Sorry about the balls 🥎 🎱 🎾

As my ole nan used to say [*Deleted by admin due to lewd and inappropriate language*]
Ahahahahahahahhahahahahahhaahahah breathe ahahahahahahahah
Just pics today.

Gorilla Glue #4

Godzilla Glue #4

Yeah, guess that's how you've got to look at it. And the remaining two are healthy and full of promise!

So you're stuck with them! (Ha! See what I did?) :)
They're already starting to smell!
Maybe I should have said "you're stuck with the glues." 🫤
Sorry, I didn't catch that the first time, lol!
I'm blaming Black Sugar!
Plants look amazing! Sucks about the male but the other two are monsters! One day I'll have to try an outdoor grow
Thanks Stizz1e!
It's fun, but you don't get much control.
Sorry about the balls 🥎 🎱 🎾

As my ole nan used to say [*Deleted by admin due to lewd and inappropriate language*]
Thanks Tra!
Always good to hear what Ole Nan has to say!
That's kinda sucks but the other 2 look awesome 👌
Thanks con!
Good morning el Beardo!

Errrry time I see this plant I see a heart 💚

Oh no
There goes Tokyo
Go go Godzilla.
Thanks Shed!
Not surprising that a Godzilla-sized plant has a Godzilla-sized caterpillar. :eek: Well-spotted and removed (I hope).
It's a monarch caterpillar!
They only eat milkweed, and this one has been munching on the little milkweed plant that was visible beside the Gorilla Glue #4. They move onto stronger, bushier plants to make their chrysalis, and this one chose Gorilla Glue #4.
I'll let it stay there, although I may move that little sucker branch into a terrarium to mature, since It'll be safer there, and so we can tag the butterfly when it emerges.
Sorry about the Space Lemons though, and that it took so long to show too. :(
Yeah. I don't seem to have good luck with that strain.
Thanks Shed!

It's a monarch caterpillar!
They only eat milkweed, and this one has been munching on the little milkweed plant that was visible beside the Gorilla Glue #4. They move onto stronger, bushier plants to make their chrysalis, and this one chose Gorilla Glue #4.
I'll let it stay there, although I may move that little sucker branch into a terrarium to mature, since It'll be safer there, and so we can tag the butterfly when it emerges.

Yeah. I don't seem to have good luck with that strain.
Hell yeah!!!
That baby 🦋 got class 😊
That caterpillar is turning into the butterfly stage, it won't be eating anymore plants. Hope you didn't kill it. It's a monarch.
My dad plants milkweed in as many gardens as possible. He collects monarch eggs before the ants can get to them, and raises the caterpillars. He then tags the butterflies of the late summer generation, which are the ones that fly down to Mexico for the winter.
They're trying to figure out how many butterflies actually make it down there, and from what areas. It lets them know which migration corridors need work, or need to be reopened.
My dad plants milkweed in as many gardens as possible. He collects monarch eggs before the ants can get to them, and raises the caterpillars. He then tags the butterflies of the late summer generation, which are the ones that fly down to Mexico for the winter.
They're trying to figure out how many butterflies actually make it down there, and from what areas. It lets them know which migration corridors need work, or need to be reopened.
Thank him for his service 🙏 That's so awesome

Made me feel better too.. relief 💚
Mel, if you can tag a butterfly you should never break a branch! :)
Was there someone with that username here?
I thought there might be, but when I typed it the tag didn't go live, so no
I thought there might be, but when I typed it the tag didn't go live, so no
Hmm. Maybe they changed their name?
I just tried to tag someone by their old screen name, and it didn't come up.
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