GDB's Express Grow

Damn I don't have those Oats in the house ! Thanks for the recipe and ouming up tp not making them LOL . Good to see the GA up for you GDB ,, going as planned now :yahoo:
Thanks Smoke.

Things always go as planned, until they don't! :laughtwo:
Hello growers.

All of the babies are now above soil, opened up, with no membranes or helmet remnants.

The Grape Ape (left) has a little catching up to do. But isn't she adorable! (Guy in the front row: "I'd tell you if I could see it!") I'm such a proud poppa. :Rasta:

The Pinkman Goo is middle and on the right is the Black Domina.
Express Grow 2-7-22 all standing.jpg

I lowered the light last night from 24 inches to about 19 because the early risers seem to want to stretch. Lux reading in now around 7000 under the @Mars Hydro TS3000 on it's lowest setting. I'm running the light 24 hours a day and will continue to do so until all have their second set of leaves. Then I'll go to 18/6 on/off.

I'll be watching to see how the GA responds to the lower light. If she doesn't stretch up like the others have I guess that means I had the light hanging too high from the outset. And that will go into my head as something to forget about, again, the next time I sprout seeds. :laughtwo:
Shout out to @Weed Seeds Express whose seeds seem to consistently deliver hassle-free germination! :bravo:

I'm still all over the place with regard to what medium to use. I made matters worse by going in my supply bins where I have a somewhat over-the-top variety of stuff to plant in.

I haven't really settled on a favorite way to grow yet and continue my search for the lazy-man's "holy grail" of grow methods. I suspect that it's LOS (Living Organic Soil) but I haven't devoted the time it takes to get there yet. One day I'll start pestering @StoneOtter for help with that. (You've been warned! :laughtwo: )

You know, I could sit here for quite a while talking about all the crap that's going through my head about this grow. But if you're reading this, I want you to come back. So I won't bore you to death! :Rasta:

Hello growers.

All of the babies are now above soil, opened up, with no membranes or helmet remnants.

The Grape Ape (left) has a little catching up to do. But isn't she adorable! (Guy in the front row: "I'd tell you if I could see it!") I'm such a proud poppa. :Rasta:

The Pinkman Goo is middle and on the right is the Black Domina.
Express Grow 2-7-22 all standing.jpg

I lowered the light last night from 24 inches to about 19 because the early risers seem to want to stretch. Lux reading in now around 7000 under the @Mars Hydro TS3000 on it's lowest setting. I'm running the light 24 hours a day and will continue to do so until all have their second set of leaves. Then I'll go to 18/6 on/off.

I'll be watching to see how the GA responds to the lower light. If she doesn't stretch up like the others have I guess that means I had the light hanging too high from the outset. And that will go into my head as something to forget about, again, the next time I sprout seeds. :laughtwo:
Shout out to @Weed Seeds Express whose seeds seem to consistently deliver hassle-free germination! :bravo:

I'm still all over the place with regard to what medium to use. I made matters worse by going in my supply bins where I have a somewhat over-the-top variety of stuff to plant in.

I haven't really settled on a favorite way to grow yet and continue my search for the lazy-man's "holy grail" of grow methods. I suspect that it's LOS (Living Organic Soil) but I haven't devoted the time it takes to get there yet. One day I'll start pestering @StoneOtter for help with that. (You've been warned! :laughtwo: )

You know, I could sit here for quite a while talking about all the crap that's going through my head about this grow. But if you're reading this, I want you to come back. So I won't bore you to death! :Rasta:

I have the lazy man's way. Lmao. Cause I'm a champ at it. . lmao
I have the lazy man's way. Lmao. Cause I'm a champ at it. . lmao
But seriously. Just let them grow clean water.. and really all they need. . They will tell you what they need.. good dirt make sure it has all good nutes. And clean water.. like my dirt has everything but cal. And mag. So one shot of that in the dirt at each stage. . I put clean water to them that been setting out 24/48 hrs remove most chemicals in it. And I do nothing else. For them. Cut bottom leaves off every once in a while. That looks bad. And all I do. Move them around to give them rotation. And maybe squeeze bags some break up soil to loosen the roots up to grow. Then sit in my rocker and smoke. Lmao
But seriously. Just let them grow clean water.. and really all they need. . They will tell you what they need.. good dirt make sure it has all good nutes. And clean water.. like my dirt has everything but cal. And mag. So one shot of that in the dirt at each stage. . I put clean water to them that been setting out 24/48 hrs remove most chemicals in it. And I do nothing else. For them. Cut bottom leaves off every once in a while. That looks bad. And all I do. Move them around to give them rotation. And maybe squeeze bags some break up soil to loosen the roots up to grow. Then sit in my rocker and smoke. Lmao
Now u can worry yourself to death but strong plants survive . Weak dies . Like the runt of the litter. It dies. It's supposed to . You fight crap fight crap all time. And just cost money and time and alot of headaches. Got more plants to worry about.. if I can find what paint needs I'll give it them. Small does and if it lives it lives. Weak things die. Fact of life
I'm still all over the place with regard to what medium to use. I made matters worse by going in my supply bins where I have a somewhat over-the-top variety of stuff to plant in.

I haven't really settled on a favorite way to grow yet and continue my search for the lazy-man's "holy grail" of grow methods. I suspect that it's LOS (Living Organic Soil) but I haven't devoted the time it takes to get there yet.
The SoilKing "Big Rootz":cough::cough::cough:
With biweekly granular feeds

Or whatever Otter says because I'd agree with that too! Haaa haaa

I'm not necessarily sold on any one way either. I completely understand and relate to having to find the "lazy" ways to grow. For me, schedule, energy, and pain level changes too quickly to be able to manage.

I have a bunch of bins and bags of all kinds of medium and stuff to mix in, blah blah blah. My goodness...the amount of crap I have for growing is absurd. I could go out right now and spend hours making a fresh batch of LOS. Or spend a "few" extra bucks getting a pre-made bag of some great soil and just add anything else you want or don't want. I'm going that route more often than not from now on.
But if you're reading this, I want you to come back. So I won't bore you to death!
Too late! Unwatchable!
What kind of dirt do you use Dust? And if you dig your dirt directly off the side of some mountain you need not bother answering! :laughtwo:

Did I sound like that?

Guess I did. :rofl:
I use ocean forest. And happy frog mix but I grabbed new sht. This time and it's pretty good dirt. . And no I don't grab it off side or mountain. But that is some good dirt up there. Lmao.
Congrats on the 100% sprout rate! I think I’m a little opposite of you GDB, I stick to what works for me and am hesitant to dip my toe into trying new nutrients because, well, why? The ProMix HP, for me, is a comfortable medium that I can make as wet or as dry as I want it to be. MC worked well for a lot of my grows as did Dyna something (cough) in my beginning grows. I used the @Prescription Blend nutrients in the GSC Comparative in order to be a good sport, and they were marvelous - as was the representation here on the threads. I thought I would try the PB products again on what I feel comfortable growing (which is autoflower s) and they are working great. I find the ProMix easier for this old gal to lift, I prefer the plastic pots for the same reason, and the PB nutes mix really well vice the MC that always has residue left. I still have a shit ton of MC so I will no doubt be using it again and again. Just didn’t want to hassle with it in the current grow. Sorry for the Novel. I guess what I’m saying is….maybe you already know what works well for you, but you like to try new things (unlike me), and that’s okay - but there is risk there!!! :cheesygrinsmiley: I will leave now….
What kind of dirt do you use Dust? And if you dig your dirt directly off the side of some mountain you need not bother answering! :laughtwo:

Did I sound like that?

Guess I did. :rofl:
This what I used this time not best not worse but has stuff I like . Doesn't have much cal mag only thing I added and more perilote and few rocks.


I find the ProMix easier for this old gal to lift,
Easier for this old fart to lift too- I tried FFOF, didn't like it, too heavy, too many rocks and sticks in it... got a fresh bale of ProMix HP waiting on the next grow.(s)
Congratulations on the new sprouts and the new journal GDB!
too many options leads to indecision
There's a site for that:
It's interesting other than the author not knowing when to use "less" and when to use "fewer."
3 gallon pots
5 gallon pots. These are supposed be 36 inch plants!

Also, I don't think pot size should be something you need to be thinking about if your plants show a deficiency down the road in flower. Take rootbound out of the equation would be my thought.
So far I'm batting a thousand for this grow
The Pinkman Goo is middle and on the right is the Black Domina.
I know you will be randomly shifting those around so I'm not paying any attention at this point!
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