Gov's PlatinumLED Adventure With DocBud's High Brix Kit

Looking good, Gov!
Gov, looks terrific! :thumb:
Is that plant almost touching or is it the angle?

Lookin' great, Gov! :thumb:
Are your lights all the way up? What are you going to do until they finish - leave 8bk touching the LEDs?

They're all the way up. I can double over the hangers and raise it about another 4", but I'm not putting myself in position to smash some plants. Besides, I've learned so much throughout this grow, I'll also discover their tolerance to touching the lights too...ffs.

Oh, I also wanted to add, since placing the dehumidifier in there, it has stayed between 47%-51% :cool:
Wow, they look great, you are going to need to raise the ceiling next. Are you still backbuilding the buds (ref: LightAddict's method) and have they had their haircuts yet?
In the full shots, you can see the 8bk in the back has some branches touching the lights. Whatever, it doesn't seem to mind too much apparently, and I've already snapped her legs enough times to be brought up on charges.

:rofl: I love me some super cropping too :thumb:

Looking awesome Gov. How heavy are you feeding the blue dream and has it showed any signs of yellowing yet? I went on the light side of feeding on my last one and the rest of the plant ran out of steam before the buds it seemed. By week ten she barely had any functioning leaves left at all and I chopped her but I think the buds could of gone another two weeks easily. I plan on keeping this one feed well and see if I can get 12 or 13 weeks out of her :)

That 8bk is insane! Im much less worried about my next bd after seeing how close that thing is good stuff :thumb:
Wow, they look great, you are going to need to raise the ceiling next. Are you still backbuilding the buds (ref: LightAddict's method) and have they had their haircuts yet?

Nope, not going to do it this grow. Being my first high brix attempt, it serves as my "control" if you will.

:rofl: I love me some super cropping too :thumb:

Looking awesome Gov. How heavy are you feeding the blue dream and has it showed any signs of yellowing yet? I went on the light side of feeding on my last one and the rest of the plant ran out of steam before the buds it seemed. By week ten she barely had any functioning leaves left at all and I chopped her but I think the buds could of gone another two weeks easily. I plan on keeping this one feed well and see if I can get 12 or 13 weeks out of her :)

That 8bk is insane! Im much less worried about my next bd after seeing how close that thing is good stuff :thumb:

I'm feeding them on directions for the most part. Typically, I have 2-3 gals of water in my bucket and put 7ml of my desired drench, 2ml transplant and 2ml tea and bubble it for 10-20 mins. I put it down the top, in the tray and just keep dishing it until it's gone.

Again, I know these plants would look absolutely perfect had I done my brix session with more than half a brain 3 weeks back, but they're hanging tough and growing well.

Sprayed de-stress again this morning, and will up their growth energy tomorrow for their drench (probably from the typical 7ml up to 10ml). Still 3 weeks and 4 weeks left respectively (give or take) and I saw some lower leaves yellowing on the Blue Dream (unrelated to the brix burn I gave them last month) so don't want them running out of gas, like Smokey said his did.

While some of the leaf looks less than perfect, I will say the bud structure looks really good and trichome production has started to pile on. As each grow gets under way there is usually a specific plant/strain I'm more excited about and this time it was the Blue Dream, but this HB 8bk is starting to win me over. Despite her ridiculously long legs and a couple branches spreading outside the light footprint, she has really got some character.

I'm getting home too late, recently, to get in there before they go to sleep, but will try for a few pics today/tomorrow.


p.s. One more thing...I had need to get back up into the attic over the weekend and since I was up there, I decided to go look at my vent flapper etc, and noticed it was wedged in a semi-closed position thus limiting the airflow. So I pushed it into the open position and WHOOOOOSH...maybe that had something to do with my seemingly anemic air exchanges. Been a few days and things seem to be better, Temps peaking at 81f instead of 85-86f on hot days and staying at 78-79 otherwise. That, along with the addition of the larger dehumidifier has improved my environment a little which is always a good thing.
Okay Gov, we're going to need you to set your camera up in the tent to take pics once an hour for the duration of this grow. Why do we have to suffer because you're at work and can't take pics? We, the people, need regular updates at this point. Thankyou. :thumb:
lol...o.k., here ya go. In no particular order...



I sprayed a light misting of brix this morning to follow up on their GE drench yesterday. Still about 3 weeks on the 8bk and 4 weeks on the Blue Dream. Branches are starting to sag, so a little housekeeping will be on tap for Saturday morning.

Very nice Gov! That's some sexy looking smoke.
Thanks guys. I'd be lying if I said there weren't any ugly places on these plants, but in the larger scope of things, I'm really happy with my grade so far in HiBrix kindergarten. The ugly spots are my own doing and if you look at the pics, for instance, the clones are as beautiful as they can be in all ways.

They smell amazing and are really starting to pack on the weight. I've had the 8bk staked for weeks now, but even a few branches on the blue dream are starting to sag and lay on other parts in a few instances.

So, yeah...a few discolored leaves, some ridiculous growth in the big 8bk that required attention, a stubborn clone that wouldn't take the sex change (I don't, a multitude of unscheduled visitors, and this f'n grow continues to move forward gotdammit!

Thanks guys. I'd be lying if I said there weren't any ugly places on these plants, but in the larger scope of things, I'm really happy with my grade so far in HiBrix kindergarten. The ugly spots are my own doing and if you look at the pics, for instance, the clones are as beautiful as they can be in all ways.

They smell amazing and are really starting to pack on the weight. I've had the 8bk staked for weeks now, but even a few branches on the blue dream are starting to sag and lay on other parts in a few instances.

So, yeah...a few discolored leaves, some ridiculous growth in the big 8bk that required attention, a stubborn clone that wouldn't take the sex change (I don't, a multitude of unscheduled visitors, and this f'n grow continues to move forward gotdammit!


If I plant 10, I usually get an "ugly" one too. I often cull them, but your's aren't that bad. You'll have a great harvest!
lol...don't get me wrong. They're "sexy-ugly". They smell complex with every subtle difference right there if you look for it. It's like a naked Michelle Pfeiffer standing there in a trench coat. You can tell what's under there is...well, not anything like what you can physically see.

I'm not unhappy nor disappointed, but I guess I'm saying I know I can do better. But there's still ~4 weeks left in this grow and still lots to look forward to.

You can hit my plants with that ugly stick any day.
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