Girl Scout Cookies

Day 30 of flower! I am happy with what I am seeing for my first grow! Flowers have been developing great, they are good size, lots of trichomes, and I am starting to see some purple coming in. I mixed the solution for week five today, and am taking Roots Excelurator and Hygrozyme out of the mix for the rest of flower per instructions and advice from some more experienced growers. I am feeding my girls at 1100 ppm and a ph of 5.8. The tallest plant is 3 feet tall! I hear that buds really start packing on size in the fifth week so I'm excited to see how big the get, I've been seeing swollen calyxes at the node of each bud. Leaves are turning now, I feel kind of sad now that I know the end is near. It's weird that when I first started I couldn't wait to see how much, and what quality bud I could cultivate. Anyway here are some pics. Next grow I will be doing things very different, especially for my soil grows which will all be high brix grows. I am going to build a six plant bubbler system for my next hydro run.

Spread peace, love, and music!
So one of the girls leaves are progressively turning, I know that this happens at later stages of flower, but the other two are barely turning comparatively. Has anyone here experienced this? Should I expect the one that's turning faster to finish before the other two? Anyway here are some pics.

Spread peace, love, and music!
I really wish I had more input on this journal, I enjoy talking to other growers to see what is working for them, to bounce ideas off them, and gage my progress. This is my first journal and my next one I promise will be better! I've been coming up with more ideas to make it more engaging and informative. Anyway I'm going to put up some more pics in ah bit. It's week 6 of flower, I can't believe it's going so fast! I'm also excited because that means I get to add some MOAB to my regime, my buds look nice I just want them to be a bit bigger hopefully MOAB helps me out on some weight over the next few weeks! Stay posted for pics!

Spread peace, love, and music!
Girl Scout Cookies
Girl Scout Cookies
How much have you been watering them post some pics?

Spread peace, love, and music!
Girl Scout Cookies
Girl Scout Cookies

I have been waiting until I can stick my whole finger down into the soil and not feel moisture. I waited like 9 days after transplanting them into gallon containers a couple weeks ago. They look really over watered though, and the leaves are hooking down and younger ones are yellowing and distorting, getting necrotic spots.

I just tested the run off today and it was at somewhere between 6 and 6.5 but I use the colored drops so it's hard to tell. I have been using microbial teas that really drop the pH though so I am wondering if it's lockout.

It's hard for me to pick and choose pics from the gallery because I can't load the thumbnails and I don't wanna post all of them so I will try to get the ones that show most of the problems...


It's all in my recent journal post. This Saturday will be day 7 since I gave them some OG Tea and Flora Nova, but like I said the OG Tea knocked the pH down on that feeding. They were hooking down at the tips a little bit before that though.

Anyway it's got me scratching my head. My environmental conditions are really good too, light is 18 to 24 inches above the plants (varying by plant of course it's 3 feet off the ground).

Also there is a lot of white debris that looks like it could be a molted mite and the necrosis looks a lot like their stipling, but I think the white specs are just dandruff from me. There's no black specks under the leaves, and the necrotic marks are red orange around other holes unlike mite stipling. Plus I did a neem spray and soil drench less than 3 weeks ago.

Sooo yeah *head-scratching* From reading deficency charts I am guessing it's Potassium lockout.
this might help

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Could you upload the pictures and no screenshots? I can't read other text so well when I zoom in. I think according to that thought my humidity is too low but I have never heard of anyone else having problems like this (or any really) caused by low humidity.
I feed once a week and if they need water I will give them a drink

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hows that

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Better thanks!
So you water them twice a week?

Spread peace, love, and music!
Girl Scout Cookies
Girl Scout Cookies

No I don't really have a schedule I have been trying to get a feel for the weight of the pots to tell when they need water because they're all different sizes and growing rates since they're from seed. I kept over watering but I think this last time I under watered because they perkef up yesterday when I watered and that was just before a week since their LAST water which I thought was too soon because they started drooping, but that was almost 9 days without water so there doesn't seem to be a predictable/consistent time frame for when they do/don't need water.

But the hooked leaf tips and weird necrotic marks that ate showing up now, I have no idea... I am guessing at K lockout but *shrugs* Still waiting to see if it gets any better, I foliar fed with a high K solution and checked to make sure my water and runoff were in the right pH range. Hoping it clears up in a few days.

My Platinum Girl Scout Cookies are actually doing the best right now, both are finally showing sex and one seems to be stacking on new nodes like every other day. They have taco'ing leaves though which makes no sense unless they just don't like low humidity. My tent stays around 25-35 percent.


The one front row and center is a PGSC, it sprouted 5/9 and is just now showing sex. The other one is way in the back left and is kind of obscured by the big Blackberry Kush.

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