Try this... because I think you are watering too often, and the fingertip in the soil is not a valid test of what is happening down at the lower root level.
Fill up a similar container with dry soil. Lift it to get an idea of the weight, or weigh it. You want your containers to feel like this before watering again. If your human senses can discern water weight, it is not yet time. These are not tomatoes, they are weeds, and they do not thrive if you make life too easy for them. Make them work for the water. I wrote a piece on how to properly water our weeds... the link is down below. I think the knowledge contained therein will be a big help to you.
Thank you so much to the both of you. I’ll read that this evening and I’ll weigh an empty pot up.

My plan is to repot them Sunday, would you advise rethinking that or changing anything to do with my nutrients I’m giving them at the moment just while they recover?
Over-watering would be my first guess they do look very wet in the pictures. The pH sounds okay. Make sure they are thoroughly dry before you water again don't go by sticking your finger in the soil go by weight!

Lesson learned, checking the top soil isn’t good enough. Thank you
Thank you so much to the both of you. I’ll read that this evening and I’ll weigh an empty pot up.

My plan is to repot them Sunday, would you advise rethinking that or changing anything to do with my nutrients I’m giving them at the moment just while they recover?
The nutrient level is at an unknown right now because of your damaged roots, and I would guess that as they recover they will be able to handle a lot more nutes than they do now. I would keep everything the same at this point except adjusting your watering frequency, and then you will have a better idea where you are at moving forward.
@780grow Glad to have you here, good luck with connecting the 2 tents. I saw the thread and laughed, I’ve struggled enough with just the 1, can’t imagine trying to connect a 2nd
@780grow Glad to have you here, good luck with connecting the 2 tents. I saw the thread and laughed, I’ve struggled enough with just the 1, can’t imagine trying to connect a 2nd

I decided against this as keeping conditions perfect in 2nd tent will be tough, especially with humidity and temperature. I have a 4x4x8 tent with 2 plants in there that I have in the right top corner, I will be adding a veg light on bottom left corner for a new seed. I've been told the light for the 2 plants on the other side shouldnt affect the one in the other corner. Would you say this is the case?
I decided against this as keeping conditions perfect in 2nd tent will be tough, especially with humidity and temperature. I have a 4x4x8 tent with 2 plants in there that I have in the right top corner, I will be adding a veg light on bottom left corner for a new seed. I've been told the light for the 2 plants on the other side shouldnt affect the one in the other corner. Would you say this is the case?

That’s interesting because I was under the impression any light entering into your grow space when the lights should be off is bad. I thought the idea of a grow tent is to create the perfect environment. I would expect the reflective material in the tent to reflect the light onto your current plants, while in veg this isn’t an issue, but once they go into flower this would surely risk a flowering plant going hermie or rentering veg, which can add weeks to your grow? I say all this theoretically, I haven’t experienced this, it’s just from what I’ve read. Total darkness was very clear.

Could you consider adding some type of reflective screen between the new one and the current 2. Adding a hole with ducting in the screen, so you can still extract air from the tent. It wouldn’t change the square foot of your tent, so I think you could safely assume your exhaust fans and inlet fans would handle it. Maybe you’d need a dehumidifier for the flowering section of the tent and a couple more small fans as the tent is now split into sections. This would eliminate any light interference to your older plants once they are are in flower. If this is visable maybe something like valcro would make it easily removable.

I’ll send over a photo soon of a little cupboard I use. I don’t leave the plants longer than 3 weeks which means I face no problems with smell a simple scented candle can’t mask. I’ve got a small clip on fan and I’ve got water in some small containers and some wet clothes to help with humidity. It’s only a small space, but it allows me to save 3 weeks on each grow.
@780grow I had assumed you were growing photo. Realised your growing autos so other than humidity levels, I can’t see a problem with your idea. Might be worth checking humidity in spots of your tent and seeing where it’s at it’s lowest and sticking your 2 plants there, and the new plant in the highest humidity area.
Hi guys,

So with just a few days left of my 1st ever grow, I’ve kicked off the 2nd.

No journal was ever created for my first grow, but I do have lots of pictures through out it’s journey. If anyone’s interested I’ll post the photos on here somewhere.

I’ve met a few people who have grown themselves, but personally never thought I’d bother. With some persuasion from a friend I decided to give it a try.

I assumed it’d be a case of just popping in the tent around 6pm as the lights turn off, give it some water and walk away. Oh how wrong was I! I faced numerous problems, over watering, under watering, nutrient deficiencies, fan falling on a plant and braking some branches, luckily just small lower end ones, humidity and a very small amount of mold, which did take 1 main cola in week 7 of flowering :(.

After all that, IM HOOKED. I’m constantly researching, watching videos, reading journals, checking out every possible problem and how to resolve it. If only I’d researched this much through school!

I’ve made some space and can now start my seedlings and do the first 3 weeks of VEG in a small cupboard with a little T5 light then put them in the tent under the 2 600w HPS.

A little about my setup.

Gorilla Zkittlez from Barney’s Farm

Veg light
T5 light

Flower light
2 x 600w HPS (1 per 4 plants)

Dutch Pro complete set

11-12 litre buckets.


So I’m sure I’ve lost most of you by this point, thanks if you’re still reading. Picture is 24 hours after I put them in soil. Also attached is how I germinated the seeds.
I'm also growing the same strain i love it but I'm about to be harvest the 3 generation an i got 2 healthy 4 generation for among other strains that i will be setting out in the spring
@hawk4200 Nice, I’ll come and take a look at your journal tomorrow, I’ve been digging out roots of my pots today to try and clear it all out. Do you have a journal for each one, or just a continuous one?
The nutrient level is at an unknown right now because of your damaged roots, and I would guess that as they recover they will be able to handle a lot more nutes than they do now. I would keep everything the same at this point except adjusting your watering frequency, and then you will have a better idea where you are at moving forward.

Every time I weigh these bloody things they weigh less, indicating they still have water in. I would have watered them around 10 hours ago in the past. But they’ve lost over 10grams on each pot through out the day. Some are even drooping slightly, but they are still loosing weight each time I weigh them. It’s killing me not watering them but I won’t do it until they are ready. Has made me realise just how early I’ve been watering them in the past.
when you get down to an actual 50-70 grams of water in the solo cup, it is pretty darn dry... and with your hands you wont be able to tell the difference between that and a cup of dry soil. The scale is a little too accurate, but also go by the droop... when you get a constant droop starting in the lowest leaves and heading for the middle... you know you have 12 hours or so before that container is completely empty of water, and thats not pretty. I usually will water anywhere in the 50-80 grams of water point.
when you get down to an actual 50-70 grams of water in the solo cup, it is pretty darn dry... and with your hands you wont be able to tell the difference between that and a cup of dry soil. The scale is a little too accurate, but also go by the droop... when you get a constant droop starting in the lowest leaves and heading for the middle... you know you have 12 hours or so before that container is completely empty of water, and thats not pretty. I usually will water anywhere in the 50-80 grams of water point.

Ok, well I’ve measured both a dry pot and my current pots and they are pretty darn close to the same weight. So I’ll quickly go back over your guide and give them a watering tonight. Thank you.
You have done great then, and you surely built some new roots by taking it down this low! :goodjob: :thumb:

So I’ve watered 5 which appeared to be drooping a bit. The other 5 still appear ok. The light goes off shortly, I’ll check them in around 8 hours.

I’ve added a photo just of a little chart I made myself. Weights can be seen. Took it 3 times over the last 12 hours. Weight of a newly filled cup was 124 grams, which as you can see some reached this same weight. Hopefully the other 5 will be ready in the morning. Then I shouldn’t have to water them until they’ve been repotted on Sunday.

im assuming I’ll find details on how to water when repotted on your journal, so I’ll dig through that so I can follow that once I repot. My last grow I gave them a thorough soaking once I repotted, so it’ll be interesting to see how wrong I got it, oops.

Also added photo of one of the drooping plants and how dry the soil appeared, picture doesn’t do it justice in regards to how dry it looked.


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