GDB: A Sponsored Grow

13/11 will still flip plants that age into flower. Outdoor plants will show pistils when there is still 14 hours of daylight, and that's on a very gradual change. You slammed them from 18/6(?) to 13/11 so they are well on their way.

I remember @Archiweedies went from 18/6 to 16/8 and sent one of his into flower!

Feel free to move them to 12/12 and carry on with your cursing flowering. :)
Thanks, Shed.

I've been reading about this issue most of the day and I really don't think any damage has been done. But man, some folks out there have some radical ideas about handling light cycles! I read what one guy was touting and I was like, WTF! (I'm calmed down now and only cursing in acronyms.)

Then I thought about my sleeping issues and the fact that many nights (mornings) I'm up until 4 or 5am sitting right by the tent, and I've never seen the light come on before slogging off to bed with a bunch of chirping going on.

So I figured the most I've done over these 8 days is to sneak up on 12/12 like @Justin Goody does, sort of.

Still, I am befuddled by why/how that digital timer malfunctioned. I guess one has to be ever vigilant. :Rasta:
Hello growers.

I'll keep this short.

I've put myself through some unnecessary stress today over a faulty timer and I need time to reflect. :laughtwo:

The replacement timer has been set to 12/12 and I think all is well.

Thanks to @Bill284, @Nev and @InTheShed for responding to my false alarm.

Today I want to post a solo pic of the MegaCrop-fed @Weed Seeds Express C Banana. She was the main piece of major evidence I overlooked when I was wondering if my plants actually knew they were supposed to be in flower.

She's still stretching like she's in a yoga class. According to a reading of my CarcassStick she's gone up 9.5 inches in the 8 days since I changed the light cycle. All of the others have stretched up as well, they just haven't kept up with her. So the plants definitely know they're in flower.

MC-CB 5-24-21 D64 + 8.JPG

The Group (using the flash).
GDB back left \ MC-CB back right \ GOG front left \GF-CB front right
Tent 5-24-21 D64 + 8.JPG

I raised the @Mars Hydro a few inches and turned it up to 100%. The plants are sitting at about 62K on the lux meter now.

The replacement timer has been set to 12/12 and I think all is well.
I frequently bump the 'Random' button and send the lights into a random cycle. I'm forever checking those digital timers to make sure it stays on 'Auto' and not 'On' or 'Random'.
I frequently bump the 'Random' button and send the lights into a random cycle. I'm forever checking those digital timers to make sure it stays on 'Auto' and not 'On' or 'Random'.
I frequently bump my head on the grow light.
Nowhere near caught up but found a new journal to follow!

All I can say, being this is my first year growing indoor, I hate my f*ing lights! They are constantly jumping out and banging my head. Anyone know of a sponsor light that doesn't do that?
Nowhere near caught up but found a new journal to follow!

All I can say, being this is my first year growing indoor, I hate my f*ing lights! They are constantly jumping out and banging my head. Anyone know a sponsor light that doesn't do that?
Hey GDB hope your well
I’m not quite caught up with everything yet, an I hope you don’t mind me poppin in:)
I’m doing a lot of reading of all the great diaries going on here, and at last... I’ve found a topic that I can maybe add a bit to ;)

Mmm.. anyone regularly burn their heads on the bloody things as well as bang em’?
Peace to ya:)
Hey GDB hope your well
I’m not quite caught up with everything yet, an I hope you don’t mind me poppin in:)
I’m doing a lot of reading of all the great diaries going on here, and at last... I’ve found a topic that I can maybe add a bit to ;)

Mmm.. anyone regularly burn their heads on the bloody things as well as bang em’?
Peace to ya:)
Welcome to my party, @Bud Love. Glad to have you and your knotty head!

I too have felt the heat!

I resolved the head bumping problem thanks to my local hydro shop. They sell everything!

A while back they had a bin labeled LED Helmets and I bought one. They offer decent protection but one does get a bit warm if near the light for too long. You should try to find one. Be sure to get the original LED Helmet with the "H" (for helmet) logo.

led helmet II.jpg
That shape is perfect for my helm.. head;)
How’d you know?
Can you get em with a D and a H on the front, if y can, I’m in:)
Not sure wether to thank you or not for getting back to me GDB.. Mmmm. Ponder ponder.. feck it.. cheers for getting back dude, even if I am the helmet:)
Peace an many buds to ya
Hello grow mob!

I spent the first part of this morning watching "The Best of Foghorn Leghorn." And I say, I say I'm still chuckling. He was/is my fav Warner By Bros. character. :Rasta:

Anyway, it's day 64 + 10 for the group. I have yet to see any buds starting, just pre-flower stuff going on. All the MegaCrop girls are sitting at 5g per gallon and there is nothing unusual going on with the GeoFlora plant after her second topping of Bloom nutrients. I still plan to start her on Terpinator as soon as I see some buds developing.

Here's a few solo pics of the @Weed Seeds Express Godfather OG. By my humble standards, she's a big'un and I'm excited to see how she ends up.
GOG 5-26-21 D64 + 10.JPG


Here is the group. And I know longer suspect mind tricks, it is getting crowded in there!
Tent 5-26-21 D64 + 10.JPG

Hello grow mob!

I spent the first part of this morning watching "The Best of Foghorn Leghorn." And I say, I say I'm still chuckling. He was/is my fav Warner By Bros. character. :Rasta:

Anyway, it's day 64 + 10 for the group. I have yet to see any buds starting, just pre-flower stuff going on. All the MegaCrop girls are sitting at 5g per gallon and there is nothing unusual going on with the GeoFlora plant after her second topping of Bloom nutrients. I still plan to start her on Terpinator as soon as I see some buds developing.

Here's a few solo pics of the @Weed Seeds Express Godfather OG. By my humble standards, she's a big'un and I'm excited to see how she ends up.
GOG 5-26-21 D64 + 10.JPG


Here is the group. And I know longer suspect mind tricks, it is getting crowded in there!
Tent 5-26-21 D64 + 10.JPG

They look amazingly. WOW!
I see you snuck your Bible into the 2nd pic. :love:
They look amazingly. WOW!
I see you snuck your Bible into the 2nd pic. :love:
Thanks, Bill. I had just said a little prayer over the GOG! :laughtwo:
She's gorgeous man! Nicely done.

As for THAT bible, it is on my list. Is it a good one to have?
Thanks Baked.

Regarding the Bible, yeah it's a book you'd probably find interesting. :Rasta:
You're gonna have to get a longer stick....
Sweet looking plants, GDB-

It's going to be a real SOB* soon!

*sea of buds... :cheesygrinsmiley:
Thanks, MrC.

I really appreciate you stopping by! :Rasta:
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