Girl Scout Cookies

Looks great, I already see frost. My GSC was very white in frost. You still have some stretch left in her but you could lower you net some.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
Thanks! Yeah thats three votes for lowering it including mine, I'LL go ahead and do it tomorrow. Its 3 feet tall what height do you think I should lower it to? Im thinking maybe lower it 6 inches.

Sent from my SM-T217S using 420 Magazine Mobile App
Yeah there is definitely not going to be much more stretch out of them, stretch only lasts approximately 21 days with the rest of the height only gained from buds.

I would put the SCROG low enough so that most tops are through the netting.


No doubt, have not had a chance to do it yet because I was digging around my yard today, have to do it tomorrow, haha!

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Here we go guys update time! So I have been maintaining the girls to my best abilities for my first grow. It is day 22 of flower and I am happy with development, I don't think there are going to be any wispy bud here! . Any how I am happy that I decide to lower the trellis by eight inches, I don think they're going to stretch much more. I still have about six to eight more inches I can raise my lights. Buds are looking frosty and there is a very sweet, fuel, with a dank overtone permeates the room. Calyxes are starting to swell and kolas are praying.! Anyway here are pics!

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It took a week, to germinate in rock wool. What medium are you growing in? Thanks!!! .

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I planted right into soil, Black Gold. I planted 5 and only two sprouted. The first took a week and the other one a full two weeks. I just tossed the ones that weren't sprouted at the end of two weeks. I am wondering if it's something with the strain or if I got bad seeds.
Now I'm not familiar with Black Gold soil, which one exactly? One thing that makes germination easier, as you may have seen already, is soaking them for 24-48 hrs. in water before inserting them in your medium. Also you want to make sure if your growing from seed to use a light soil that won't burn your plants or straight up kill them. Fox Farms Light Warrior Soil is what I use when I'm not using rock wool for hydro. After your seedlings have a strong root system then put them in full strength soil.

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Now I'm not familiar with Black Gold soil, which one exactly? One thing that makes germination easier, as you may have seen already, is soaking them for 24-48 hrs. in water before inserting them in your medium. Also you want to make sure if your growing from seed to use a light soil that won't burn your plants or straight up kill them. Fox Farms Light Warrior Soil is what I use when I'm not using rock wool for hydro. After your seedlings have a strong root system them put them in full strength soil.

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Their Natural and Organic kind. It actually has an NPK rating of 0-0-0. I didn't presoak them though I was going to try that next time, hoping it makes a difference. I have heard scratching the seeds up with emery paper helps too
Soaking mos def makes a difference, I know from experience, if the beans are good they're going to pop in 72 hours. Will I don't know if you want to NPK to be 0-0-0, Light Warrior has a about half strength.

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Soaking mos def makes a difference, I know from experience, if the beans are good they're going to pop in 72 hours. Will I don't know if you want to NPK to be 0-0-0, Light Warrior has a about half strength.

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Yeah it's an interesting choice I know, but it's very cheap and I got used to it on my last grow. One of my buddies who has grown for a long time in soilless mix recomended getting a really mild soil because I planned on bottle feeding and he said it would help me avoid burning them and getting pH lockout. It seemed to work fantastic on my last grow until I wound up running into a host of other problems. So, I corrected those issues, and I figured I'd try again with the same soil and nutrient choice I had because despite my low yield it did seem like a winning formula for potency. Pretty sure my low yields were due to poor light and growing setup though, so I invested in a nice tent and light kit and am trying again.

I'll definitely try giving them some help. I have not really planted many seeds before but the ones I have, they always just sprouted up right out of the soil from a direct planting, no soaking necessary. I am just a little worried that maybe they're not going to be the most viable seeds and I'll only be able to germinate a few out of the last handful that I have. Guess I'm just going to have to give them all the help I can and hope for the best. Supposedly they're feminized from a Platnim Girl Scout Cookeis clone. I'm not sure if they'll stabilize to that phenotype or be varied like GSC usually is, but I only have two so I think chances are they'll probably be similar. I had a Platinum Girl Scout Cookies clone before, and I'm not really seeing the same deep lavendar hues in the stem that I saw, but they're not really that big yet so we'll see.

Uhh, sorry I started to ramble a bit lol
Yeah it's an interesting choice I know, but it's very cheap and I got used to it on my last grow. One of my buddies who has grown for a long time in soilless mix recomended getting a really mild soil because I planned on bottle feeding and he said it would help me avoid burning them and getting pH lockout. It seemed to work fantastic on my last grow until I wound up running into a host of other problems. So, I corrected those issues, and I figured I'd try again with the same soil and nutrient choice I had because despite my low yield it did seem like a winning formula for potency. Pretty sure my low yields were due to poor light and growing setup though, so I invested in a nice tent and light kit and am trying again.

I'll definitely try giving them some help. I have not really planted many seeds before but the ones I have, they always just sprouted up right out of the soil from a direct planting, no soaking necessary. I am just a little worried that maybe they're not going to be the most viable seeds and I'll only be able to germinate a few out of the last handful that I have. Guess I'm just going to have to give them all the help I can and hope for the best. Supposedly they're feminized from a Platnim Girl Scout Cookeis clone. I'm not sure if they'll stabilize to that phenotype or be varied like GSC usually is, but I only have two so I think chances are they'll probably be similar. I had a Platinum Girl Scout Cookies clone before, and I'm not really seeing the same deep lavendar hues in the stem that I saw, but they're not really that big yet so we'll see.

Uhh, sorry I started to ramble a bit lol

Sounds like you have a plan to me. I'm not one to knock people's choices, because there are many ways to get to the same result while growing. All I can do is tell you what worked for me. Soaking the beans is a good idea like we talked about before, and yeah it does suck but sometimes you get bad seeds, my blueberry seeds I got were duds and most died not too long after sprouting, the last one alive is growing slow as hell! I don't mind the rambling, son get much visitors rounds these parts! Anyway good luck with the next batch of seeds. Oh yeah, I guess that since your hand feeding them that the seeds really don't need to have any nutes until they sprouted so I would say that your method should work.

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The grow bug has hit my house hard! Me and my lady are both getting our hands dirty! We are currently prepping a 30 ft long bed of soil on the side of our home for a vegetable garden, I'll be throwing some cannabis out in the mix of course along with summer squash, cucumber, kale, lettuce, all blend lettuce, carrots, bell peppers, and some ornamental perennials, tomatoes we'll be added too! With my current grow in flower being hydro, and my grow behind that one being soil, I am now getting even deeper in to soil amendment. From what I'm hearing high brix is where it's at, and that goes for quality cannabis and nutrient rich produce. I am taking control of my life, and health. Being a diabetic who suffers with nerve pain, it's been a tough couple of years for me! I have not let anything hold me back from pursuing my passion for music and growing alike! I am even more determine to grow the type of food that will help me heal and repair my body! With food that we eat being of such poor nutrient value no wonder we are plagued with so many diseases in our society. I am pledging to be part in bringing about awareness to the distance we have between who grows our food and what we eat, to what drugs they say we can and can't use. There are no pics of my girls in this update, it's just a a power to the people update! Over and out! ..️

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