GDB's Fairy Tails

Jees man, I dunno, that's a BIG ask 🤣
Aww come on guys I'm not so bad. I'm not an experienced grower so I can't offer much help in that department but I sure like to have some fun , smoke weed :lot-o-toke:and giggle a lot.:laugh:.
Well, we listened to you and brought in a "higher" ground couch to replace the soiled one. Hopefully this is up to your "high" standards?

Stoners Couch.jpg
You bought THAT for Ramblin!?

Oh my. Let me check the smoke detector batteries. o_O
You 420 people never cease to amaze me. Just ask and you will receive. You guys and gals are the best of the best. Thank You Lady Cannafan. I can rest easy now. :rofl: :rofl:
Hold on there, Ramblin!

Is that a friggin' blowtorch you have? :lot-o-toke:
Sorry about the duds and death GDB. I'd skip the mycos at the germination stage since the tap root doesn't need any help in the rooters. I add it to the soil when I plant my peat pucks in solo cups and that seems to be okay.
Thanks Shed.

"Duds & Death." Not a good strain name.

I usually put a bit of mycos in the rooters and, IIRK, they usually pop. The stoner in me reasoned, more mycos in the plugs will equal faster and more rigorous root growth from the outset. Not. :straightface:
Aww come on guys I'm not so bad. I'm not an experienced grower so I can't offer much help in that department but I sure like to have some fun , smoke weed :lot-o-toke:and giggle a lot.:laugh:.
Unfortunately, you're also fun to mess with! :Rasta:
One thing we growers know is that it's not all rainbows and unicorn farts when starting a grow and maintaining it.

Well....except Ramblin' Rosey dude....he brings a lot of unicorn farts with him, we need to get that blowtorch away from him to protect us all!
Just ask my gf she will agree....Weed daddy can't be trusted with a blowtorch.
One thing we growers know is that it's not all rainbows and unicorn farts when starting a grow and maintaining it.

Well....except Ramblin' Rosey dude....he brings a lot of unicorn farts with him, we need to get that blowtorch away from him to protect us all!
We’ve all seen at least a few growers blessed with the double double rainbow effect all the time. Must be the same folks that produce fireworks or rose scent instead of typical methane scented flatus :)
Welcome @Granny420! Based on your moniker, I'm guessing you're a mature individual with a sense of decorum. Sorry to say, here you will stick out like a sore thumb. :)
What? “Mature individual” Is that a nice way to say I’m old??? Well… you’re RIGHT!:high-five::thumb::yahoo::goof::party:

With a sense of decorum (definition of decorum: behavior in keeping with good taste and propriety) :rofl::laugh:

Since I’ve become a bit acquainted with a number of your peeps, I think I’ll fit in just fine! LOL
:thanks: For letting me join, and Granny Hugs :hug:
What? “Mature individual” Is that a nice way to say I’m old??? Well… you’re RIGHT!:high-five::thumb::yahoo::goof::party:

With a sense of decorum (definition of decorum: behavior in keeping with good taste and propriety) :rofl::laugh:

Since I’ve become a bit acquainted with a number of your peeps, I think I’ll fit in just fine! LOL
:thanks: For letting me join, and Granny Hugs :hug:
I resemble that comment!
What? “Mature individual” Is that a nice way to say I’m old??? Well… you’re RIGHT!:high-five::thumb::yahoo::goof::party:

With a sense of decorum (definition of decorum: behavior in keeping with good taste and propriety) :rofl::laugh:

Since I’ve become a bit acquainted with a number of your peeps, I think I’ll fit in just fine! LOL
:thanks: For letting me join, and Granny Hugs :hug:
Hugs to you too, Granny! :hug:

Hopefully, I'll get this grow going before you, or I, get much older.
Hey Ramblin.

The girls aren't doing shit. The only one to show, the Sour G, is history. I manhandled her when she was too delicate to be treated that way. LadyC warned me not to force her cotys open but her warning came too late. I pried them apart and laid them open and soon she said, see ya'.

SG RIP 9-11-24.JPG

None of the other seeds has emerged. I pulled their plugs apart today and did an inspection. All of the seeds were just sitting there with their tap roots turning brown.

It seems that I've screwed up the germination process yet again. All of the seeds have dampened out.

This time, I'm thinking it was the mycos that I used. I use Xtreme Gardening Myco. It's made up of little crystals, similar to vermiculite but smaller. I think it might retain water and since I really stuff a lot down the holes of the rooters...well.

I debated about whether to drop more seeds. I'm wondering do I even need to be growing plants at the same time I'm plotting to move to another house.

Yes, I do! :Rasta:

The couch did not get pissed on Ramblin.

It is infested with bed bugs, though. I prolly shoulda' mentioned that earlier. :straightface:

Gees! I am sorry for your loss, but I am reassured too cuz I’m not alone!!!:woohoo: I also lost a number of great seeds before they got started too. Luckily, some survived. But I was feeling …. Hmmm…. Well, like a dumbass for having so many seeds turn bad. And I inspected inside the rockwool and pretty much I had the same thing going on as you did. But I’m moving on and hope you are too! I think I read you are popping more on the down low.

Ya know, you are 10 pages in on this journal and it has been awesome to watch! But I think I need to bring something to the party, so Lady C’s couch doesn’t get torched!

Granny’s bringing a 5 gal bucket, sittin it down, and getting the hell outta the way as all the peeps start pulling out various bags, all nicely cured and packaged…

Ready, set, START pulling bags - but remember I can use my cane if ya try to run me over!!!

:hug:Granny Hugs To ALL!
I resemble that comment!
Don't worry, you're not alone Budnoob!

BTW, I clicked on your avatar and notice you're from Connecticut, Florida and Minnesota.

So you may indeed be the senior-most attendee, being as you're no longer quite sure where you originated. 😁
I was born and raised in CT, spent 10 years in MN, spent 3 years in NC, and more recently added FL as a secondary residence so after harvest I’ll be there for a couple winter months and back in CT for rest of year.
Gees! I am sorry for your loss, but I am reassured too cuz I’m not alone!!!:woohoo: I also lost a number of great seeds before they got started too. Luckily, some survived. But I was feeling …. Hmmm…. Well, like a dumbass for having so many seeds turn bad. And I inspected inside the rockwool and pretty much I had the same thing going on as you did. But I’m moving on and hope you are too! I think I read you are popping more on the down low.

Ya know, you are 10 pages in on this journal and it has been awesome to watch! But I think I need to bring something to the party, so Lady C’s couch doesn’t get torched!

Granny’s bringing a 5 gal bucket, sittin it down, and getting the hell outta the way as all the peeps start pulling out various bags, all nicely cured and packaged…

Ready, set, START pulling bags - but remember I can use my cane if ya try to run me over!!!

:hug:Granny Hugs To ALL!
Very nice Granny, and vac-sealed too!

Geez, with your bucket and N420's Santa sac and LadyC's couch, I'm tempted to pull the fire alarm and then lock the doors after everyone runs out. :ganjamon:
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