GDB's Fairy Tails

No....yes....I'm not sure Smoke.

Because I cut and then grew (am growing) some clones, it's been nearly 10 months since I've watched babies grow. And my memory is foggy on how quickly they progress.

To me, this little bunch doesn't look like they're growing much at all, if any. :straightface:

Four Days Ago:
FT 3up 9-24-24.JPG

FT babies 9-28-24.JPG

The Pink Rozay in the rear doesn't even want to stand up straight, and only one of the Pellezino Cookies has visible leaves starting.

[Let me correct a misstatement I've made in this thread. These seeds are from 420 sponsor @Original Sensible Seeds, not Herbie's as I previously stated.]

So I've been going through my old journals trying to find baby pics and gauge how they progressed under my care. I haven't found the "right" pics yet.

Instead I lost focus and started reading some old posts. And in doing that, I shined a light on my fickle nature as a grower!

In one thread I went on and on about how I wanted to grow a Ghost Train Haze. It seems at the time I was having difficult finding them in stock at numerous seed banks. Then one day I found them and...

That post was written in March 2020.

That pack of GTH has sat in my seed collection to this day, unopened. :straightface:


Thanks for looking in.

Looks like wet feet to me, have they used up any water in the solos yet? What are the tent temps? Need to dry that coco a bit maybe a fan moving some air around the solos. I haven’t grown in coco before but in my Promix experience and looking back on a journal from a few years ago the last time I documented seedling growth there should be some forward movement 4 days in.
No....yes....I'm not sure Smoke.

Because I cut and then grew (am growing) some clones, it's been nearly 10 months since I've watched babies grow. And my memory is foggy on how quickly they progress.

To me, this little bunch doesn't look like they're growing much at all, if any. :straightface:

Four Days Ago:
FT 3up 9-24-24.JPG

FT babies 9-28-24.JPG

The Pink Rozay in the rear doesn't even want to stand up straight, and only one of the Pellezino Cookies has visible leaves starting.

[Let me correct a misstatement I've made in this thread. These seeds are from 420 sponsor @Original Sensible Seeds, not Herbie's as I previously stated.]

So I've been going through my old journals trying to find baby pics and gauge how they progressed under my care. I haven't found the "right" pics yet.

Instead I lost focus and started reading some old posts. And in doing that, I shined a light on my fickle nature as a grower!

In one thread I went on and on about how I wanted to grow a Ghost Train Haze. It seems at the time I was having difficult finding them in stock at numerous seed banks. Then one day I found them and...

That post was written in March 2020.

That pack of GTH has sat in my seed collection to this day, unopened. :straightface:


Thanks for looking in.

Oooohhhl.....Blue Dream. You going to grow them???

I was getting a bit impatient watching little ones on my last grow and I wound up putting a wooden skewer in the pot with a black line on it where the height of the sprout was that day. (The highest part of the sprout) As the days progressed I could get a better visual on how much they had (or not) grown.
Looks like wet feet to me, have they used up any water in the solos yet? What are the tent temps? Need to dry that coco a bit maybe a fan moving some air around the solos. I haven’t grown in coco before but in my Promix experience and looking back on a journal from a few years ago the last time I documented seedling growth there should be some forward movement 4 days in.
I agree N420. I eventually found some useful pics from a past grow and these puppies are quite behind for 4 days above the ground.

I've got a little 4-inch inline fan blowing air in from above but most of that air is blocked by the light. I've done as you suggested and rearranged things so that I could get a 6 inch fan blowing over the solos. (The fan was already mounted in the tent, I just had to reposition it and turn it on (I also moved the cups and the light toward the front of the tent). I'm positive that I've always used that 6-inch fan when I've had seedlings, blowing air on them to strengthen the stems and, as you said, assist with drying the medium. Why I didn't think to use it this time, that's this stoner's question of the day!)

Temps linger around 80-83F. I should up the humidity a bit, as it's only about 65%.

FT babies 9-28-24 fan in play.JPG

I'm having a difficult time judging when water has been used from the solos. I wish I had weighed them when I first put them in. I typically do.

Seems like I've forgotten a few of my seedling procedures! :)
I agree N420. I eventually found some useful pics from a past grow and these puppies are quite behind for 4 days above the ground.

I've got a little 4-inch inline fan blowing air in from above but most of that air is blocked by the light. I've done as you suggested and rearranged things so that I could get a 6 inch fan blowing over the solos. (The fan was already mounted in the tent, I just had to reposition it and turn it on (I also moved the cups and the light toward the front of the tent). I'm positive that I've always used that 6-inch fan when I've had seedlings, blowing air on them to strengthen the stems and, as you said, assist with drying the medium. Why I didn't think to use it this time, that's this stoner's question of the day!)

Temps linger around 80-83F. I should up the humidity a bit, as it's only about 65%.

FT babies 9-28-24 fan in play.JPG

I'm having a difficult time judging when water has been used from the solos. I wish I had weighed them when I first put them in. I typically do.

Seems like I've forgotten a few of my seedling procedures! :)
Do you have extra coco around? Fill a solo cup with dry coco & weigh.

Hit it with a few shots of water, weigh again... rinse & repeat for each stage of hydration.

I don't actually use a scale, just the feel in my hand.
When I'd over water my seedlings, (which was pretty often) I'd put a paper towel between the inner and outer solo cups to suck out the excess takes a few hours, but air drying would probably take days...

Change the paper towel every hour or so, 3 or 4 times doing this, and your soil will be just right...
IF the paper towels are coming out dry, stick a piece of string in one or 2 of the drain holes to act as a wick, to help pull the excess water out of the cup...they usually work without the wick, though...

I use a little SIP for seedlings now, (so they're always over watered, and they like it :) ) but the paper towel thing is how I used to do it..

Good luck, GDB👍
And Happy Saturday!
Oooohhhl.....Blue Dream. You going to grow them???
No time soon LadyC. I'm a bit gun shy when it comes to Blue Dreams. This from 4 years ago....
I had what was supposed to be a Blue Dream'atic a while back that also turned out to be a photo. I did the right thing by switching her to a 12/12 cycle, but I left her in the same small pot (3 gallon) that I expected to grow an auto in (a MAJOR blunder). She did fine for a while, growing and producing new flower sites. Then one day, she could do no more. She stopped doing anything and I got mad and took her out to the back porch to die (planning to use her to make infused coconut oil).

I never did make the oil, but to Mrs. GDB's chagrin, I've keep the plant on the porch as a gentle reminder to think before I act, and then think again. I now believe that she must have gotten severely rootbound.

I was getting a bit impatient watching little ones on my last grow and I wound up putting a wooden skewer in the pot with a black line on it where the height of the sprout was that day. (The highest part of the sprout) As the days progressed I could get a better visual on how much they had (or not) grown.
Neat idea but usually they take off so quickly it shouldn't be necessary! :)
I’m still looking for Buddha’s sister, please let me know if anyone has that!!!! Been looking for years…
No....yes....I'm not sure Smoke.

Because I cut and then grew (am growing) some clones, it's been nearly 10 months since I've watched babies grow. And my memory is foggy on how quickly they progress.

To me, this little bunch doesn't look like they're growing much at all, if any. :straightface:

Four Days Ago:
FT 3up 9-24-24.JPG

FT babies 9-28-24.JPG

The Pink Rozay in the rear doesn't even want to stand up straight, and only one of the Pellezino Cookies has visible leaves starting.

[Let me correct a misstatement I've made in this thread. These seeds are from 420 sponsor @Original Sensible Seeds, not Herbie's as I previously stated.]

So I've been going through my old journals trying to find baby pics and gauge how they progressed under my care. I haven't found the "right" pics yet.

Instead I lost focus and started reading some old posts. And in doing that, I shined a light on my fickle nature as a grower!

In one thread I went on and on about how I wanted to grow a Ghost Train Haze. It seems at the time I was having difficult finding them in stock at numerous seed banks. Then one day I found them and...

That post was written in March 2020.

That pack of GTH has sat in my seed collection to this day, unopened. :straightface:


Thanks for looking in.

Hey GDB! :high-five: :love:

I’m just wondering what light you have on them? It is most likely the water issue. Babies take sips. I don’t see much stretch tho so there is plenty of light. But babies also can’t take too much light.

Just trying to help.
I agree N420. I eventually found some useful pics from a past grow and these puppies are quite behind for 4 days above the ground.

I've got a little 4-inch inline fan blowing air in from above but most of that air is blocked by the light. I've done as you suggested and rearranged things so that I could get a 6 inch fan blowing over the solos. (The fan was already mounted in the tent, I just had to reposition it and turn it on (I also moved the cups and the light toward the front of the tent). I'm positive that I've always used that 6-inch fan when I've had seedlings, blowing air on them to strengthen the stems and, as you said, assist with drying the medium. Why I didn't think to use it this time, that's this stoner's question of the day!)

Temps linger around 80-83F. I should up the humidity a bit, as it's only about 65%.

FT babies 9-28-24 fan in play.JPG

I'm having a difficult time judging when water has been used from the solos. I wish I had weighed them when I first put them in. I typically do.

Seems like I've forgotten a few of my seedling procedures! :)
Sounds like your well on your on your way Gdb, once the soil dries out a bit they should get moving in the right direction!
When I'd over water my seedlings, (which was pretty often) I'd put a paper towel between the inner and outer solo cups to suck out the excess takes a few hours, but air drying would probably take days...

Change the paper towel every hour or so, 3 or 4 times doing this, and your soil will be just right...
IF the paper towels are coming out dry, stick a piece of string in one or 2 of the drain holes to act as a wick, to help pull the excess water out of the cup...they usually work without the wick, though...

I use a little SIP for seedlings now, (so they're always over watered, and they like it :) ) but the paper towel thing is how I used to do it..

Good luck, GDB👍
And Happy Saturday!
Very smart idea!!
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