Girl Scout Cookies - DynoMyco We Want You - Side-By-Side Comparative Grow By Moto258


I'm totally jealous, but happy for you! I had some thrown in at the local dispensary a month or so ago. Didn't get much, didn't expect much. Making your own is definitely the way to go. All these marijuana baking shows are proof weed is more than just good smoke.

Enjoy your snacks my friend!
Don't be jealous my friend here is the video I watched, and these gummies came out on point I added a couple different flavors to make it strawberry lemon. almost tooo tasty!
Idk my friend this last batch of Girl scout cookies gummies I cooked up the other day is telling me size might just matter in this situation these were definitely not your energizer gummies :rofl: eating 2 and a half I had the best night sleep I think I've ever experienced :cheesygrinsmiley:

Gotta be carful 🤣🧨🤠
@DYNOMYCO is truly showing its explosive behavior going on under the soil!
Will be adding in another top dressing of @GeoFlora Nutrients bloom to both gals this weekend #1 GSC is now showing some signs of needing more nitrogen deficiency in a couple leaves down below and making its way to the center leaves as we speak. Thats about all for now but untill then stay green:Rasta:




@DYNOMYCO is truly showing its explosive behavior going on under the soil!
Will be adding in another top dressing of @GeoFlora Nutrients bloom to both gals this weekend #1 GSC is now showing some signs of needing more nitrogen deficiency in a couple leaves down below and making its way to the center leaves as we speak. Thats about all for now but untill then stay green:Rasta:




@DYNOMYCO BOOOOM! Idk what else to say other than yall killed it on the name DynoMyco!
Evidence is plain and clear enough to see from the galaxy! Today I did my last clean up under both canopy's. I'm going to do my best without using any branch support, but my paranoia is giving me a hint bamboo will be added later on most defiantly! Thats about all I have for now cheers 420 fam!:nerd-with-glasses:


@DYNOMYCO we want you!!!
Pic update!!
Also wanted to note in @Weed Seeds Express is defiantly bomb when it comes to genetics! Both these gals smell the exact same when it comes to terp profiles. Last time I grew girl scout cookies I grew out 2 different smelling ones that came out 1 minty and 1 smelling like these 2 ladies currently. Best smoke I've ever smoked to date!:ganjamon:
(Hint the gals got a little too dry last time they got watered in soooo yeah lol don't make fun of my leaves!!:ciao:
I have a rescue plan in my head for this weekend when I add in the bamboo!! I have just enough DYNOMYCO to sprinkle in the holes I create using bamboo just in case all my microbes are dropping like flys on me!! )






These 2 girl scout cookies are now starting to finish up nicely! Both smell on the minty side terpene wise but looks like the gal on the left that was hooked up with DynoMyco will finish a little sooner than the one without. I have only been watering with plain RO water for the past couple weeks, so the gals are now feasting a little on reserves I think plus heat played a big factor with this grow.:Rasta:cheers 420 fam!!:420:



@DYNOMYCO we want you!
These ladies are getting to the head and body high point I'm searching for in trichomes. It's about time for some root porn for the 420 friends that are still in for the show! Stay green!!:420::ganjamon:


@DYNOMYCO BOOM we have a harvest and some Sunday funday root porn like you asked!
DING DING DING I think we have a wiener and a winner! But both are dense and full of nice smells because @Weed Seeds Express did great with this strain!
I wanted to first think the sponsors who made this grow happen and Rob AKA @420 for creating this great place ill always return to. @DYNOMYCO for killer roots @GeoFlora Nutrients for keeping both gals fed to produce the buds needed to get the dense nuggets to top shelf!
Cheers 420 fam ILL BE BACK!:blunt::420:










Last update before this grow is complete!
Thanks again @DYNOMYCO just received the gifts yesterday!!
Plant #1 was defiantly the winner between the two in overall size, the explosions in roots and last but not least the yield.
Plant #1 pulled so far, a total of 78 grams fully trimmed and still need to pick threw the pile in the trim bin pic which is filled only of the plant #1 and trim a little more once carpel tunnel wears off a bit!
Plant #2 pulled a total of 56 grams fully trimmed and a medium size mason jar of good buds for edible's.
That's about a rap ill catch yall on the next adventure!:ganjamon::420:





Congrats on the harvest brother!
Looks like a nice yield for you. Ive been trying to get my veg down in rotation with flower.
I didn't veg couple more weeks like normal and really lost alot of yield by cutting my veg 2 weeks earlier.
Not bitching, but should have stuck with the original plan.

Hope you are well buddy! That medicine is always fire you grow.
Peace bro
Congrats on the harvest brother!
Looks like a nice yield for you. Ive been trying to get my veg down in rotation with flower.
I didn't veg couple more weeks like normal and really lost alot of yield by cutting my veg 2 weeks earlier.
Not bitching, but should have stuck with the original plan.

Hope you are well buddy! That medicine is always fire you grow.
Peace bro
Thanks brother!
The yield wasn't too shabby! This girl scout cookie strain is great! I definitely wasn't able to tend to this grow as cautious as I normally would since life has been so slammed lately..
I hear ya my plans were to grow the same clone off a mother plant I've kept around but I ended up re-vegging her for bonsai mom keeper so I can finish crossing the two strains I've been meaning to finish :laugh: life sometimes doesn't go as planned!
I'm staying well and hope the same for you as well my friend!
I'm going to pop over shortly to check out what you been growing on your journal cheers bro!:passitleft:
Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

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Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

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Thank you for providing the stage and community to grow in!:Namaste:
I have been doing a comparison grow with Seedsman's Purple Ghost Candy at the moment which are about to finish up in flower here very soon. Once they are finished, I'm planning to grow a full run using the winning pheno from the seeds I received from Seedsman that are currently flowering now. I can always start up a journal for that grow when I take the cuts off the mother here very soon. Here is the link to that grow with Seedsman. 420 Magazine's Comparative Grow with Seedsman's Purple Ghost Candy By Moto258
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