Dynomyco We Want You: Side-by-Side Comparative Grow By BakedARea

:yahoo: on the success and moving out of the :nervous-guy: stage!

And the next set of leaves on the ALK5 look good so I'm thinking it will be alright as soon as they're in.
Right?! Yeah, it was already looking better today so it's definitely got a chance. All of them got a preventative pesticide treatment yesterday. Starting to see thrips.

Hello everyone! Happy Saturday. Here are a few update pics. Last pics were 6/12

Here they are 4 days later on the 16th
Guava 1&2
And the rest of the babies.

Here they are this morning! Growing and looking strong. I am fighting some thrips unfortunately. Not to worry though. They've had a couple treatments of a non-sponsored oil based spray.

These are all roughly 13 days above ground.

Look at the growth comparison of the younger Guava 3 plant on the left! Nearly all the plants in the small root pruner pots have more vigorous growth. Guava 1 and 2 are 21 days old.

I anticipate transplanting all the babies in the root pruner pots by next week. Hopefully, we'll have some impressive root porn to show off.
Gorgeous lil ladies, wassup with that one with the leaves, is something eating at it, or just grew a lil weird?
Yeah, I think it was a combination of the seed hulls and membrane removal when she was popping up. It very well could have been a pest too actually.
Yeah, I think it was a combination of the seed hulls and membrane removal when she was popping up. It very well could have been a pest too actually.
I'm hoping it's the first explanation as it does actually sound very rational! Just keep watching those leaves you'll know when a pest is there! hoping for the best!

Safe Regards,
I'm hoping it's the first explanation as it does actually sound very rational! Just keep watching those leaves you'll know when a pest is there! hoping for the best!

Safe Regards,
Oh, I have pests now. For me, anything outdoors will be battling pests until the very end. They all got another spray today actually. I saw a couple more thrips. So normally, I squish any I see, and then spray top and bottom. I'll get close up pics of the leaves, but you can see some damage in a couple of them.
Thanks 12! Keeping my head up and just going to keep chugging along. Lots of learning happening!



So in my head, I was thinking that as soon as I get them out and that shock of light schedule would trigger them. Just like I did with the clones. Even though my first 12 hr night doesn't come until later in September. Last year, I had colas forming well before I reached the 12hr mark. At least I think I did...
:hmmmm: :laugh: :smokin:
I need to go back and see the flowering schedule for the GSC I had outdoors. I want to say that she was transitioned by the end of Aug.

Ok... went searching. GSC #8. I am currently 4-5 weeks behind where this plant was on 6/6. So that means I will just have smaller plants. Not worried about that. None of these plants will be going in the ground.
On 6/13 it was transplanted into the strainer pot (amazing by the way). Then it was transplanted a couple weeks later, in the ground 6/27.
In the ground

Here she is in early Aug. transitioned and stacking.

Here she is mid September before my first of 3 harvest off her.
So here is where my head is at. :smokin:
If I keep them under supplemental light until say 7/15, that would be roughly 8 weeks of veg from now. I could probably go even less than that right? Flip to the same daylight length of 14hrs on 7/15. Then slowly ramp down that time. That would get me to the end of Sep with 2 weeks of transition and 8 weeks of flower. I know I could go longer if needed though, which I'm guessing I will need. All this plays out of course, if I have no more hiccups along the way.

What do you all think? Sounds like a good plan?
Fekking love the sight of a canna plant in the ground outside (uh, yeah, sure beats the sight of one indoors in the ground RD. Yeah, Duh. But, I know you know what I mean because you're talking to yourself, remember? Aww Crap.)
Good day everyone! Happy Friday and I hope you all have a great weekend. I'll be busy getting these babies transplanted (finally). The little root pruning pots are performing beautifully. They don't make for attractive root porn, like a clear solo cup, but they make up for that in dense internal root ramifications.

Looks like G1 is not too happy. Not sure why, but I do not believe it has anything to do with the DM. If anything, whatever is stressing it, the DM is probably helping it stay alive.

I added some soil to support the stems some more. They are getting transplanted either today (if I can get to it) or tomorrow. Plan is for them to go into 1 gal nursery pots. Eventually, I'd like to see them all in 5 gal pots. One of them will probably be getting a spot in the garden bed.

I`ve lost track of how much time they`ve been outdoors, or greenhouse. Anyway, they look gorgeous. I dropped seeds tonight, fun times!
Hey RD! I probably should have included that in the update anyway. So the G1 & G2 are from 5/29! Yeah...nearly a month old and not doing much. I definitely think the soil was/is a problem. The other babies in the small square pots are from 6/6. A week younger and look way better. They should explode with the transplant and new batch of nutrients! Thanks for chiming in and checking things out.
Hey everyone! Finally got to completing the transplants. I got so many pictures and had the intent to walk through each one and my observations of root structure. Now, not currently in the mood nor have the energy to go through all that. So quick*ish summary instead.


Soil was recycled from tent run that was harvested. It was fortified with @GeoFlora Nutrients , Azomite, Zelzyme ElementXX, and Soil Activator by Earth Alive.

Worked my way backwards so that I would minimize getting any Dynomyco into the soil. So I started with the only two that do not have any DM.
Guava #6

Amnesia Lemon Kush #5

And now for the rest of them. They all got a hefty dose of Dynomyco in the transplant hole and around the root balls. It is hard to see in these pics, but the ones with Dynomyco had denser root structures. That is because of ramifications. Same concept as fabric pots. Instead of getting pics of each one, basically here is the summary of what I did. I added @GeoFlora Nutrients 'Veg' at the bottom third of the soil, then filled in to the where the rootball would sit. Then added another layer of GF along with Dynomyco. After that, I backfilled with soil to the top. Then put another dose of GF and worked it into the top soil.

Looking forward to seeing all these babies in a month from now! I'm anticipating putting them all into their final pots by then. Thanks for swinging by.
Love the gloves; oh @DYNOMYCO said it’s cool to work it into the top layer the way you did but anything exposed will die to the light.

Looks like you’re starting to chug along nicely!!!
Hey everyone! Finally got to completing the transplants. I got so many pictures and had the intent to walk through each one and my observations of root structure. Now, not currently in the mood nor have the energy to go through all that. So quick*ish summary instead.


Soil was recycled from tent run that was harvested. It was fortified with @GeoFlora Nutrients , Azomite, Zelzyme ElementXX, and Soil Activator by Earth Alive.

Worked my way backwards so that I would minimize getting any Dynomyco into the soil. So I started with the only two that do not have any DM.
Guava #6

Amnesia Lemon Kush #5

And now for the rest of them. They all got a hefty dose of Dynomyco in the transplant hole and around the root balls. It is hard to see in these pics, but the ones with Dynomyco had denser root structures. That is because of ramifications. Same concept as fabric pots. Instead of getting pics of each one, basically here is the summary of what I did. I added @GeoFlora Nutrients 'Veg' at the bottom third of the soil, then filled in to the where the rootball would sit. Then added another layer of GF along with Dynomyco. After that, I backfilled with soil to the top. Then put another dose of GF and worked it into the top soil.

Looking forward to seeing all these babies in a month from now! I'm anticipating putting them all into their final pots by then. Thanks for swinging by.
Hey Baked they look beautiful I’m about to go to bed so I can’t talk tonight but if you ever want to vent man I’m here for you <3 (No homo) keep your head up brother and smoke another doobie I just did and I’m surprised im typing as well as I am right now and coherently to strange I think I might have to smoke another if this doesn’t work
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