Girl Scout Cookies

So my grill have recovered from a the last pruning I did. Here are some pics.
They are drinking like crazy too! Here is my GSC soil grow, the growth rate is not as impressive as hydro, but they are going through a spurt after the recent transplant three days ago. Check me out!


Still have not got the supplies to seal me room but will update when I do.

Spread peace, love, and music!
Yo peeps here's an update on my first grow ever!!! I'be come far since germinating these seeds on Jan 11th of this year. I've battled deficiencies, slow growth, slow roots development, but have found a way to persevere and move forward! Anyway enough for the speech giving! The three GSC in the tent are taking off, and are eating like crazy! Had to raise the light today for the first time in a long time. Also changed the Rez, PPM Is 1000, ph is 5.8, air temp is 76°F, Rez temp is 67°F, RH is 32%, CO2 being maintained at 900ppm. This is the seventh day of flowering, and they're throwing pistils.

Daily growth is pretty impressive.

Soil grow is doing well and have shown no shock from a the last transplant, on the contrary for with is picking up.

Alright everyone thanks for tuning in will update in a few days.

Spread peace, love, and music!
They will return. Toss the plant, it's a losing battle. You will fight them all through flower. To bad, GSC is low yielder with very tight buds. But spacing is large between internode's and flower sites are somewhat sparce. My GSC veg'ed 6 weeks and was in a #10. My 1st grow, if I knew then what I know now it could have been much better. She is a good 12 week flower but worth the wait.


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They will return. Toss the plant, it's a losing battle. You will fight them all through flower. To bad, GSC is low yielder with very tight buds. But spacing is large between internode's and flower sites are somewhat sparce. My GSC veg'ed 6 weeks and was in a #10. My 1st grow, if I knew then what I know now it could have been much better. She is a good 12 week flower but worth the wait.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420

I'll wait and see if they return it is only one node out of three plants. It will take a a lil more than one for me to chop it.

Spread peace, love, and music!
It will return. I tried removing the balls off. Grew back in record numbers. Started out in just on spot. Trough it out and moved on.

Also on the tube at NoobGrow
It will return. I tried removing the balls off. Grew back in record numbers. Started out in just on spot. Trough it out and moved on.

Also on the tube at NoobGrow

I'm not even sure if it is in fact Hermies I feel like I'm jumping to far now I'm looking at them and everything looks Hermes to me, I'm going to step back and give it another week and see, this is my first grow so it's a learning experience too, next time I will know exactly how this plant express les this trait, if it is indeed what I think it is.

Spread peace, love, and music!
Yeah your plant is obviously a male, I feel even better about waiting now I see more pistils than anything else on my plant.

Spread peace, love, and music!
Yeah your righ. But any signs of balls isn't a good thing. You have plenty of time to know for sure before you decide what to do with her or hermie.

Also on the tube at NoobGrow
Yeah your righ. But any signs of balls isn't a good thing. You have plenty of time to know for sure before you decide what to do with her or hermie.

Also on the tube at NoobGrow

Lol I know right whatever shim or she or he maybe we will see.

Spread peace, love, and music!
So week one of flower is done, week two here we come! The girls have been eating and drinking like crazy, plants are looking healthy still, and pistils seem to be developing at a good pace. They have been stretching more this last week than the whole time I've been vegging them. Here are some pics.



Soil grow is going well too, they're showing nice vegetative growth. Damn soil brings the critters out though!

My first attempt at cloning and four out of five have survived and one has strong roots.

Spread peace, love, and music!
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