Gov's PlatinumLED Adventure With DocBud's High Brix Kit

The blue is looking quite dreamy and those amazons are a trip, even the lower nodes are producing choice nugs even if they don't fill in along the stretch. Nice!

I 'm interested to see how they do today since I sprayed brix this morning again. This time I went back to my little atomizer though and didn't spray more than a couple ounces over them. This is their first brix in 2 weeks since their "acid rain", so I want to see how they respond. I also watered them all with water + 1/4 trans this morning.

The Soleus 40qt dehumidifier is working its magic too. I walked in to 47% rh this morning. :)


I 'm interested to see how they do today since I sprayed brix this morning again. This time I went back to my little atomizer though and didn't spray more than a couple ounces over them. This is their first brix in 2 weeks since their "acid rain", so I want to see how they respond. I also watered them all with water + 1/4 trans this morning.

The Soleus 40qt dehumidifier is working its magic too. I walked in to 47% rh this morning. :)


Hey Gov, you know where im at...I doubt ill ever need one of those dehums? What do you think?
Short update (until tomorrow), but things are moving right along. I sprayed some de-stress this morning and split a gallon of straight water between them all. I'm finding they are happiest when I give them a little drink each day as they're so big and drinking so much they will dry out too much if I skip a day.

Still plucking some ugly leaves, but the plants don't seem to be bothered and as I maneuver through them to pull those leaves my arm gets sticky as hell.

Better update with some pics tomorrow. :cool:
Short update (until tomorrow), but things are moving right along. I sprayed some de-stress this morning and split a gallon of straight water between them all. I'm finding they are happiest when I give them a little drink each day as they're so big and drinking so much they will dry out too much if I skip a day.

Still plucking some ugly leaves, but the plants don't seem to be bothered and as I maneuver through them to pull those leaves my arm gets sticky as hell.

Better update with some pics tomorrow. :cool:

Up the drenches just a bit. You shouldn't have too much ugly.
Ugly was only from me blasting them with enough brix for 6 plants and not shaking them at all and they got a little (read ALOT) burnt. The leaves still had good body and felt o.k., but yellowed up and had some spotting on them thanks to moi. So, I left them on thinking any photosynthesis they could bring to the table would still ultimately help them in the end.

That was 3 weeks ago and the worst of them have already been removed. There are still a few that look really yellow, but "feel" healthy so I'm leaving them. I'll get a stack of normal light pics tomorrow morning for my Saturday update.

Saturday morning and time for an update. I got up a few minutes early today and snapped some pics before lights on (I had 6 So, half-awake, I grabbed some images. You can see better the core where I stuck the sprayer wand and blasted them up and down a couple times, then left them that way. I seriously don't know what I was thinking, but these plants...

They smell quite pungent and both have their own distinct profile. You can also see the clones are doing quite well and since they weren't in the brix blast-zone 3 weeks ago, they look perfect. Each has a nice cola and a few nice buds down the stem. I'm sad to announce the Blue Dream I was trying to sex-change has resisted all my CS efforts and I'm out of CS for now. It still may be enough to implement the desired change, but there isn't distinct presentation of such as of yet. I didn't grab any pics of her, I'll go down and remedy that in a little while.

In the full shots, you can see the 8bk in the back has some branches touching the lights. Whatever, it doesn't seem to mind too much apparently, and I've already snapped her legs enough times to be brought up on charges.

Start of week 5...Sorry, no editing this early




















Lookin' great, Gov! :thumb:
Are your lights all the way up? What are you going to do until they finish - leave 8bk touching the LEDs?
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