GDB's Fairy Tails

I was born and raised in CT, spent 10 years in MN, spent 3 years in NC, and more recently added FL as a secondary residence so after harvest I’ll be there for a couple winter months and back in CT for rest of year.
Sounds like you're living the good life!

What'd you bring? :)
And still have family and friends in all those areas so plenty of visiting travel constantly…
One thing we growers know is that it's not all rainbows and unicorn farts when starting a grow and maintaining it.

Well....except Ramblin' Rosey dude....he brings a lot of unicorn farts with him, we need to get that blowtorch away from him to protect us all!
IKR! I wonder if he travels with a blowtorch as a matter of routine? 😁
Does that mean we can check under our seats now to see if we Won Azi's SIP now?
MedSci, I think I saw Azi leave after he saw what Tra did with his SIP. He looked pissed and prolly took his prize with him. :straightface:
MedSci, I think I saw Azi leave after he saw what Tra did with his SIP. He looked pissed and prolly took his prize with him. :straightface:
That's all right... I did find Azi's note under MY (Sheds) seat!

I will just take a pillow off the back of Lady C's couch as my prize! ❤️
Very nice Granny, and vac-sealed too!

Geez, with your bucket and N420's Santa sac and LadyC's couch, I'm tempted to pull the fire alarm and then lock the doors after everyone runs out. :ganjamon:
Slow down GDB >>>I'm not going anywhere soon. All that Bud, not to mention all the snacks you have gathered along the way from all your peeps..

I say you pull up your bootstraps and gets to grownin. It ain't over until Fatass sings. And I got a hell of a number.

What does everyone say??? keep the journal going and Lets rock and have some fun along the way.
Slow down GDB >>>I'm not going anywhere soon. All that Bud, not to mention all the snacks you have gathered along the way from all your peeps..

I say you pull up your bootstraps and gets to grownin. It ain't over until Fatass sings. And I got a hell of a number.

What does everyone say??? keep the journal going and Lets rock and have some fun along the way.
I thought he had every intention of keeping it going, hopefully he's just doing germination in a secret room and will come out to party as often as he can. :party::smokin::lot-o-toke: All that smoke we create probably isn't good for tiny tots......
I thought he had every intention of keeping it going, hopefully he's just doing germination in a secret room and will come out to party as often as he can. :party::smokin::lot-o-toke: All that smoke we create probably isn't good for tiny tots......
That sounded an awful lot like what that one dude got struck down by lightning for in the Old Testament :)
Sorry about the duds GBD, but on the plus side. :cheer: GO NEW BEANS GO:cheer:

Oh sh*t that was probably way to loud don’t want to give them stage fright… GO NEW BEANS GO
Well, we listened to you and brought in a "higher" ground couch to replace the soiled one. Hopefully this is up to your "high" standards?

Stoners Couch.jpg
OMG it's my dream couch !!! 🌈💚🥰
And you weren't lying! I saw it up close and personal.

Most women pee. You piss! :rofl:

And most men stand for the task. You choose to sit, and dab the end with toilet paper when you’re done.

I say as long as we are masters of our micturition, life is good.

And most men stand for the task. You choose to sit, and dab the end with toilet paper when you’re done.

I say as long as we are masters of our micturition, life is good.
That's a lie!

I wring my drips away using both hands, just as one wrings a towel dry!

Shame on you Tra for telling a whopper like that. 😁
Good morning all and Happy Sunday!

I don't have any plant updates today.

In fact, I posting to say one thing and one thing only:

I miss @Carcass. :straightface:
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