Dynomyco We Want You: Side-by-Side Comparative Grow By BakedARea

Much appreciated! Yeah...staying afloat.

Meh, the thrips aren't too big of a deal. I just need to keep them in check. I need to inoculate my soil with more rove beetles. They will annihilate those thrips in no time. Usually get those from my worm bin and other containers. Nothing else like using biology to handle your issues!
Wha that’s cool I know you can get predatory bugs to kill pests but still blows my mind lol

That’s all we can do man keep safe!
The `F`word I spoke of was f-e-r-t-i-l-z-e-r. I know it can be a forbidden topic with some soil growers mid-grow, esp. LOS acolytes.
Ahhh...gotcha! Yeah. I consider fertilizer just a way to feed the biology/soil. Then the soil feeds the plants. That's my approach to LOS and certainly not a forbidden topic to me anyway. I would prefer to not pigeonhole myself into being a "snob" of only growing a certain way. Hope that makes sense without offending anyone. Many ways to grow a plant!
Heya @BakedARea, long time no see, how's the grow chugging along?
Hey Darade. Thanks for checking in. Yeah...work life and personal life have been a difficult balance. Some things have to take a backseat. Unfortunately, that has recently meant taking time away from online activities. Just haven't had the time or space in my brain for everything I'm currently juggling. Thanks again.
Ahhh...gotcha! Yeah. I consider fertilizer just a way to feed the biology/soil. Then the soil feeds the plants. That's my approach to LOS and certainly not a forbidden topic to me anyway. I would prefer to not pigeonhole myself into being a "snob" of only growing a certain way. Hope that makes sense without offending anyone. Many ways to grow a plant!

Hey Darade. Thanks for checking in. Yeah...work life and personal life have been a difficult balance. Some things have to take a backseat. Unfortunately, that has recently meant taking time away from online activities. Just haven't had the time or space in my brain for everything I'm currently juggling. Thanks again.
Take your time man we will be here when your ready but still check in so we don’t go worrying about you lol
Hey 420 Mag community!

I'd like to apologize to the Dynomyco team for being absent the past couple weeks. Oh the clichés I could fork out to you all right now about life and hurdles! Oooof!

Anyway, so the plants having quietly and slowly been putting on some height and width. They all still look good even though they are still dealing with some bug damage.

They received a hefty serving of @GeoFlora Nutrients along with a potent aerated compost tea last weekend. Here is a summary of their appearance and growth since my last update.

July 18th

Safe to say that little one is not a keeper. Haven't had the heart to throw into the worm bin yet.

July 23rd

July 27th

July 30th
Little one is getting scrapped into the worm bin today.

So, in my head, I was hoping they would be further along at this point. I'm not too worried though because I don't need massive plants. So, I'll be transplanting these into their final containers either this weekend (based on time and energy available) or they will have to wait until next weekend. Next weekend would be ideal, since it would be when I plan to topdress again. Thanks for checking in folks. Take care and continued blessings!
Thanks 12! Much appreciated.
I was just about to say the exact same thing; take a break, we'll always be here for you! I was just making sure you were ok, bud.

Fully understand life's crap!
Hey 420 Mag community!

I'd like to apologize to the Dynomyco team for being absent the past couple weeks. Oh the clichés I could fork out to you all right now about life and hurdles! Oooof!

Anyway, so the plants having quietly and slowly been putting on some height and width. They all still look good even though they are still dealing with some bug damage.

They received a hefty serving of @GeoFlora Nutrients along with a potent aerated compost tea last weekend. Here is a summary of their appearance and growth since my last update.

July 18th

Safe to say that little one is not a keeper. Haven't had the heart to throw into the worm bin yet.

July 23rd

July 27th

July 30th
Little one is getting scrapped into the worm bin today.

So, in my head, I was hoping they would be further along at this point. I'm not too worried though because I don't need massive plants. So, I'll be transplanting these into their final containers either this weekend (based on time and energy available) or they will have to wait until next weekend. Next weekend would be ideal, since it would be when I plan to topdress again. Thanks for checking in folks. Take care and continued blessings!
They are looking wonderful Amigo, coming along nicely.
Hope you are doing well.
Take care

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Lessee... right colour, upright...PASS!
Hey, wassup with that guy in the center, needs a pep talk or something?
I'm glad you caught that. I think I know what happened, bit I'm not positive. So to be careful, I actually pulled that one out right after those pics and put it somewhere else. Not sure if it was a watering mistake or if it's a disease problem.
Lanky but happy! Are they getting enough light? And are you noticing a discernible difference between the dyno ones and the rest yet?
There are getting diffused light in the greenhouse. They are still at 18hrs with a shop light. Plan is to transplant them all this weekend into their final containers. Then out into the full sun for the rest of the season.

At this point, I saw a big improvement to the DM plants initially. After the transplant into the 1 gal, they have mostly caught up. We'll see with the upcan.
A few quick pics of the plants from last week and today. Plan is to transplant this weekend @DYNOMYCO We Want You

Here's that middle plant that I pulled out a couple days later.

Here they are today. These are all looking happy. They recently got a dose of micronized Element XX (calcium) in some drench water. They are due for another topdress this weekend. So they will be going into new containers with a bunch of Geoflora Veg!

I forgot to get pics of the ugly middle plant. She is doing better though.
Looking good Baked. Q, I get less bug damage in my greenhouse that sits directly beside some plants that have been getting hammered first by slugs and now by caterpillars. Not cannabis in there, mind you, but, do you notice a similar outcome? I'm curious because my greenhouse has had an entire wall removed for the hot months so pest entry-exit seems identical to the feasted-on plants beside them... and yet....
Looking good @BakedARea!

Just browsed your entire journal, as we took a hiatus after our disappointment from our outdoor grow. Sorry to see the struggles, but it's finally happening man.

Excited to see what happens next!
A few quick pics of the plants from last week and today. Plan is to transplant this weekend @DYNOMYCO We Want You

Here's that middle plant that I pulled out a couple days later.

Here they are today. These are all looking happy. They recently got a dose of micronized Element XX (calcium) in some drench water. They are due for another topdress this weekend. So they will be going into new containers with a bunch of Geoflora Veg!

I forgot to get pics of the ugly middle plant. She is doing better though.
Coming along nicely my friend.
Got to love that DYNOMYCO.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
The pretty ones get prettier and the ugly one gets less ugly...who could ask for anything more!
Well, in my case, that can take a 180° turn real quick! :laugh:
Was there a reason you didn't give them full sun earlier on? Keep them small?
I was trying to give them an opportunity to veg for a little while longer. I had the shop light inside the greenhouse giving 18hrs. I thought about putting them out in the garden earlier. Observing their size now, it likely would have helped them get a little bigger.
Looking good Baked. Q, I get less bug damage in my greenhouse that sits directly beside some plants that have been getting hammered first by slugs and now by caterpillars. Not cannabis in there, mind you, but, do you notice a similar outcome? I'm curious because my greenhouse has had an entire wall removed for the hot months so pest entry-exit seems identical to the feasted-on plants beside them... and yet....
Interesting observation. In the past, I have sprayed the outdoor edges of my greenhouse with some very strong insecticides. To deter them from wanting to come in. But they always do either way. I have found more often than not, they will first go after already sickly plants before attacking healthy ones. After my last treatment of Green Cleaner, most of the bugs are done.
Looking good @BakedARea!

Just browsed your entire journal, as we took a hiatus after our disappointment from our outdoor grow. Sorry to see the struggles, but it's finally happening man.

Excited to see what happens next!
Thanks Slammy. Sorry to hear about the disappointment. What happened again? Forgive my memory if it's something I had read about already. The outdoor season can be so difficult. As is the case for me, my time and energy have been seriously hindered lately. My garden suffers because of it and it's clearly apparent.
Coming along nicely my friend.
Got to love that DYNOMYCO.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thanks Bill! I hope you are doing well amigo! Just grinding along the best I can right now.
Happy Sunday folks!


Well, I finally got around to doing some transplanting! All the plants got moved up. Plus they all got fed their biweekly dose of @GeoFlora Nutrients

Since I only have two non-DM plants that made it this far, I decided to put them with a corresponding plant that did have Dynomyco into the same size container, 7 gallon @GeoPot . I put the 2 others into 15 gallon @GeoPot . The smaller plants went into 3 gallon pots. I didn't get pictures of all the DM root balls since they all basically showed similar results.

First, let's start with the ones without any DM. The reason I started with these is to minimize cross contamination of the DM. I'm actually curios if I may have accidentally inoculated these containers with DM last time.
:hmmmm: :smokin:
Amnesia Lemon Kush #5

Guava Kush #6

ALK #3

Hefty dose of Dynomyco! Covered the outside of the rootball and added plenty to the bottom of the planting hole.

I will get more pics throughout the week of the rest of the plants. Thanks for swinging by and taking a look. Peace and Blessings!
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