GDB's Bubblegum Machine

Very "interior designer" of you to notice, Azimuth! :)
Lots of room to fill in that tent GDB, but those ladies look up to the task.
Lots of room to fill in that tent GDB, but those ladies look up to the task.
I hope they are Budman!

They certainly have the room to do pretty much whatever they want. I haven't been able to find a height projection for the Black Cherry Pie. But I already know that the Grape Ape clone will be heading north. And both the Kera and Royal Queen Bubblegums have a max indoor height projections of 140cm, so I was glad to get them flipped this early! :Rasta:
Hello growers.

I am fascinated by the way plants immediately respond to 12 hours of darkness. They get that "look" that says, "Alright, it's time to get busy!"

Bubblegum Tent 5-1-22 F2.jpg

Have a great Sunday everyone!

Congrats on the " on time, and according to plan" flip!
Hello all.

It's Flip + 3 for the Bubblegum Machine.

It's that time when I like to get handsy! Give me an inch, and I'll tie it down! :)

I went at the girls last night and most had enough new growth to be further opened up and shackled. I didn't bother the Grape Ape clone (left rear) because I know what she's gonna do. No matter what I do to her at this point, I'll need to do more later, so I just leave her be for now.

All the others got opened up/tied down in at least a few more spots.

Bubblegum Tent 5-3-22 F3.jpg

The short side of the RQ Bgum twin has only 4 growth points (but I still think she's a cutie)!

In this pic the arrows indicate the short plant's growth. One branch remains hidden in the shadows. I may cut a few fans off of the tall side to uncover that last branch, or preferably I'll be able to bend them out of the way in a short while.
RQ twin 5-3-22 F3 arrows.jpg

That's today's news.

As always, thank you for stopping by.

BTW, I recently received my MoTM prizes from 420, and I modeled my wonderful new T-shirt here.

Plant look Good GDB , did you change you feeding after flip ?
Thanks, Smoke.

I haven't really changed feeding after flip. I continue to gradually increase the MC in baby steps. They get MC every 4 days. I alternate between giving them MC + Calmag (0-0-0) on the "feed" days and just plain, aged tap water + Calmag(4-0-0) on their "water only" days (2 days after the MC feed).

Their last dose of MC was 4.5g, and the next one will be too. The next boost will be to 4.75 of MC for 2 feeds, and then I'll go to 5g after that.

I hope that makes sense. I often struggle when I've got some 'splainin to do! :)
Hello growers.

It's Flip + 5 for the Bubblegum Machine.

The plants are starting to look fiesty! In the pic below, the Grape Ape clone (rear left) is thirsty but the rest are standing at attention.

Bubblegum Tent 5-5-22 F5.jpg

I gave the clone 2 liters of plain water + SNS 209 to hold her over until tonight at 10. That's when the lights come on and they will all get fed to run-off.

Thanks for looking in.

Makes since to me GDB But let me ask this what is calmag 0-0-0 how can it be 0 and have some in it ? or is it me LOL
It's organic calmag Smoke. It's 4% Calcium, 1% Magnesium and 4% Sulphur. There is no Nitrogen, Phosphate or Potassium, hence the NPK rating of 0-0-0. TPS Nutrients and Roots Organics Nutrients both offer organic calmag. There may be others of which I am unaware. :Rasta:
Nice 'n healthy, and the perfect shade of green- nice work, GDB!
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