GDB's Bubblegum Machine

It may just blast the f$$$ off you never know after the separating . :green_heart: looking healthy in there
Thanks Smoke! You never know. :)
I'll be watchin' for that, since I probably get to do one too...
Yours should be easier to separate since there's a little distance between the two!
Et tu, Baked. :straightface:
Another tent full of beautiful plants! Your doing a great job GDB!
Thanks, N420. Just trying to stay out of the way! :Rasta:
The plants are looking real good, GDB- are you going to top the other two, or let them go natural?
Thanks MrC. I'm going to top the Cherry Pie. Not sure about the twin.
Plant the tap root up, and violin, no more helmet head.
Typing in your sleep again, MrSauga? :straightface:
I always love it when they shoot up after a feeding. They look very happy.:thumb:
Thanks Budman! I hope they are truly happy and not just masking depression! :laughtwo:
It'll be interesting to see how you develop these ladies GDB, I'm just over here taking notes and eating my kid's ranch veggie-straws and apple sauce. (Battle of the fittest up in this bitch)
Breaks my heart to watch you boys chop off them beautiful low bud sites, but I know it's necessary...I just haven't had the heart to do it yet. Looking great as usual.
It'll be interesting to see how you develop these ladies GDB, I'm just over here taking notes and eating my kid's ranch veggie-straws and apple sauce. (Battle of the fittest up in this bitch)
Breaks my heart to watch you boys chop off them beautiful low bud sites, but I know it's necessary...I just haven't had the heart to do it yet. Looking great as usual.
Prepare to be broken-hearted, Rhino! :)

Having topped the Kera Bgum & RQ II Bgum a few days back, today I went after their bottoms. I took off all the flowering sites below the top two nodes but left most of the large fan leaves. Then I secured the bottom nodes with CarcassSticks®.

Kera Bubblegum before:
Kera BG 4-14-22 before clean D35.jpg

Kera Bubblegum after:
RQ BG II 4-14-22 cleaned D35.jpg

The RQ Bgum II got the same treatment.
Royal Queen Bubblegum II (after):
RQ BG II 4-14-22 cleaned D35.jpg

I used to remove everything from the bottom nodes but now I leave the solitary fan leaves. I've had favorable and consistent results using this approach.

This is my unscientific take on why I like it. At some point during the plant's growth -- perhaps 30-40 days from now and some time after they've been flipped -- I think the plant realizes that their are no flower sites paired with those big fans. At that point she decides to eat up all the goodies in those leaves and, I hope/guess, send them further up the plant to where the flowers are. The plant in effect defoliates itself. Those isolated fan leaves always seem to be the first ones to be eaten and discarded.

I'd much rather have the plant use up and discard leaves to meet her needs instead of removing them early myself.

Here's a tent shot. Things don't look that different. (Those two little ones in there are cuttings I've taken from my other grow).

Bubblegum Tent 4-14-22 Day 35.jpg

I'm going to begin sanitizing the basement tent for them. It's getting too hot in that room they're in and I have little control over it. I've still got a little time as our temps are predicted to be back into the 50s for most of next week.

Thanks for stopping by.


Kera Bgum 4-14-22 cleaned D35.jpg
It's always hard for me to cut away bud sites. I know it's better in the long run, but those cute little buds never hurt anyone ;) Great job on the cleanup GDB.

In my last post I seem to have triple-posted the "after" pic of the cleaned RQ Bgum II and NO pic of the Kera Bgum post-cleaning.

So here's the Kera Bgum:

Kera Bgum 4-14-22 cleaned D35.jpg

Sorry about that! :ganjamon:


No wait. That's the same pic that was stranded at the bottom of my previous one! I think I might be high!
Hi mate. I can tidy up the triple picture post if you like? I think I can:hmmmm: if your entire journal disappears, remember its all your fault still:laugh:

Really impressed at how quick these are developing and I also hear you on the self defoliation.
I let all my plants do exactly that.
Nice work anyway, they are looking happy.:thumb:
Hi mate. I can tidy up the triple picture post if you like? I think I can:hmmmm: if your entire journal disappears, remember its all your fault still:laugh:

Really impressed at how quick these are developing and I also hear you on the self defoliation.
I let all my plants do exactly that.
Nice work anyway, they are looking happy.:thumb:
I appreciate the offer Paul! But that might just cause more confusion, for me anyway! :laugh:
This is my unscientific take on why I like it. At some point during the plant's growth -- perhaps 30-40 days from now and some time after they've been flipped -- I think the plant realizes that their are no flower sites paired with those big fans. At that point she decides to eat up all the goodies in those leaves and, I hope/guess, send them further up the plant to where the flowers are. The plant in effect defoliates itself. Those isolated fan leaves always seem to be the first ones to be eaten and discarded.

I'd much rather have the plant use up and discard leaves to meet her needs instead of removing them early myself.
Dropping motherf*ing wisdom bombs!!! Much appreciated.
It's always hard for me to cut away bud sites. I know it's better in the long run, but those cute little buds never hurt anyone ;) Great job on the cleanup GDB.
I feel ya there! Slowly learning to be more aggressive with my cleanup process.
I think I can:hmmmm: if your entire journal disappears, remember its all your fault still:laugh:
Get this mod out of here!!!
Oh good, I was waiting for double H to get here before I cruised through.

They're all looking most excellent and well-trimmed and trained!

And since there's a mod in this thread I will leave it there.

Way to stay on topic, Shed. Just like you always do! :)
Dropping motherf*ing wisdom bombs!!! Much appreciated.
Thanks Baked. Yet, I'm sitting here waiting for someone to chime him about how whack my theory actually is! :Rasta:
Hello all.

Just another tent pic today of the Bubblegum Machine on Day 36. (I left everything in the tent. Please, just ignore the 3 clones up front.)

The cleaned-bottom girls are showing no signs of disfavor. And I am really pleased with how they're doing under the @ViparSpectra XS1500. I running the light at about 60% and hanging roughly 13 inches above the plants. Par is around 31K.

Bubblegum Tent 4-15-22 D36.jpg

And the RQ Bgum twin lives on, despite existing in the shadow of her taller sides fan leaves. The @ViparSpectra light apparently has the ability to penetrate through one set of leaves and into others underneath!
RQ Bgum twin 4-15-22 D36.jpg

Thanks for your interest.

Hello all.

I've got a quick update on the Bubblegum Machine on Day 37.

Having topped the Black Cherry Pie 2 days ago, I returned to her to clean up her bottom. I took a slightly different approach with this one. I took off the entire bottom node, fans and all, but this time left 3 nodes above it rather than 2.

Black Cherry 4-16-22 before cleanup D37.jpg

Black Cherry 4-16-22 post cleanup D37.jpg

As you can see, the bottom node has been secured with CarcassSticks®!

So of the 4 plants in this grow only the RQ Bgum twin has not been topped. I'm still up in the air about that one. She may end up being the first "untrained" plant I've grown.

Thanks for looking in.

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