GDB's Express Grow

I respectfully ask that you please pay attention.
Ok I’m willing to try paying for the attention even though I can no longer afford that cup StarBuz coffee.

And right now everyone looks all spiffy in their solos. :passitleft:
Shed: 5 gallon pots. These are supposed be 36 inch plants

3 gallon pot.... :cough:
Different grower! :laughtwo:
I don't compare autos to photos! Nor would I have recommended you go with 3 gallons either. ;)
My response purposely omitted the fact that Boo's is an auto because I just grew one that was 70g wet! :laugh:
Easier for this old fart to lift too- I tried FFOF, didn't like it, too heavy, too many rocks and sticks in it... got a fresh bale of ProMix HP waiting on the next grow.(s)
Carcass, I'd love to see you give Roots Organics Lush Soil a try. It's killer for about 5-6 weeks, water only. Then you could begin to work your magic!

Plus, its a coco/peat mix. Very light. I carried two bags to my truck without breathing hard! :Rasta:
There's a site for that:
There are lots of sites of this nature, but I can't make a decision on which one to visit. :straightface:
5 gallon pots. These are supposed be 36 inch plants!
I agree. All fives!
Congrats on the 100% sprout rate! I think I’m a little opposite of you GDB, I stick to what works for me and am hesitant to dip my toe into trying new nutrients because, well, why? The ProMix HP, for me, is a comfortable medium that I can make as wet or as dry as I want it to be. MC worked well for a lot of my grows as did Dyna something (cough) in my beginning grows. I used the @Prescription Blend nutrients in the GSC Comparative in order to be a good sport, and they were marvelous - as was the representation here on the threads. I thought I would try the PB products again on what I feel comfortable growing (which is autoflower s) and they are working great. I find the ProMix easier for this old gal to lift, I prefer the plastic pots for the same reason, and the PB nutes mix really well vice the MC that always has residue left. I still have a shit ton of MC so I will no doubt be using it again and again. Just didn’t want to hassle with it in the current grow. Sorry for the Novel. I guess what I’m saying is….maybe you already know what works well for you, but you like to try new things (unlike me), and that’s okay - but there is risk there!!! :cheesygrinsmiley: I will leave now….
Thanks, Boo! Change and risk just keep it a bit more interesting for me! And you've gone from Dyna "something" to MC to PB, so you're not that adverse to change yourself!
So no kazoo!? What are your feelings on nose flutes? I'd hate to come to the party un instrumented!
Sorry Stone, no instruments allowed!

The last time I allowed them someone showed up with bag-pipes. By the end of the day there was a horde of weed-pissing cats roaming the neighborhood!
3 seeds to 3 seedlings. Jobs a good un so far.
Thanks, Vet.
Hope everything is going well for you my friend @Grand Daddy Black
All is well Bill. I wish the same to you!
Hello growers.

I don't have any real news today.

The babies are doing well and I think I'm seeing the tiny beginnings of a second set of leaves on the Goo!

I'm still pondering how to grow these (grow medium and nutes).

Yesterday a new bag of MC that had been back-ordered was finally delivered.

Now I need to determine if its arrival is a signal from the CannaGods or just the arrival of a back-ordered bag of MC! :rolleyes:

Hello growers.

I don't have any real news today.

The babies are doing well and I think I'm seeing the tiny beginnings of a second set of leaves on the Goo!

I'm still pondering how to grow these (grow medium and nutes).

Yesterday a new bag of MC that had been back-ordered was finally delivered.

Now I need to determine if its arrival is a signal from the CannaGods or just the arrival of a back-ordered bag of MC! :rolleyes:

She going to be tight then
Omen, or doorstop, your choice... :)
The little Goo is looking sweet!
Damn, C!

I think I was just about to receive the sign until I read your comment. Then the connection went **poof**! :laughtwo:
Hello growers.

Just another proud poppa boring all friends and strangers with pics of his new babies!

Grape Ape (left) - 3 days above soil
Pinkman Goo (middle) and Black Domina - 4 days above soil.
Express Grow 2-9-22 4D above soil.jpg

It is at this stage in my grows that I believe I'm usually too stingy with water. So this time around I'll be making an effort to not do that.

Lowering the light the other day did seem to stop the stretch. I've never had seedlings under the TS3000 before and really had no clue what height from which to hang it. I had erred on the side of safety and hung it too high at the outset.

Thanks for looking in.

Hello growers.

Just another proud poppa boring all friends and strangers with pics of his new babies!

Grape Ape (left) - 3 days above soil
Pinkman Goo (middle) and Black Domina - 4 days above soil.
Express Grow 2-9-22 4D above soil.jpg

It is at this stage in my grows that I believe I'm usually too stingy with water. So this time around I'll be making an effort to not do that.

Lowering the light the other day did seem to stop the stretch. I've never had seedlings under the TS3000 before and really had no clue what height from which to hang it. I had erred on the side of safety and hung it too high at the outset.

Thanks for looking in.

Pappa or Grandpa

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