Dynomyco We Want You: Side-by-Side Comparative Grow By BakedARea

Sending warm thoughts Baked!
:thanks: :green_heart: Thanks Otter!
Congrats Baked your in business now, now go and win the competition my friend! Wait I want everyone to win your all my friends
Thanks 12! I appreciate it. I think we all won already. Having Dynomyco as a sponsor is kickass for everyone in the community. I feel horrible my environment and other factors are causing so many hurdles. Wonderful learning lessons though!

One thing that is a clear observation is that the one that had a chance, are having better growth with the Dynomyco.
:thanks: :green_heart: Thanks Otter!

Thanks 12! I appreciate it. I think we all won already. Having Dynomyco as a sponsor is kickass for everyone in the community. I feel horrible my environment and other factors are causing so many hurdles. Wonderful learning lessons though!

One thing that is a clear observation is that the one that had a chance, are having better growth with the Dynomyco.
Naw don’t feel horrible man shit happens your growing now and that’s what matters go roll a fatty and grow the biggest plants you can!
We got a couple more seeds that have breached! The colder nights definitely make things much slower.
This was 5/29. Guava #1 with @DYNOMYCO and the Guava #2 without DM. It is barely visible on the front right.
Here they are yesterday in the late afternoon.

Here is the other Zkittlez showing up! #1 also had Dynomyco.

Looks like we have another Zkittlez coming up and it is one without DM. Now if I can manage to keep them all alive, I will have two different pairs for this comparison!

love those seedlings
I'm loving my @DYNOMYCO no doubt has improved growth and stem thickness. Hopefully I won't have to use so many bamboo stakes in flower ......it gets dangerous leaning over the plants with all those shoots sticking up ha.
love those seedlings
Thank you team! Me too. Very happy to see these babies.
I'm loving my @DYNOMYCO no doubt has improved growth and stem thickness. Hopefully I won't have to use so many bamboo stakes in flower ......it gets dangerous leaning over the plants with all those shoots sticking up ha.
A few more update pics and some good news!

Looks like we will have at least two varieties to use for this comparison grow! Very happy about that right now.

The Guava with DM is the clear winner right now.

Zkittlez #4 needed some help. This area was stuck in the soil. I gave her a couple spritz of water yesterday to prepare her. I lightly helped it out of the soil and then gave it another spray.
Then slowly pinched it off with some tweezers and it slid right off. Mission accomplished!

Now to keep them alive for the next week. After that, I will feel much better about the rest of this comparative!


So y'all remember I decided to soak more seeds, just in case these don't work out?
I decided to go ahead and soak more and increase my odds of having plants for this journal.
Here is what is on deck should the seeds outside decide to not come up. These are plan C.

Well, it has been a very uneventful past few days. Not thrilled with what I'm seeing. After 48 hrs of soaking, only a couple of each split the hull. So I decided to get them out and put them in the jar with a damp paper towel. Another 24 hrs and still not much happening. Today, they will all get planted and I will see how they progress. Whatever does make it up and through the seedling stage will be included in this comparison journal.

@InTheShed Also to clarify something I don't think I explained well. I was germinating the seeds in my server cabinet which is 80°-82°. Not outside. After hull breach, then I was putting them in soil and putting them outside in the greenhouse to finish coming up. So it has been a combination of not germinating well during the soak and/or them not breaching the soil surface after being planted.
I'm loving my @DYNOMYCO no doubt has improved growth and stem thickness. Hopefully I won't have to use so many bamboo stakes in flower ......it gets dangerous leaning over the plants with all those shoots sticking up ha.
I'm seeing the same Tim! I was wondering who else was getting free standing plants! I'm getting them since the dynomyco.
No help standing
I'm seeing the same Tim! I was wondering who else was getting free standing plants! I'm getting them since the dynomyco.
No help standing
I hope I see the same with free standing, that would be awesome. Last grow I was gone for w days and came home to three main colas hanging upside down ha.

Girls are looking great!!
Congrats on all 8 popping up and nice job on the surgery! :cheer:
Thanks! I may have spoke too soon.
:confused: :rolleyes: Getting very annoyed...VERY annoyed with whatever is going wrong.
So far so good!
Thanks Jon. Appreciate you swinging in. Take care.
I'm seeing the same Tim! I was wondering who else was getting free standing plants! I'm getting them since the dynomyco.
No help standing
Awesome! I have a couple plants in the tent right now with side branches holding themselves up. Stoked. I have the main stock and cola staked though. I'd cry myself to sleep if one of my main colas snapped. My buddy that I gave one of my plants to, just had the main cola snap on him. Basically a supercrop since it's still attached but still stressful!
Subbed and looking forward to seeing the results. This is cool!
Hey EZ! Thanks for stopping in. Appreciate it.
How’s everything going @BakedARea
Hey 12! Thanks for chiming in man. Much appreciated dude. So far...more hurdles. But thankfully I still have a pair of plants that appear to be doing ok. Pics and update incoming.
Hola 420 amigos! I hope you are all doing well. Finally bringing another update to wrap up this week's progress with @DYNOMYCO

Going to focus on the positive first! Looks like we still at least one pair of happy plants.
The two Guava are growing. They are neck and neck at the moment. These were taken last night.

Now to the bad news. It appears that the other two Zkittlez are done for. Well the non-dynomyco one for sure!
There was plenty of moisture in the soil so this is either damping off or a possible pest.

This one may have a chance but I'm not banking on it. Both of these Zkittlez will be removed from this grow.

I really wanted to knock it out of the park with this one. A few too many strikes for my liking but at least I'm on base with the pair I have left. Send me all the good vibes and ganja juju needed to see these baby Guava make it past home base.

Thanks for swinging by folks and keeping up with this awesome opportunity provided by one of our amazing sponsors! Be sure to check out their store and if you can get your hands on some, you won't be disappointed! My circumstances are not a reflection of their product. Their product is incredible!
Hola 420 amigos! I hope you are all doing well. Finally bringing another update to wrap up this week's progress with @DYNOMYCO

Going to focus on the positive first! Looks like we still at least one pair of happy plants.
The two Guava are growing. They are neck and neck at the moment. These were taken last night.

Now to the bad news. It appears that the other two Zkittlez are done for. Well the non-dynomyco one for sure!
There was plenty of moisture in the soil so this is either damping off or a possible pest.

This one may have a chance but I'm not banking on it. Both of these Zkittlez will be removed from this grow.

I really wanted to knock it out of the park with this one. A few too many strikes for my liking but at least I'm on base with the pair I have left. Send me all the good vibes and ganja juju needed to see these baby Guava make it past home base.

Thanks for swinging by folks and keeping up with this awesome opportunity provided by one of our amazing sponsors! Be sure to check out their store and if you can get your hands on some, you won't be disappointed! My circumstances are not a reflection of their product. Their product is incredible!
So in other words the rainbow is false?! Haha just messing with you man was it brand new soil etc?
was it brand new soil
Ir certainly could have been the soil, but why have others popped up without issues? That's where I tend to think it is not the soil. That specific soil mix is nothing fancy. It is one I made but doesn't have much in terms of nutrients or life.

I have had good germinating results with my soaks. It's when they get transplanted and then go outside where I'm seeing problems. I've germinated seeds directly in soil with cooler soil temps than they are in now too without issues. So who knows. Lol
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