GDB's Bubblegum Machine

Hello gang.

It's Flip + 6 for the Bubblegum Machine and it's no news is good news!

The girls are just doing what they do. I was surprised last night when they didn't need water. According to my notes they haven't been watered since April 30th, so apparently I forgot to document a feed (maybe two!). But I hefted the pots and checked the soil moisture, so I know tomorrow is likely the day they'll be ready for more.

I moved a few more ties further out on branches. I see a few more that I'll tie down for the first time tomorrow.
Bgum Tent 5-6-22  F6.JPG

The "twin" is trying to show her stuff! Those two tallest branches are the ones I'm going to tie down tomorrow.

RQ Bgum twin 5-6-22 F6.jpg

Thank you for your interest.

Poor twin...just as it's starting to get a leg up you swat tie it down. Must be a red-headed stepchild thing!
When you dealing with twins you need to be twice as determined! :Rasta:
Hello grow gang.

It's Flip + 7 for the Bubblegum Machine.

I went after the RQ twin today and got started on trying to train the Grape Ape clone.

Hopefully, I can mostly let the twin just go from here:
RQ twin 5-7-22 F7.jpg

On the other hand, this is only the beginning of training for the clone. She's going to need a lot more work in the days/weeks to come.
GA clone 5-7-22 F7.jpg

Here is the group today.

The GA clone is left rear and the twin is in the middle.

Tonight at lights-on I'll lay hands on the two on the right side (Kera Bgum rear, RQ Bgum XXL front). The Black Cherry Pie, front left, requires the least amount of attention at the moment.
Bubblegum Tent 5-7-22 F7.jpg

I hope everyone's weekend goes well. Have some fun on purpose!

Thanks for looking in and for the feedback!
From here you can't tell it is a twin :lot-o-toke:
Nor from here, Smoke! I think there may have been some commingling underneath the soil! :)

Yo GDB, lookin awesome, not sure how your journal slipped thru the cracks. Heres to a bountify Harvest Brother!
Damn, that twin is really gettin' with the program!
Hello again gang. It's now May 8th, but all of this update's activity occurred before midnight, so I'll report it as Late Night Flip + 7 for the Bubblegum Machine.

When I posted this morning, I said I was going to lay hands on the Kera BG & RQ II at lights on this evening at 10pm. I had intended to further their training by putting in some more CarcassSticks® and perhaps putting in some new tie-downs. Well I ended up laying hands on them all but not in the way I had initially planned to.

As it turned out, I was not in a good mood this night. Not sure why, but that's just how it was. I didn't really feel the joy I usually feel when taking care of the girls. I think it may have affected my actions. I hardly tied any new stuff down, though there was some stuff that needed it. And, I installed no new CarcassSticks®.

Instead I just started pinching and bending branches on most of the plants. Many of the bends won't even exist by tomorrow morning. Maybe I was just doing something to buy some more time until I felt more like my normal self. And I thought the pinch/bend might at least slow down the growth of the branches that I did it to.

That's the backstory, here's the result:

Royal Queen Bubblegum XXL:
RQ II 5-7-22 F7.jpg

RG II top 5-7-22 F7.jpg

Kera Bubblegum:
Kera BG 5-7-22 F7.jpg

Kera BG top 5-7-22 F7.jpg

Black Cherry Pie:
Black Cherry Pie 5-7-22 F7.jpg

BlackCherry pie top 5-7-22 F7.jpg

Royal Queen twin:
Twin 5-7-22 F7.jpg

Grape Ape clone:
GA clone 5-7-22 F7.jpg

GA clone top 5-7-77 F7.jpg

Thanks for putting up with my rambling in this post. I'm still trying to get into a better mood, and I think this may have helped.

Tomorrow will be a better day!

Thanks for your interest.

Hey, GDB.

Hope things turn for you. I always feel better after working on the plants in my garden. Hell, sometimes I grab dinner and just go sit in front of them and stare for a while. Don't know why it helps, but it does.

Cheers to you!

:Namaste: :green_heart:


Edit: Hell, who am I kidding, I do it a lot!
Hello gang!

After our little session last night, I thought the girls might have something to say to me today. What they basically said was, "That all you got?"
Bubblegum Tent 5-8-22 F8.jpg

Thanks for looking in.

Hello growers.

It's Flip + 9 for the Bubblegum Machine.

Just a quick tent pic to show that the girls still are not mad at me for what I did to them the other night! :)
Bubblegum Tent 5-9-22 F9.jpg

Thanks for your interest.

That you know of. You sure they're not talking about you behind your back??

That's a distinct possibility @Azimuth!

My tent has an observation window. And I've noticed that when I look at them through there, there is lots of movement (perhaps chattering) going on. But if I open the tent, they all freeze as if to say, "Wait. He can hear us!" :laughtwo:
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