GivenToFly's Soil - OG Kush & Black Jesus OG - Mars Hydro 1200

What are you saying?

I've read this and talked to people about it too. Your run off is only going to be a general idea of what your soil Ph really is. Just add a .2 or .3 to your readings and that will likely be a much more accurate idea of your soil's Ph.

If you're getting readings at 6.7 or higher you may want to flush a couple of times with just water at 6.0 to bring down your soils Ph.
I've read this and talked to people about it too. Your run off is only going to be a general idea of what your soil Ph really is. Just add a .2 or .3 to your readings and that will likely be a much more accurate idea of your soil's Ph.

If you're getting readings at 6.7 or higher you may want to flush a couple of times with just water at 6.0 to bring down your soils Ph.

Good to know!
GivenToFly's Soil - OG Kush & Black Jesus OG - Mars Hydro 1200

Week 9

Ok here we go......

So the last time I watered, text book procedure I thought, watered until I saw runoff but now I am seeing some kind of issue on all plants. My thoughts are I definitely over watered and in the process wiped out whatever nutes/cal mag they were holding onto and taaa daaa



Or, theory 2...... they are out of room. My gut has been telling me to get them out of the 3 gallons. So I did. Took both BJOGs and OGK 2 to 5 gallon containers. It wasn't a smooth transition at all. But we got it done. Hope they forgive me. We will give them a day a see if they look happier. I hope they do.

This is roots from both BJOJ.



This picture makes them look awesome! Not happy where I'm at. Hope the transplant and then good feeding they will be back on track to flower time!

Ive never had a root bound plant, but that looks like it could be the answer though. Also, you could flush every third time if you think you flushed out the nutes. Of course it takes time for deficiencies to show, not usually immediate like that, more than a day or so.
Ive never had a root bound plant, but that looks like it could be the answer though. Also, you could flush every third time if you think you flushed out the nutes. Of course it takes time for deficiencies to show, not usually immediate like that, more than a day or so.

I'm not sure if they were out of room but I feel better now knowing they are ok for a couple more months.

They were a little perkier this morning. I'm gonna transplant the other 2 this afternoon and then I think they will eat tomorrow or Friday and hopefully they get back on track, not to say we are in crisis mode yet!

Have a good vacation man! ✌️
Re: GivenToFly's Soil - OG Kush & Black Jesus OG - Mars Hydro 1200

after transplant will be better:Namaste:
Week 9

Ok here we go......

So the last time I watered, text book procedure I thought, watered until I saw runoff but now I am seeing some kind of issue on all plants. My thoughts are I definitely over watered and in the process wiped out whatever nutes/cal mag they were holding onto and taaa daaa



Or, theory 2...... they are out of room. My gut has been telling me to get them out of the 3 gallons. So I did. Took both BJOGs and OGK 2 to 5 gallon containers. It wasn't a smooth transition at all. But we got it done. Hope they forgive me. We will give them a day a see if they look happier. I hope they do.

This is roots from both BJOJ.



This picture makes them look awesome! Not happy where I'm at. Hope the transplant and then good feeding they will be back on track to flower time!

Week 9

I got the last to transplanted into their 5 gallon containers. Went through all of them and took off the few dead leaves from each one. They all look better and seem to have recovered from over watering last week. Won't do that again!

So tomorrow they will get 5ml FNG/3ml cal mag. If anyone has experience with ProMix I would love your input on watering and ph.

I say one more week and I am flipping the switch. I've given them my locker room speech and they are pretty pumped up and ready to go!!

Week 10 baby! This is going to be the one!

After a rough couple weeks of ph roller coasters, unnecessary flushing, sad and dead leaves, I think the girls are feeling better. I was nervous for a while. We spent lots of quality time together this morning....we will get back to that.

Fed them Thursday, 5ml FNG/3ml cal mag. This was their first feed/water since the disastrous overwatering debacle a couple weeks ago and since they have been in the 5 gallon pots. I only gave them 2 gallons vs the usually 3. Going to feed them again before just water. Then we will be on feed , feed , water, repeat.

I had not LST'd since the transplant because I wanted them to relax for a little bit and just be happy. Well the BJOG got a little too tall so I thought it was time to tie them back down. Went ahead and snipped most of the dead leaves and cleaned up very little else. The 3 OGK look great!! Only LST'd 2 of them( you can see in the pic). I want to see what the 1 does au natural! She looks amazing! I will have to defol her later this week because she is bushy!!


OG Kush baby!

BLack Jesus






GivenToFly's Soil - OG Kush & Black Jesus OG - Mars Hydro 1200

Week 10

Calibrated ph meter and it was .4 over!! Ugh. So I think it's safe to say that would explain why every plant is displaying some kind of deficiency. Sorry my pics always suck.



So then i didn't know if I should feed or just water. So I went ahead and fed again. Hope they will be ok.

Gave them 5ml FNG/3ml Bloom/3ml Cal Mag at 5.9ph.

They are getting big!!

Last day of week 10
Watered last night with 5.5 ph and 5ml cal mag/gallon. They look a lot better than they did last Sunday. Hopefully the increased cal mag will help.

Week 11 will be my last week of veg and we will be switching to 12/12 week 12. I have begun bloom nutes at 1/2 strength last week and we have increased cal mag from 3ml to 5ml/gal and are back to 3 gallon of water every 3-4 days.

Last Sunday

This morning. Boom!
This may be the best advice I've gotten!

I used 5ml(1tsp) for each gallon of water. They look better already!

According to to the bottle i have that is the standard dose. Im not saying you should flood the plant with calmag but with the strain ive got, the ones under LED like it.

Also, you can turn your lights off for a couple minutes when you shoot, its not gonna hurt'em. I did it during my first harvest and no problem.

This pic from a few weeks ago.

Week 11
75°/65%rh( haven't had the ac on in the house)

Going to switch to 12/12 on Sat/Sun. Got a little more space to fill in and we are a go for launch. Sunday will be 11 full weeks of veg. Learned a lot. Here's to the next 60ish days! Cheers!

OG Kush 1,2,3


Black Jesus OG on the left. I tied down the top one that's why it looks a little off. They haven't looked right for a long time and I can't figure it out. Nothing looks deficient but all the new growth comes in all small, wrinkly, curly, not right. Not sure how else to describe it. They both have it though. Maybe the plant?


All 3 OGK look amazing!


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