Gods Green Crack & Red Monster By Suntana

I'm still washing and drying .I'm sure glad your looking after me, the bud wash is working fantastic! I have bottles ordered from China lol, fucked up and didn't read where they were located, but I have 20 coming. Now I need to order some from close by, so I'm ready. No wrecks lately, but lots of headaches (I think from smoke) these fires that come up from the US are close by now and choking me out .
I'm so damn excited to get going, but holy shit I have a lot of preparation to do.

*China, will take up to 2 months to get there, still worth it in the long run. But now you need stuff soon. As I mentioned before, there are packs of 12 dark glass dropper bottles (your choice of size) and nice small funnels that will make it mess free. Am*zon Canada is awesome for stuff like that. If you tell me what size you're looking for I can send you the link direct to save you time. But you're independant so I don't want to step on your toes. Awesome detective work along the way.

You would think with the amount of grass I've trimmed it would go a lot faster! NOT! Working away on outdoor .

*That picture made me blush, I don't know why...hahahaha

The first prep takes the longer cause everything is new. When I did my second batch, it was so much faster, I shook my head at myself. But if I didn't do my research, I would have failed cause there are so many versions of the oil making processes.

My theory right now for my health...I say give me the best oil for my money. Hence the 8 hours I wanted for potency.

And being on oil, while making oil, is double sweet you haven't encountered yet. You're so close. Honestly, if you need me to research something, or be online when you start making it, I'll be there.

I know it's overkill, but I relied on the help of so many 420 peeps, you were there brother, right down to misreading the temperature on my oven between Farenheit and Degrees (Thanks magicjim!). How dumb of me. Shiz like that just happens. lol. I got lots of embarassing stories, maybe too many? hahahaha
*China, will take up to 2 months to get there, still worth it in the long run. But now you need stuff soon. As I mentioned before, there are packs of 12 dark glass dropper bottles (your choice of size) and nice small funnels that will make it mess free. Am*zon Canada is awesome for stuff like that. If you tell me what size you're looking for I can send you the link direct to save you time. But you're independant so I don't want to step on your toes. Awesome detective work along the way.

*That picture made me blush, I don't know why...hahahaha

The first prep takes the longer cause everything is new. When I did my second batch, it was so much faster, I shook my head at myself. But if I didn't do my research, I would have failed cause there are so many versions of the oil making processes.

My theory right now for my health...I say give me the best oil for my money. Hence the 8 hours I wanted for potency.

And being on oil, while making oil, is double sweet you haven't encountered yet. You're so close. Honestly, if you need me to research something, or be online when you start making it, I'll be there.

I know it's overkill, but I relied on the help of so many 420 peeps, you were there brother, right down to misreading the temperature on my oven between Farenheit and Degrees (Thanks magicjim!). How dumb of me. Shiz like that just happens. lol. I got lots of embarassing stories, maybe too many? hahahaha

I did almost pee myself laughing at the oven problem, it sounds like something I would have done if you hadn't of first .
Did the bottle you found have droppers, or is that even necessary?? Or do I just take a good pull off the bottle once in a while? I'm thinking I should go with no less than 16 oz bottles?? I don't know it's a lot to figure out. I ordered 20oz from china lol. That's not considered close to a 26er of alcohol is it?
It's kind of nerve racking cause I want it right, lol
Ya, ok I need your help lol
I did almost pee myself laughing at the oven problem, it sounds like something I would have done if you hadn't of first .
Did the bottle you found have droppers, or is that even necessary?? Or do I just take a good pull off the bottle once in a while? I'm thinking I should go with no less than 16 oz bottles?? I don't know it's a lot to figure out. I ordered 20oz from china lol. That's not considered close to a 26er of alcohol is it?
It's kind of nerve racking cause I want it right, lol
Ya, ok I need your help lol

*HAHAHAHAHAHA yah, sooo funny. I won't let myself live that one down for a looong time. But it's so hilarious, the way my brain works and doesn't work, makes me laugh all the time and it's hard to stop. I swear I need to do a stand up comedy about brain stuff, you can't pay enough for this gold. lol.

Now that I'm dosing it fulltime; you have to LOVE the taste of oil to swig it as many times a day you will need. But even I get tired of a taste that started off awesome, but now requires a chaser even with the dropper.

So i started off with getting bottles with droppers because my tongue would get saturated with flavour and out flavour anything else after. I just drop it down my throat and I can take more that way with less taste, than swigging oil in my mouth ...uhhum... minimum 4 times a day. HAHAHA gosh, it just sounds wrong but it's right in every way.

I do take a green juice chaser - small glass - after every dose to give my body a super boost while taking oil. It tastes great together.

You can think about it, I'll do some research for you, then I'll pm you with options. No sweat, it's the quest for the holy oil...lol We have enough brain between the both of us...;)
Just finished another head scan today, see if there's and live cells in there. .

If there was, the scan killed them by now...hahaha

EDIT: I sent you the recommended links for your bottles and the size you want, with other sizes as well. I probably gave you more info than you need but it's good to have it in one document. :love:
Gods Green Crack & Red Monster By Suntana

If there was, the scan killed them by now...hahaha

EDIT: I sent you the recommended links for your bottles and the size you want, with other sizes as well. I probably gave you more info than you need but it's good to have it in one document. :love:

Found your email G2HM .thank you very much, that was a lot of great info. I looked back at my china order, it was 20ml not 20oz lol. I'm not getting any smarter with this disease that's for sure.
Thanks to you, I think I'm going to make it through this process haha.
Believe me, I am super grateful .
Re: Gods Green Crack & Red Monster By Suntana

I ordered the 4000, major disappointment bro, it didn't include any lube and my wanker is dryer than the deserts in Saudia Arabia

Some dude said to me today, during a conversation, something to the effect of "slicker than whale shit on an iceberg"...lol. It could have been penguin shit...but he was spouting off these sayings faster than I could remember them. "Happier than a nun that just got results of a negative pregnancy test" was another one lol
Checking in and pulling up a seat. I know I will gain a lot of knowledge I already have but I always am looking to expand my knowledge base to an even larger knowledge base
Gods Green Crack & Red Monster By Suntana

Thats why i call 420 home.

I don't know where I would be without you PW. You are literally the best coach I ever had.

If I turn out to be half the grower you are, then I will be just fine.

I literally call you my 420 family because I got high hopes fo you ;)

I think the big head would match your humungous ❤️ heart and voluminous plants.

Cue Pat for size jokes...lol
Re: Gods Green Crack & Red Monster By Suntana

Some dude said to me today, during a conversation, something to the effect of "slicker than whale shit on an iceberg"...lol. It could have been penguin shit...but he was spouting off these sayings faster than I could remember them. "Happier than a nun that just got results of a negative pregnancy test" was another one lol

Was he a newfy?
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