GDB's Express Grow

Hey I’m excited to watch this new journal on autos.
I have alot in common with them. Anymore when my body wants to do something it just doe’s it no warning just like those dang plants we grow.

Love the nice sparkly squeaky clean tent. Now don’t go mucking it up. :cheer:
Thanks for tagging along Nev!

However, this is not an auto grow. I respectfully ask that you please pay attention. :laughtwo:

You haven't met my wife mate. :rolleyes:
I'm still trying to figure out mine amigo!
Blessing to you too, my friend!
Thank you!
I used it for drench feeding my autos from the beginning this go-round and there's not a bug in sight!
Love hearing that! I tried going with just foliar and I was not as successful with it. I think because I mixed too much of it and it has a max 2 week shelf life after its mixed. I'm sticking with drenches from now on.
3 gallon pots will help keep the plants a bit shorter, not to mention easier to move around<---(important to us lazy folks)
I was going to say jump to 7 so you can water less often later but it will alow a big enough root system to stretch the canopy outward and still keep them short.
I respectfully ask that you please pay attention. :laughtwo:
Well...I guess that's my cue to leave. I was not aware being attentive was a prerequisite. I was really excited about this hydro grow from clones too! Or was it DWC?
I was going to say jump to 7 so you can water less often later but it will alow a big enough root system to stretch the canopy outward and still keep them short.
I'll consider that Baked! (When pigs fly!)
Well...I guess that's my cue to leave.
No. I think it came earlier. When you thought the suggestion above was a good idea! :laughtwo:
Highya GDB,

It's fun already. I'm subbing in to watch more fun!! Oh, and to watch the ladies get big and fat!! Happy Smokin'
Good afternoon Mr Black

The upside to having bipolar like tendencies is I have many different versions of me to draw on. I have decided for this grow, I will be professional.

As you well know, I have been infested with all sorts of creepy crawlies, but that’s enough about me, we will keep this about the plants…

My recent grow has been terrible insect wise, but I think I’m getting on top of it and it shows in my plants. I have a nit tip, I don’t often have a good tip, but when I do - get on it.

I use 2 drip water trays, a larger one and a smaller one. The guy at the nursery I go to told me spider mites can often hijack their way into your plants on the backs of ants! They ride em like horses! I put water in the larger one and it acts like a moat.

Congratulations on the new grow adventure. Just let me know if you want some entertainment and I’ll get my kazoo out ;)
I would like to see the Trala we all know and love, rather than the professional Trala. Not even sure what that means, HaHa! Please bring your kazoo. Happy Smokin'
Highya GDB,

It's fun already. I'm subbing in to watch more fun!! Oh, and to watch the ladies get big and fat!! Happy Smokin'
Welcome in Bode! Fun while growing sure makes sense to me! :Rasta:
I have decided for this grow, I will be professional.
Sounds good. Best of luck! :laughtwo:
I would like to see the Trala we all know and love, rather than the professional Trala. Not even sure what that means, HaHa! Please bring your kazoo. Happy Smokin'
Uh, excuse me, didn't you just get here?

And one of the first things you do is invite the kazoo?

Hi GDB Here to help you with that T-Shirt you need Brother , I am behind and out of time right now but will be back , Peace ! things are Looking Good!
Not going anywhere, Smoke. Come back when you have time! :Rasta:
I sincerely hope it doesn't come to that Paul. But if it does, I hope it's not a hairy one! :straightface:

Seems like every time I've had to drop another seed due to a failed one, things get backed up and I end up vegging for longer than I had planned to in order to allow all to get on the same footing. And then the longer veg period leads to plants that get bigger than I intended. And it's been sorta' a vicious cycle.

I totally hear you on this. My plan has always been 4 plants in each tent but when you're trying to germinate 4 seeds but only 3 come up, you're already about a week to 10 days behind. :(
Hello growers.

Express Grow update.

The last seed to emerge, the Grape Ape, was above soil this morning. She's got a membrane issue right now but otherwise looks ok.
Grape Ape 2-6-22 above soil.JPG

Last night I was able to remove the membrane from the Pinkman Goo using a toothpick.
Goo 2-6-22 above soil.JPG

The Black Domina has finished shedding her helmet and is looking steady.
Blk Domina 2-6-22 above soil.JPG

So far I'm batting a thousand for this grow. You know what that means:
Soon I'm going to get hit by a pitch! :Rasta:

Thanks for looking in.

Sorry, I also meant to say Congrats on the new journal and I brought treats because I know how much you guys love when a new visitor brings treats.

Cannabis Rocky Road.jpeg
My those do look tasty Hashgirl!

But the one on top looks like someone's already taken a bite out of it.

I'll give that one to that kazoo-loving @Bode. :laughtwo:
New page new gr
Hello growers.

Express Grow update.

The last seed to emerge, the Grape Ape, was above soil this morning. She's got a membrane issue right now but otherwise looks ok.
Grape Ape 2-6-22 above soil.JPG

Last night I was able to remove the membrane from the Pinkman Goo using a toothpick.
Goo 2-6-22 above soil.JPG

The Black Domina has finished shedding her helmet and is looking steady.
Blk Domina 2-6-22 above soil.JPG

So far I'm batting a thousand for this grow. You know what that means:
Soon I'm going to get hit by a pitch! :Rasta:

Thanks for looking in.

Hey black domino. I grew it before. Good plant . It was jack and domino mix. Smoke was good too.
Sorry, I also meant to say Congrats on the new journal and I brought treats because I know how much you guys love when a new visitor brings treats.

Cannabis Rocky Road.jpeg
That is a beautiful pic HG.

It’s contest worthy!
That is a beautiful pic HG.

It’s contest worthy!
Agreed! I meant to post the same thing and then lost my place...I think I was in your journal T, at some point in the last 24 hrs but never finished. Urghhh.
:ciao: Granddaddy Black! I’m in for the show.
It was the wife that kept dribbling water on an empty patch of soil.
Sounds like me. :cheesygrinsmiley:
How could you resist dropping a few more beans? Look at all that lovely room you've got.. if you only grow two plants I will show that picture of my bare behind :laugh:
Damn. Looks like we aren’t gonna see Paul’s bare behind….:straightface:
3 gallon pots will help keep the plants a bit shorter, not to mention easier to move around
If @Carcass says you can do it in 3 gallons, YOU CAN DO IT!
Welcome, Boo.

Happy to have you around! :ciao:
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