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I'm using my own soil mix, 1 part potting soil 1 part perlite and a mix of peat and worm castings. Ferts are fox farms.
I don't have the patience for hydro:)
I used to be on here all the time and have several journals under the name fish cake but then I moved to a VERY Mj unfriendly state so I had to lay low awhile to get the vibe around here.

Mixing your own soil is he way to go! Yeah soil is a lot easier to tend to, My first soil grow is still in veg so I won't know which bud I like better for a while longer. It must suck living in an anti Cannabis state. One thing I've learned about hydro is once you understand the strain, and how much the feed it gets easier to tend to them. I also like the control that I have.

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Mixing your own soil is he way to go! Yeah soil is a lot easier to tend to, My first soil grow is still in veg so I won't know which bud I like better for a while longer. It must suck living in an anti Cannabis state. One thing I've learned about hydro is once you understand the strain, and how much the feed it gets easier to tend to them. I also like the control that I have.

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It's a lot of work but it's nice to stack your own mix. I'm lazy and just use FFOF out of bag. I do like to see others do their own thing. Especially when it works well.


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Mixing your own soil is he way to go! Yeah soil is a lot easier to tend to, My first soil grow is still in veg so I won't know which bud I like better for a while longer. It must suck living in an anti Cannabis state. One thing I've learned about hydro is once you understand the strain, and how much the feed it gets easier to tend to them. I also like the control that I have.

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I find a soil grow can be more forgiving especially with my lackadaisical mentality. that said hydro is a fine way to grow and I have smoked some mighty fine weed grown that way!
How does your GSC like to be fed? Heavy,Lite or in between?
Oh Man you don't even know how ANTI Mj they are around here LOL. Its like...well if you have ever watched the movie easyrider then you will have a good idea of how archaic this place really is. They are all still living in the 50s and 60s Nancy Reagan would be proud.
It's a lot of work but it's nice to stack your own mix. I'm lazy and just use FFOF out of bag. I do like to see others do their own thing. Especially when it works well.


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Aint nothing wrong with using store bought soil at all! I like my bit of control of whats in there thats all! If it works for you don't fix it.right?
I find a soil grow can be more forgiving especially with my lackadaisical mentality. that said hydro is a fine way to grow and I have smoked some mighty fine weed grown that way!
How does your GSC like to be fed? Heavy,Lite or in between?
Oh Man you don't even know how ANTI Mj they are around here LOL. Its like...well if you have ever watched the movie easyrider then you will have a good idea of how archaic this place really is. They are all still living in the 50s and 60s Nancy Reagan would be proud.

I fed my girls up to 1600 ppm no problem, no signs of nute burn. They drink a lot of water up to 2 1/2 gallons some days. Also they like MagiCal or CalMag whatever one you use measure at least 250 PPMs or 10ml of that when mixing especially when using RO of course. I would say they are a good in between eater but you can push them if you want.

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I fed my girls up to 1600 ppm no problem, no signs of nute burn. They drink a lot of water up to 2 1/2 gallons some days. Also they like MagiCal or CalMag whatever one you use measure at least 250 PPMs or 10ml of that when mixing especially when using RO of course. I would say they are a good in between eater but you can push them if you want.

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I will drop some experience on you. Less is more when it comes to nutes. I feed lightly, but feed every time I water. Feeding once a week will overload your soil and build up salts. Even when I was watering this girl every other day (#3, too small) I fed. I shoot for about 650 to 700 ec. I do not see any signs of under feeding nor do I burn tips. More nutes will not grow a bigger plant or increase yield. Happy plants getting what they need will grow big and yield. New growers tend to be heavy handed with ferts to cover up other issues in their grow. Dial your light, heat, RH, then pick a nute program (FF, AN, ect), try not to mix different brands and use feeding schedule.


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I will drop some experience on you. Less is more when it comes to nutes. I feed lightly, but feed every time I water. Feeding once a week will overload your soil and build up salts. Even when I was watering this girl every other day (#3, too small) I fed. I shoot for about 650 to 700 ec. I do not see any signs of under feeding nor do I burn tips. More nutes will not grow a bigger plant or increase yield. Happy plants getting what they need will grow big and yield. New growers tend to be heavy handed with ferts to cover up other issues in their grow. Dial your light, heat, RH, then pick a nute program (FF, AN, ect), try not to mix different brands and use feeding schedule.


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Yeah I didn't feed them that much the whole time. The solution I mixed was usually between 800-1000. I understand the less is more approach. I did push them at one point for the sake of learning the strain though.

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I will drop some experience on you. Less is more when it comes to nutes. I feed lightly, but feed every time I water. Feeding once a week will overload your soil and build up salts. Even when I was watering this girl every other day (#3, too small) I fed. I shoot for about 650 to 700 ec. I do not see any signs of under feeding nor do I burn tips. More nutes will not grow a bigger plant or increase yield. Happy plants getting what they need will grow big and yield. New growers tend to be heavy handed with ferts to cover up other issues in their grow. Dial your light, heat, RH, then pick a nute program (FF, AN, ect), try not to mix different brands and use feeding schedule.


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Sorry, here she is,



Auto AK, 70cm 102 g dry, 84 days from seed. This was my first feed every time plant. Worked great.


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I fed my girls up to 1600 ppm no problem, no signs of nute burn. They drink a lot of water up to 2 1/2 gallons some days. Also they like MagiCal or CalMag whatever one you use measure at least 250 PPMs or 10ml of that when mixing especially when using RO of course. I would say they are a good in between eater but you can push them if you want.

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Awesome!Thank you so much for the FYI
Fat kolas!!! I think I've seen this picture in another forum. Did you post this in the eye candy forum?

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No. But I've used it as an example a few times. It's nice to show what you did worked.


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Man have to post these pics! This last week of flush seems to be squeezing the last bit of everything out of the plant the buds seem to still be bulking up like the bracts are swelling up. Also the resin production seems to be picking up just one more notch. What do you guys think? Is it me or is it real? Compare these photos to the last ones I put up.



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Great pics, Fuzzy! And top it off with the video... :drool:

KiG :green_heart:cheers

Haha! Had to, I feel like the video gives you a better reality of how it actually looks to me! You know sometimes the pic or even the video can't justify how it looks in person! Haha! I'm going to be harvesting today. I let them sit in full darkness for the last few days, it's time to separate the man from the boy! It's bittersweet chopping them down, is that a weird feeling for my first time?! Busting my harvest cherry! ...

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Congratulations, great job. Enjoy.


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So I chopped down all three plants and the are hanging to dry now. Initial weight in is 3.72 pounds, which I'm sure is going to change once they're dry and all stems are off l. Here's the weigh in per plant.

Initial weigh in
753 grams

466 grams

470 grams

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