Gorilla Cookies Auto ViparSpectra P2000

Any suggestions on fruit flies? The kids “stashed” a plate of fruit under their dresser and we now have the damn things all over the house and of course they made it into the grow tent.
A fan, yellow sticky traps at the soil line and some mosquito dunks to add to the feed water. This gets rid of them pretty fast.

The fan since they are weak fliers, yellow sticky traps for the adults and mosquito dunks for the larvae. Same protocol for fungus gnats.

For general house use the Zevo traps work pretty good from what I've heard.
Not great for tents since they rely on lights to work.

Hope you guys had a great trip. Glad to see that the wick watering worked.
Any suggestions on fruit flies? The kids “stashed” a plate of fruit under their dresser and we now have the damn things all over the house and of course they made it into the grow tent.
Good one to try is, take an empty soda bottle and put a half inch of water in the bottom, then take a ripe plumb or a banana skin segment and put it in. If you have access to those workplace water cups shaped like a cone, take one and cut the tip off just enough so a fly can just make it through. Put the pointy end in the bottle top and tape around to secure. I like to rub the fruit around the rim before putting it in. They hang aroung the rim before they walk down and in. They cant get out. If you have kids it's a lesson on reproductivity after a while. It really works great! Make a cone from paper if no pre mades. It should be around 2 inches at the top and about that long.
A fan, yellow sticky traps at the soil line and some mosquito dunks to add to the feed water. This gets rid of them pretty fast.

The fan since they are weak fliers, yellow sticky traps for the adults and mosquito dunks for the larvae. Same protocol for fungus gnats.

For general house use the Zevo traps work pretty good from what I've heard.
Not great for tents since they rely on lights to work.

Hope you guys had a great trip. Glad to see that the wick watering worked.
Trip was amazing! I will grab some of the strips, and I already have 2 more fans on order as the 1 isn’t cutting it.

Mosquito Dunks, I will look into this as well. How much do you typically use per gallon of water?
Good one to try is, take an empty soda bottle and put a half inch of water in the bottom, then take a ripe plumb or a banana skin segment and put it in. If you have access to those workplace water cups shaped like a cone, take one and cut the tip off just enough so a fly can just make it through. Put the pointy end in the bottle top and tape around to secure. I like to rub the fruit around the rim before putting it in. They hang aroung the rim before they walk down and in. They cant get out. If you have kids it's a lesson on reproductivity after a while. It really works great! Make a cone from paper if no pre mades. It should be around 2 inches at the top and about that long.
This is good advice as well. I’ve used plastic wrap with small holes in it over a glass before but your method sounds a little better.

I am also going to add a “filter” on my intake fan to try and keep them from continuing to gain access.
Day 29:

Looks like they are starting to flower. I’m currently at 40 DLI using a 16/8 schedule. From what I’ve been reading I’m just about on point and might want to think about going to 45 DLI in the next 1-3 weeks. My VSp2000 says to lower to 13.5” from 16” and move the power to 100% from 75% during flower but I think that is based on a 12/12 lighting schedule. I will just do the math at the current distance and move the lights to 100% when I want to move to 45 DLI and adjust the height as needed.

Probably also time to switch to the GeoFlora Bloom nutes from their Veg nutes on my next round.

I also need to look into when to start trimming back the fan leaves as well.

Damn vacation I feel a little behind now…

Gave them a good drink after these pics and will closely monitor how fast they are drinking now.








I actually raised my lights to 19” and to 100% power and used Photone’s DLI meter to get closer to 37. I redid my tests several times and realized I was closer to 47 and that my top leaves were starting to look a little burned. So hopefully this will help.
Got 2 new fans in there and the yellow sticky strips. By the time I was done even getting the sticky strips in there I had already got like 6 of those damn fruit flies!
Mosquito Dunks, I will look into this as well. How much do you typically use per gallon of water?
Not sure how much to use for mosquito dunks but @Carcass does..

I use the bits. There are directions on the side of the container. I think it's just a Tbsp or two for five gallons.
I would check for you but my bits are buried under 10+ totes of stuff from moving house and I don't want to move them right now.
Not sure how much to use for mosquito dunks but @Carcass does..
Thanks, VG- I do!
It only takes about 1/8 of a dunk to treat 5 gallons of water (or 2 grams of the Bits)
Let the water sit for 24 hours after adding the dunk, so the good bacteria can populate the water, then just water as usual..just keep re-adding water to the 5 gallon container as you use it-1 treatment is good for 3 weeks or so..use the treated water every time you water the plants.
It'll take a week or so, but soon, you'll be gnatless!
Keep using the dunks, to keep the gnats away.
The gnats don't really hurt anything...but they sure are annoying..😠
Thanks, VG- I do!
It only takes about 1/8 of a dunk to treat 5 gallons of water (or 2 grams of the Bits)
Let the water sit for 24 hours after adding the dunk, so the good bacteria can populate the water, then just water as usual..just keep re-adding water to the 5 gallon container as you use it-1 treatment is good for 3 weeks or so..use the treated water every time you water the plants.
It'll take a week or so, but soon, you'll be gnatless!
Keep using the dunks, to keep the gnats away.
The gnats don't really hurt anything...but they sure are annoying..😠
Ok great info! I’m going to order some of these up and hit all the plants in the house. Though as the weather is changing we should see a drop off of them in the house so my main focus is in the tent.
Day 34:

I’ve done some trimming back of some of the fan leaves and gave them their first round of @GeoFlora Nutrients Bloom yesterday along with a nice watering. They seem to be cruising along.

Anyone see anything that I might be missing or should be doing at this stage?

DLI is between 40 and 58 depending one where on the plants I meter with the lights at 100% and now about 18” away.

I was thinking of maybe using some gardening string and start to train them a bit like an apple tree to allow more light to all of the flowers throughout the plant.





These lady’s are certainly THIRSTY! I watered to run off yesterday, taking time to water slow to allow the soil to get good water absorption. I get home today and the soil is dry and one plant is showing signs of being thirsty as she was looking a tad droopy.

Im guessing that they are now flowering and I have 3 circulating fans in in there and the intake and exhaust fans there is lots of air moving which will help dry things up as well. Just didn’t expect that.

I am currently running the @ViparSpectra p2000 and just got a second one in the mail. My tent is a 4x4x8 and I only have the 2 plants in there. Would it be overkill to add the secondary light?

I got the light for future grows so that I can maximize the space I have.

Ok well I installed the secondary light and turned the setting down to 75% on both lights. Looks to be about 60 DLI on average which might be a bit much. I might raise the lights tomorrow after I see how a full light cycle does. I’m trying to get better coverage in the tent so that all parts of the plants are getting good lighting.


Ok well I installed the secondary light and turned the setting down to 75% on both lights. Looks to be about 60 DLI on average which might be a bit much. I might raise the lights tomorrow after I see how a full light cycle does. I’m trying to get better coverage in the tent so that all parts of the plants are getting good lighting.


Looks like the plants are covered well by the light. :thumb:
I know by mid flower I'm only a few inches away from my buds.
That's usually 650/1000 W.
Not sure what your running but I'd be dropping the lights and increasing the strength.
Especially such healthy beautiful girls.
They need all the energy they can get right now.
But that's just me, hehe.
Keep doing what your comfortable with :Namaste:
Everything looks great. :welldone:
Hope your weekend went well.
Take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Looks like the plants are covered well by the light. :thumb:
I know by mid flower I'm only a few inches away from my buds.
That's usually 650/1000 W.
Not sure what your running but I'd be dropping the lights and increasing the strength.
Especially such healthy beautiful girls.
They need all the energy they can get right now.
But that's just me, hehe.
Keep doing what your comfortable with :Namaste:
Everything looks great. :welldone:
Hope your weekend went well.
Take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
@Bill284 the lights are the @ViparSpectra p2000 which are 200w each at 100%.

Their recommendation for flower is 100% @ 13.5” away, but I think that is for photo’s. I am noticing a bit of droop on one plant by this time their daily light cycle, 3 hours left of light and running 16/8. And they don’t need watered. So they might not need any more light?

Everything I’ve read aligns with what you said, so if all looks well tomorrow I might drop the lights and see what happens. It’s all a learning journey for me and so far has been a really fun one!
@Bill284 the lights are the @ViparSpectra p2000 which are 200w each at 100%.

Their recommendation for flower is 100% @ 13.5” away, but I think that is for photo’s. I am noticing a bit of droop on one plant by this time their daily light cycle, 3 hours left of light and running 16/8. And they don’t need watered. So they might not need any more light?

Everything I’ve read aligns with what you said, so if all looks well tomorrow I might drop the lights and see what happens. It’s all a learning journey for me and so far has been a really fun one!
That's fantastic, glad your enjoying everything. :love:
@ViparSpectra makes fantastic lights.
I've used them for years, many grows.
In my smaller flower room I had 12000 w on high when they came in the room.
The other was 1800 w and the same, 100%.
From my experience the full 200w will be appreciated by your ladies. ;)
Have you talked to Vipar Val, their rep?
Super lady. :hug:
She'd love your grow.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
That's fantastic, glad your enjoying everything. :love:
@ViparSpectra makes fantastic lights.
I've used them for years, many grows.
In my smaller flower room I had 12000 w on high when they came in the room.
The other was 1800 w and the same, 100%.
From my experience the full 200w will be appreciated by your ladies. ;)
Have you talked to Vipar Val, their rep?
Super lady. :hug:
She'd love your grow.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thanks again for the info. I just bumped them up to 100% and will see how they do tomorrow. If all looks good I might lower them a tad as well.

I also have stuff on the way to do some LST with them as well.

I have not had the opportunity to speak with Vipar Val, but I am really liking these lights so far!
Thanks again for the info. I just bumped them up to 100% and will see how they do tomorrow. If all looks good I might lower them a tad as well.

I also have stuff on the way to do some LST with them as well.

I have not had the opportunity to speak with Vipar Val, but I am really liking these lights so far!
She is so nice you will love her. :thumb:
Keep up the good work.
Take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Lights at 100% and they seem happy :)

One plant is 13” away and the other is closer to 16” will let it ride like that for a few days and then drop them a little lower or let the plants grow into the light.

Had to water again today with about 2 liters per plant. I’m guessing it’s going to become an every day to ever other day thing now.

Removed the loupe from my jewelers lid that use for soldering and tried to get some “macro” shots haha.




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