GDB's Fairy Tails

Highya GDB,

I'm glad you found a way to make it work!! Growing cannabis shouldn't be stressful. Just that the same methods don't work for everyone, as you know. Who knows why?!? Anyways, you have at least three popping up for a show. You do put on a really good show, btw! Happy Smokin'
Thanks Bode. I agree that growing weed shouldn't be stressful, and for me it's usually not -- after germination! :Rasta:
Bode is right you do put on a smoking good show so let's get on with it. I look forward to this grow. :green_heart: 🍋
Thanks so much Keith. And this show will be presented without commercial interruptions! :Rasta:
Save a seat for me please 🙏
Saved JenniM!

I love welcoming newcomers. It's so much fun watching their facial expressions as they come to realize they've entered a cuckoo's nest! :)
Congrats on putting up solid numbers in Round 2️⃣ though I'll miss seeing a Sour GG in the mix. Decided not to compete with marcus611a in that area? :)
I'm sick about what I did to the SourG, Shed. As you may recall, one of my buddies talked me out of an ounce of it and I really want to grow another one.

I didn't drop another because I'm punishing myself for what I did to that one! :straightface:
Ha!...I'm back to torment you at every turn.....😈..careful what you wish for....

J/k, GDB- Thanks for being a good friend!👍💚

The 3 in the solo cups seem like a pretty good start!
Do they stay in coco, or do you plan on switc hing them to soil?
I will handle your tormenting much better than I handled your silence. Fire away! 🔫

Yes, these will be grown in coco. At least, that's my "plan."
Thanks con! What other tricks do you have that I can "borrow?" :Rasta:
not sure i learned a lot watching your journals, just the usual good soil & water/feeding, temp/humidity & lighting practices, i still have a bit to go to gain a seat at the flop counsel but i'll get there :adore:

I'm back with a quiz!

What do all the following words have in common: Ruination, Flagelation, Frustration & Abomination?

If you answered they all rhyme with "germination," you are correct!

Beads of sweat form on the forehead

Signalling a time of intense dread
Inept or unlucky, it's hard to tell

When you're trapped inside germination hell

My use of Rapid Rooters to germinate worked like a charm for my last grow. This time, their use has resulted in a string of failures. I only got a single seedling to emerge from a rooter and then I manhandled that one, killing it.

So when things start falling apart like this, I bite. Oh yeah, I'm a shameless biter. It's one of the reasons I don't ask a lot of questions around here. No need. I just watch what others are doing and copy them! :)

So I noticed how @con recently achieved an 8 for 8 germination by using little, moistened cotton wipes to generate tails. Mrs.GDB has had a few of those around and so I bit and used them. For the most part, they worked like a charm. I tried them with several seeds and all but one developed nice long, white tails.

Now, what to do with the seeds?

Well, I also noticed how @Preston9mm was pushing out seedlings like a welfare queen makes babies, using coco-filled solo cups. So I bit again! I plunked the seeds into solos with coco.

FT 3up 9-24-24.JPG

Voila! That led to three heads a'poppin! :)

That's 2x Pellezino Cookies and 1 Pink Rozay, all from 420 sponsor @Herbies Seeds. There's one more solo containing an Alien Moonrocks seed -- also from Herbies -- but that seedling has yet to emerge.

(So this journal's theme and title are no longer valid. If these seedling survive I'll likely contact the mods about changing the title of the journal to reflect that it's now a Herbie's grow.)

I know this has taken a while and I regret that. Still, things were getting a little crazy around here. So maybe the passage of time will tame things a bit.

As is stands now, thanks to @Ramblinrose1965, LadyC's couch has been reduced to just an ottoman. And Trala is running around in that damn dress hollering about having to do a number two! Carmen accidently dropped the official Freak Flag and the pole struck @TassieTurtleman on the head. Now Tassie has lawyers hounding me!

I'll be so glad when I get some plants going in order to distract these folks!

Do you use 24hr light or 18x6 when germinating? I've used rapid rooters for clones but never with seed.
Blessings :ganjamon:
Do you use 24hr light or 18x6 when germinating? I've used rapid rooters for clones but never with seed.
Blessings :ganjamon:
I didn't use my timer this time Kaw, but I usually do and it's set to 18/6.

This time I'm just turning the light on when I get up (around 8am or earlier) and turning it off before bed (around 12:30am [right after Steve Cobert goes off]), so roughly 16.5 hours of light, minimum. Most days they prolly get more than that because I'll often get up earlier than 8am.
not sure i learned a lot watching your journals, just the usual good soil & water/feeding, temp/humidity & lighting practices, i still have a bit to go to gain a seat at the flop counsel but i'll get there :adore:
You certainly will! :Rasta:
the singing Bass Lol!

Ha! I once had a Billy Bass, con. One day it up and disappeared.

Mrs.GDB has claimed innocence to this day, with her lying ass! 😁
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