Gorilla Cookies Auto ViparSpectra P2000

I would rather wait to see how many females I have
Are these auto regular seeds?
Most but not all autos are usually fems.

Sounds like a wonderful trip. Hope you guys have the time of your lives.
It does!

Transplanting is a complex topic. I like what VG mentioned. If you're going away I'd pot them up before and give them a good water before you head out. Flexing to work for your needs is important. They're pretty good at flexibility.
Looking good in the hood!
Thanks for the wise words. Potting up it is then :)
Are these auto regular seeds?
Most but not all autos are usually fems.

Sounds like a wonderful trip. Hope you guys have the time of your lives.
Yes these are auto’s. At the time I was thinking it would be an easier grow for the first one in so long. My thoughts might have changed on that subject haha

Well if they all turn out to be females then that’s great! I will have 3 to gift around :)
Yes these are auto’s. At the time I was thinking it would be an easier grow for the first one in so long. My thoughts might have changed on that subject haha

Well if they all turn out to be females then that’s great! I will have 3 to gift around :)
They are autos but are they auto regulars or auto feminized seeds?

Regs will have male but fems are all females. Unless it specifically said regs on the package, you probably have fem seeds.

Leaving for five days, I would put them in their final pots. Good chance that they would drink dry whatever you transplant into if that pot is under one gallon.
They are autos but are they auto regulars or auto feminized seeds?

Regs will have male but fems are all females. Unless it specifically said regs on the package, you probably have fem seeds.

Leaving for five days, I would put them in their final pots. Good chance that they would drink dry whatever you transplant into if that pot is under one gallon.
Well I just did a chat with the company I got them from and it appears that you are correct! They said most of their autos are feminized unless it states otherwise.

Soo looks like I need to find a destination for 3 of them :)

I will pot up the 2 I keep to their final home.
Ok potted up and have found a home for the other 3 plants. Yet another learning moment for me here with the autos being feminized… waste of $$. Oh well I’m happy to see them go to a good home.

Also, thanks for the advice to pot up. They had certainly hit the bottom and were starting to wrap around a bit. Not bad but glad I didn’t let them hang until after we got back!

Looking good in there @Ke0ncp

Is this your first time with auto's?
I just put a couple in myself, it has been awhile.
I normally grow Regular and Feminized seeds.

I will follow along if you don't mind?

Be safe, and grow well my friend,
Yup first time with autos! Pull up a chair!

Next grow will be Bruce Banner Feminized and Wedding Gelato I think, no autos. But that’s a ways away and I should have a second VSp2000 by then and should be able to sneak in another strain as well
Weekend update - day 17

They didn’t seem to skip a beat from potting up and a cruising along just fine.

Did a small watering this morning about 2” away and around the original pot size to try and entice the roots to venture off towards the water.

Now it’s time to fire up the smoker and smoke some burgers for dinner :)



Looking good! Personally I prefer growing autos. I’ll tag along.
Thanks for tagging along there @CharlieWaffles
So far it’s been a pretty easy grow, though I am just getting started. Thankfully these forums exist and there are so many knowledgeable and kind growers out there willing to through their experiences out there!
I have a Banner OG auto at just about the same stage as your autos. Should be cool to see how they progress. Where are you located? I’m in Newfoundland. Wonder if the different climates will have a big impact.
I will jump on your grow log as I’m interested to watch that progress! I’m doing BB and Wedding Gelto photo’s my next grow :)

I’m in Minnesota.
They look really good. Glad you transplanted.
When are you guys going on your trip?

Now it’s time to fire up the smoker and smoke some burgers for dinner :)
Sounds yummy.
I'll be right over for dinner. 😉
I’m in Minnesota
Can I ask if you are in the North, South or Metro area? General without being too specific.

I'm in the Southern part of the state.
When are you guys going on your trip?
We are heading out Thursday and back on Tuesday. Can not wait and excited to hit the good head shops out there too!

We are in the Metro but not for long. We are too close to the madness and are looking to sell next spring hopefully and move NW of the metro with a couple of acres. As a family we’ve decided that we want to be further out. I’m so glad our little ones are on bored and not worried about moving away from friends etc.
We are heading out Thursday and back on Tuesday. Can not wait and excited to hit the good head shops out there too!

We are in the Metro but not for long. We are too close to the madness and are looking to sell next spring hopefully and move NW of the metro with a couple of acres. As a family we’ve decided that we want to be further out. I’m so glad our little ones are on bored and not worried about moving away from friends etc.
Do you have someone to water while you are gone?
They should be fine but you can make a simple wicking system to self water while you are away.
Something like this...

Just a vessel for water and some cotton cord for wicking.
Up to you but I wanted to at least put it out there for your consideration.

I can't blame you for wanting to leave Murderapolis. My BFF lives up there and she wants to escape as well.
It's gotten really bad in the last ten years.
I don't really go up there anymore.

Edit: who self waters succulents and pothos?
Poor plant choices but you get the general idea.
Do you have someone to water while you are gone?
They should be fine but you can make a simple wicking system to self water while you are away.
Something like this...

Just a vessel for water and some cotton cord for wicking.
Up to you but I wanted to at least put it out there for your consideration.

I can't blame you for wanting to leave Murderapolis. My BFF lives up there and she wants to escape as well.
It's gotten really bad in the last ten years.
I don't really go up there anymore.

Edit: who self waters succulents and pothos?
Poor plant choices but you get the general idea.
Hey now that’s a great idea. I will give them a good watering the day we leave and set up for self watering as well.

Thanks for the tip!
Pre vacation post.

Day 21:

Cruising along nicely. Through there is a couple new leaves that are very light green just on the very tip.

I just watered to runoff and will set up the self watering wicking set up in a couple of hours after coffee kicks in.

See you all next week!





I forgot to do a quick update yesterday before we left.

Set up the auto wicking watering, thanks for the tip on that @Virgin Ground.

Also, not in the picture, I decided to experiment a little and I topped one of them so that I can see for myself what the difference might be.

Day 26:

Still cruising along and looking good. Wicking system seemed to work well. Getting in the tent later today to poke around and see what’s doing with them a little more.



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