That's where your plants are going to feel the heat the most so that's where I like to Monitor it. I have several positions on the wall that I move my thermometer to as the canopy grows.

Is yours directly under the light at canopy level, or against the wall of your tent, meaning while it’s still under the light, just not directly like the plants?
I have 2 hygrometers so figured id use them both, one on floor and one on a stand near canopy level. Ive found the temperatures are fairly similar in that regard but have noticed depending on where in the tent, i may have warm or cooler spots.

In regards to your one at canaopy level, is that directly under the light your taking this temperature or up against the side of the wall?
My big light uses less electricity than my big gaming computer. When anyone ever asks why I use so much energy I simply say that I have 3 gaming computers in the house, AND I am a ham radio operator. The questions never go any further than this.
You should also check out the gas lantern routine method of running your lights... that will confuse the government snoops.
Regarding hanging in there and helping even though you are not doing it as I recommended... of course I will... you got me curious now, and I am in it till the end. :)

The amount isn’t too bad. It’s the fact it’s 1.2kw for exactly 18 hours along with the fans being on constant as well. I know I have some other electric hungry appliances in the house, a gaming computer too :p.

My original idea when setting things up was to only use the tent for 1 week in veg. But this grow it’s gone 3 weeks, so it’s not like I’m going a tad over my plan, I’m already going against my plan.

I’ve no idea what the gas lantern method is but I’ll take a look into that now.

I appreciate it, I really do!
Ok, I’ll give that a go, ive got 2 thermometers so I’ll put one against the wall of the tent. I’ve installed a cheap fan controller, just to see how much I can adjust temps with just a fan controller, if it seems any good I’m going to get a better automated one. By slowing the air flow I’ve already been able to bring the temp from 21 to 24, so it seems it might be a worthy investment
Yeah, I’ve got to say never had a seed not germinate so far.

My last grow was the same strain, I put them through hell and they did well, I had a couple of seeds in the bud, but barely any. Think that was from the stress I put them through daily.

Yeah, I was thinking the same with the defol. It’s just the stress they are under which has stopped me from doing it. They are quite bushy and with humidity now becoming a problem, a few less leafs would likely help.

I’ve not tried the 11/13. I saw some info on it. I thought it was done in the last 2 weeks or so, is it something you do the whole way through?

NO !!! you run 13/11 form flip to harvest. As a matter of fact many sativa grower use 13/11 especially if it's a 100% sativa strain guess it take 13 to 13.5 hr of darkness to trigger a plant to start rooting (backed up by science) your transition stage is shorter because of this (faster rooting) used to use 12/12 now 13/11 (13 hrs dark time 11 hrs light) + you save money on lecetricity !!!!!
Day 1 of flower.

Few little things showing on the plants I’m keeping an eye on, but growth is going well, plants are as a big as id like them to get.
NO !!! you run 13/11 form flip to harvest. As a matter of fact many sativa grower use 13/11 especially if it's a 100% sativa strain guess it take 13 to 13.5 hr of darkness to trigger a plant to start rooting (backed up by science) your transition stage is shorter because of this (faster rooting) used to use 12/12 now 13/11 (13 hrs dark time 11 hrs light) + you save money on lecetricity !!!!!

I’ll take a look into this further and let you know how I get on. Have you tried any comparison grows or anything?
@Emilya This isn’t looking good right? I’ve never hoped you are wrong so much lol

In the last picture you can see some type of tail coming off one of the round egg looking things.

Is this some type of mite?
for reference :

mite damage....

dark spot about the middle of this leaf to the left of the spine is a mite...

the lighter translucent dots slightly above on both sides are eggs.

good luck. :goodluck:
Now those look like the spider mites that I have dealt with before small but you can see them and the eggs with the naked eye. No broad mites I've never dealt with and I thought they were smaller than that?

could not really see them with the naked eye. they look like dust if there are piles and the light hits them right. i got lucky, my camera couldn't normally pick them up either. leaf looks loads bigger on screen than it was for real lol ... :p
Thanks everyone. Can quite comfortable say I just zoomed into trichomes and panicked lol. Thanks @bluter your comment made me zoom out and realise they appeared to be part of the leaf. That then got me looking into trichomes.

Today’s crisis averted!
Day 3 of flower.

Would have liked to of done this 3 days ago, but just didn’t have the time.

The plants have been heavily defoliated. I’ve done no lollipopping, as without seeing the stretch I don’t know what will make it and what won’t.

The plants were quite bushy meaning the middle and bottom of the plant was receiving 0 light, so this gives everything a good chance to reach up.

I plan to do a light defoliation at 21 days into flower. It’ll be the final defoliation, anything after this will be tucking only, but I don’t expect to see too much new leaf growth after 21 days.

Plants are looking great with regards to colour and generally looking healthy. All new growth is looking good, things seem pretty perfect now.

Carrying out a 10 litre flush in each plant, just to remove some salts and get ready to move over to flower nutrients.
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