have a sip of coconut oil with it (I must get around to making some proper infusion). But without vaping I have grown to enjoy taking it as an edible. I get a nice stone/high that lasts 5-6 or more hours, and for sleeping which I struggled with I find if I take some an hour before bedtime I now sleep really nicely. For want of better words, consuming it is like a deeper more secure stone/high than vaping/smoking gives, and one that I am finding is a nice way to sleep. I only currently only have tried 2 strains this way and it seems equally as good with both of them. FWIW.:ganjamon:
Re sleeping; for oral surgery reasons I haven't vaped/smoked this year yet, but I have instead been chewing some decarbed bud that I usually have a sip of coconut oil with it (I must get around to making some proper infusion). But without vaping I have grown to enjoy taking it as an edible. I get a nice stone/high that lasts 5-6 or more hours, and for sleeping which I struggled with I find if I take some an hour before bedtime I now sleep really nicely. For want of better words, consuming it is like a deeper more secure stone/high than vaping/smoking gives, and one that I am finding is a nice way to sleep. I only currently only have tried 2 strains this way and it seems equally as good with both of them. FWIW.:ganjamon:
@Stunger, you think I could get the same effect by taking a capsule filled with decarbed weed?
@Stunger, you think I could get the same effect by taking a capsule filled with decarbed weed?
I should think so. I really need to sort out some infusion myself and I have a bag of capsules too. But I have had family around which cramps my freedom to carry out cannabis tasks like that.

One caveat, is the dosing. Last night I found a particular attractive fat bud in my decarb jar and against sensibility I ate it but later found it was a bit much and at first I was a bit too wired to sleep. I feel it works well for me, but not to overdo the dose.:rofl:
Hello growers.

I'm still mostly watching and watering, and too little to do can be a dangerous thing. :Rasta:

I had the fauxto out for feeding today. She's on day 43 post-flip and has been getting 5.7 MC since flip day 25 when I upped it from 5.5. I think this plant has about 20-25 days to go. Seems like a good time to change something, right?

Well, good idea or bad, today I lowered her MC to 5.4g and added 15ml of Terpinator. I'll run with this dosage until the end. (For the Anecdote!)

Here's the standard feeding day pic:

She's getting a little frosty.

The basement tent ladies are on flip day 2!

They got watered today as well. They all got 5g of MC (except the @GeoFlora Nutrients fed Critical Kush.)

I had to water the Strawberry Banana Grape yesterday as her pot was dry and light and she was looking sad. She drinks water fast, noticeably faster than her tent mates!

I fed the CK using 2.5g (per gallon) of Real Growers Recharge. I mixed a gallon and she drank a gallon with minimal run off. Next Wednesday she'll get her first dose of the @GeoFlora Nutrients Bloom nutes.

The leaves on the Critical Kush are beginning to take on a purple hue. They're kinda' pretty. However, I can't show the colors via pic.

SBG is in the middle and CK is back left.

Who's That Knocking At My Door?

I'm not expecting visitors.


Oh, must have been a delivery guy.

To be continued.... :Rasta:

Ooh another box...can't wait for the reveal!

Fauxto is looking great so I hope the anecdote goes well for the next 20-25 days :). And Mr. Krip mentioned this today in terms of switching from veg to flower with GeoFlora:
I didn't do a "transition dose". Since the @GeoFlora Nutrients are in solid form, it takes them a couple of weeks to finish breaking down, so, if you gave them some veg nutes in the last week, or so, by just adding some bloom formula, they're getting a "mix" until the veg finishes breaking down.
Hello growers.

I'm still mostly watching and watering, and too little to do can be a dangerous thing. :Rasta:

I had the fauxto out for feeding today. She's on day 43 post-flip and has been getting 5.7 MC since flip day 25 when I upped it from 5.5. I think this plant has about 20-25 days to go. Seems like a good time to change something, right!

Well, good idea or bad, today I lowered her MC to 5.4g and added 15ml of Terpinator. I'll run with this dosage until the end. (For the Anecdote!)

Here's the standard feeding day pic:

She's getting a little frosty.

The basement tent ladies are on flip day 2!

They got watered today as well. They all got 5g of MC (except the @GeoFlora Nutrients fed Critical Kush.)

I had to water the Strawberry Banana Grape yesterday as her pot was dry and light and she was looking sad. She drinks water fast, noticeably faster than her tent mates!

I fed the CK using 2.5g (per gallon) of Real Growers Recharge. I mixed a gallon and she drank a gallon with minimal run off. Next Wednesday she'll get her first dose of the @GeoFlora Nutrients Bloom nutes.

The leaves on the Critical Kush are beginning to take on a purple hue. They're kinda' pretty. However, I can't show the colors via pic.

SBG is in the middle and CK is back left.

Who's That Knocking At My Door?

I'm not expecting visitors.


Oh, must have been a delivery guy.

To be continued.... :Rasta:

OOOH that looks like a really familiar box, I'm excited for you if it's the same one...and if it's not I'm sure whatever is in there is awesome anyway.
The fauxto and the tent ladies are looking happy and healthy today, GDB!
you think I could get the same effect by taking a capsule filled with decarbed weed?
You sure can- I'd say start with 1 - 1 gram capsule and see how you like it- I took 2, and got a lot more stoned than I wanted to...the high also lasts a loooong time (apx 9 hours for me)
It takes your system a while to digest plant matter, so it also took apx. 6 hours to kick in- 3 times as long as
gummies usually take.
This was my experience, your body may process it a little differently- but the main thing is yes, you will get very stoned, for a very long time- I actually slept through the first 6 hours, so it's evidently an effective sleep aid too.:lot-o-toke:
Lookin top notch Gdb!

ohhh I love surprises especially surprises for the garden! The box looks very similar to a box you got delivered recently, that’s my guess can’t wait for the reveal!
The fauxto and the tent ladies are looking happy and healthy today, GDB!

You sure can- I'd say start with 1 - 1 gram capsule and see how you like it- I took 2, and got a lot more stoned than I wanted to...the high also lasts a loooong time (apx 9 hours for me)
It takes your system a while to digest plant matter, so it also took apx. 6 hours to kick in- 3 times as long as
gummies usually take.
This was my experience, your body may process it a little differently- but the main thing is yes, you will get very stoned, for a very long time- I actually slept through the first 6 hours, so it's evidently an effective sleep aid too.:lot-o-toke:
Okay, that's good news!

Thanks, @Carcass. Chewing weed doesn't appeal to me but if I can get it in some other way I'll surely try it. Today, in fact. :laughtwo:
Ooh another box...can't wait for the reveal!

Fauxto is looking great so I hope the anecdote goes well for the next 20-25 days :). And Mr. Krip mentioned this today in terms of switching from veg to flower with GeoFlora:
Thanks, Shed.

That's interesting. Perhaps my Recharge feed will aid in the transitional stage. Though I have no idea how I'd ever be able to tell! :Rasta:
Hello growers.

Ever have one of those days when you open up a tent and certain plants seem to say, "Hello! Look what I did last night!!"

Well, my 2 auto NL strains did that this morning. They just looked up at me like they are loving life!
And I am not hard to please. Just show me you are trying to flourish and I'm a happy man.

They're on day 38 and getting plain water in concentrated super soil. Not very big, but "trying to flourish."

Blue Lights (Northern Lights x Blueberry) left. Northern Lights x Pakistani Chitral Kush, right.

I Need A Photo ID

I spent some time last night pondering how in the world my "Double Black" plant became a "Double Chocolate" plant. I went back through my journal and saw that I changed the name in a Jan. 21 update and I've stuck with that name since.

None of you probably caught it. I know at least one wise-cracker who would have surely pointed it out had he noticed. Anyway, I'm reverting to Double Black, which is proper since that's what she is! :laughtwo:
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