Hey Kimber if 6.5 is the highest you're going with the pH that might be an issue. Magnesium can you get locked out at below 6.5 if I was you I would fluctuate my pH levels on waterings from 6.3 to 6.8. now emelia thought it was bug damage possibly mites did you have a really close look for any pests you will probably have to use some magnification. pH_chart7.jpg

Hey Smokey,

Yeah I had a good look, but I’ve just found broad mites online and can see a lot of very similar symptoms on my plants. I only have a 40x, so I’m gonna get a 100x magnifying glass to check it a bit closer as they are so small apparently.

Yeah I read on here somewhere, 5.8-6.5 so I followed that. And tbh I do often sit around 6.2, I’ll give it some ph 6.8 water as soon as they are ready. Unfortunately I watered last night so can’t do anything yet.
It's good to fluctuate through the whole PH range. I've dealt with spider mites before and they really suck but I could see them with the naked eye and the eggs. I have never had any broad mites. Let's hope you don't. I would think 40x should be good enough.
I’ll get the best type of scope I can. Other than that I’ll just continue watering correctly, ph correctly and ensure environment is good.

Today was the first day I’ve really got close up in a while and taken photos. So I’ll see if the problem continues, hopefully with the changes I’ve made so far they are on the mend, rather than getting worse.
I wanted to defoliate a bit as the plants are very bushy and even with tucking no light is getting through the plant. Do you think I should hold off on this? I don’t want to put them under any stress, but I also don’t want to cause further problems by having bad air flow between the plants.

The plants were a bit close together, so I’ve moved them apart as well.

I switched to 12/12 today. Lights are now on during the day and off at night, causing crazy high humidity levels at night 72% when I checked earlier, so it seems it’s time for the dehumidifier to come back into the room.
Lets count the possible stressors...
  1. possible bugs or other problems
  2. switching to bloom and the nutrient changes that go with that
  3. defoliating

I think it would be wise to hold off on flipping them just now... it isn't a race. I would figure out what was going on as far as that leaf damage goes, do a defoliation if that is your method of choice to train the plant, and then wait for the plant to build up some before sending it to flower... but my growing style is a bit more conservative than some when it comes to this. My main worry is sending them to bloom without knowing what is going on with that leaf damage, and if it is bugs, not giving them time to still safely spray the plants and do what you need to do to clear the bugs, and then if the the plants need to build up a bit more after any possible damage that occurs or after you defoliate out the damaged stuff, then you can get ready for a strong clean bloom without any problems.
Nice plant Barney's is a good "solid" breeder - never have gone wrong with them ----------- anyway Have you ever did a 11/13 instead of 12/12 ? You get better yields !! Many defoilate just before the flip to expose all the bud sites More light=more buds !!!!!
Hey @oldsmokey

I went up to 5 gallon pots, more than double in size from the last pots I used. I went for the fabric ones. It’s not quite 7 yet but I’ll see how I get on with these.

Also harvested my first ever grow tonight which was GZ. Had all sorts of ups and downs, lots of lessons learned. But have 80oz wet off 8 plants, will update the dry weight once dried.
Hi @kimber105
That is a nice return in my opinion that's for sure
Hey @oldsmokey

I went up to 5 gallon pots, more than double in size from the last pots I used. I went for the fabric ones. It’s not quite 7 yet but I’ll see how I get on with these.

Also harvested my first ever grow tonight which was GZ. Had all sorts of ups and downs, lots of lessons learned. But have 80oz wet off 8 plants, will update the dry weight once dried.
Hi kim
Lets count the possible stressors...
  1. possible bugs or other problems
  2. switching to bloom and the nutrient changes that go with that
  3. defoliating

I think it would be wise to hold off on flipping them just now... it isn't a race. I would figure out what was going on as far as that leaf damage goes, do a defoliation if that is your method of choice to train the plant, and then wait for the plant to build up some before sending it to flower... but my growing style is a bit more conservative than some when it comes to this. My main worry is sending them to bloom without knowing what is going on with that leaf damage, and if it is bugs, not giving them time to still safely spray the plants and do what you need to do to clear the bugs, and then if the the plants need to build up a bit more after any possible damage that occurs or after you defoliate out the damaged stuff, then you can get ready for a strong clean bloom without any problems.

I don’t like to run much more than 4-5 weeks of 18 hours as the electric bill is just so suspicious with the amount im getting through. I really want to switch the LED for veg so I can use less wattage and veg for longer.

I really hope it isn’t bugs. I’ve not faced any yet, but I’ve read horror stories and a friend who helped me setup went through spider mite through out flower, it sounded awful.

I will keep a close eye on the plants, I’ve taken pictures to see if anything is spreading or worsening. My 120x microscope arrived tomorrow. I’ll defoliate that plant a little as I saw it said they can live inside, I’ll find these little fuc**rs if they are in my tent.

I know it’s not how you’d proceed, but I hope your still help with it.
Nice plant Barney's is a good "solid" breeder - never have gone wrong with them ----------- anyway Have you ever did a 11/13 instead of 12/12 ? You get better yields !! Many defoilate just before the flip to expose all the bud sites More light=more buds !!!!!

Yeah, I’ve got to say never had a seed not germinate so far.

My last grow was the same strain, I put them through hell and they did well, I had a couple of seeds in the bud, but barely any. Think that was from the stress I put them through daily.

Yeah, I was thinking the same with the defol. It’s just the stress they are under which has stopped me from doing it. They are quite bushy and with humidity now becoming a problem, a few less leafs would likely help.

I’ve not tried the 11/13. I saw some info on it. I thought it was done in the last 2 weeks or so, is it something you do the whole way through?
I think it would be wise to wait to switch to bloom untill you get this problem figured out . Once you switch the clock is ticking opposed to having the extra the time if you need it to get things on the right track.

With the electric I just can’t wait mate. It’s not the money side it’s the triple in electric and it just looks so suspicious, people get caught over here for the jump in electric.
Hi @kimber105
That is a nice return in my opinion that's for sure

Hi kim

Thanks dude. I was very happy with the return for a first grow.

I believe I’ve seen your name before on a journal or a FAQ, have you got a journal?
At the height of your canopy

Thanks for responding dude. Just trying to get an idea on where people place them. Looking online it seems everyone is different. So thinking if I follow the advise of the people in my journal, it’ll be the same as theirs.
Thanks for responding dude. Just trying to get an idea on where people place them. Looking online it seems everyone is different. So thinking if I follow the advise of the people in my journal, it’ll be the same as theirs.

I have 2 hygrometers so figured id use them both, one on floor and one on a stand near canopy level. Ive found the temperatures are fairly similar in that regard but have noticed depending on where in the tent, i may have warm or cooler spots.
My big light uses less electricity than my big gaming computer. When anyone ever asks why I use so much energy I simply say that I have 3 gaming computers in the house, AND I am a ham radio operator. The questions never go any further than this.
You should also check out the gas lantern routine method of running your lights... that will confuse the government snoops.
Regarding hanging in there and helping even though you are not doing it as I recommended... of course I will... you got me curious now, and I am in it till the end. :)
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