GanjaGrandaddy Grows Great Ganja, Sometimes!

are you from the UK GGD? count me in for some old English wisdom! :passitleft:
might be confusing you with a different grandpa on here :rofl:
hi mate. i am a uk fella too. happy to help if i can.Welcome aboard red
hi mate. i am a uk fella too. happy to help if i can.Welcome aboard red
No sir, I'm from across the pond but I'm looking to expand my ... cultural knowledge. :passitleft:
Thanks GG! Way better now. :yahoo: Speaking of flashing, I found out today that I have a naughty little girl! Didn't know till she flashed me this morning That means with the clone I took when I topped her, I have two female dos I dos ! Will be cutting more clones today! Have a great,stoned day! :ciao::peace::yummy:
Hi there

Is this what I am looking for to spot a lady part?

My plants are approx 4 weeks old. When will they reveal if they have a lady garden or big ugly ole balls?

No sir, I'm from across the pond but I'm looking to expand my ... cultural knowledge. :passitleft:
Heehee and you named me cultural attache for the brits. bloody hell things are desperate. heehee. As my first duties as ambassador I would like to declare We dont like the queen or her sucubus family , We hate out govt way more than any other country ever could and the most important one is the Big shoes and the Medical facts it throws light on about our anatomy. This is thankfully TRUE. We have hobbit feet !!!
It's a start. lol
Hi there

Is this what I am looking for to spot a lady part?

My plants are approx 4 weeks old. When will they reveal if they have a lady garden or big ugly ole balls?

ues mate right there where you circled. either after the lights flip to 12/12 or as time passes in veg and she starts to show herself more through maturity , you will gat pairs of little white pistils (hairs). What you have at the moment is a pre cursor and not yet showing sex. keep a keen eye on these points and the "nanners" are a more obvious as they show up as deflated melons initially. If she is a he , it should become evident fairly quickly here. looking ok at present.
Day 45: Having been worried about overwatering the Los pots with the 7L I have been using each feed , I decided to use the probe properly instead of just a pot decoration. Wow these FFT girls are sipping some fluids. I watered 2 days back and gave them approx 9 L each to up the amount a little and encourage some weight gain. The probe at the bottom of the pot was in the red already !!!.
I am surprised how much they can take in. Checking the others had similar results too. They have all now had 10L and will be getting a top up later once I know it has got around the pot a little. This is why I fear soil so much. lol.
Also caught another issue with 2nd nft pump not putting enough fluid out. had a little root matter in the outlet.... another lucky
Still feels a lazy grow this way now but so simple to keep going with and has certainly not been any kind of negative on growth rate, flowering ect... in comparison with the other methods I used previously. The Fgs is colouring up at a very fast pace too , each visit I see more orange around the main tops and along the whole colas in smaller numbers but a ripening kind of look to her too. Buds up close have an oily sparkle of trichs which haven't loupe'd yet as I dont think it is that ready.

I also got to have a good root around in general down below the canopy and took some pics of the FFT#7 at her base. She has a lot of very strong stems within the canopy supporting some fat growing buds but her stem is a beast !.
I lost a limb that I had left on as it dropped and split and her response was a thick knuckle and rock solid manifold to sit on. At this point it still looks like the FGS will be the first harvest with the FFT#5 following her soon after. The other breeders strains look like they will keep going a little longer yet so hopefully good staggered harvest will avoid a trimjail sentence on top of a lockdown one. lol

An Admission Of Guilt
While examining the beauty of the Black Ghost and her neighbour "Filthy bitch" ( to be explained) for their sparkly ,dusty appeal . Filthy Bitch ( GG#4) made a grab for my crotch as I squatted to get more comfortable. She sent 2 of her lower girlies to "not take no for an answer" and they both attached to my joggers and refused to be removed with gentle persuasion. I considered shouting for Mrs GG and quickly took stock of the situation arising. She knows how much I enjoy my time with the ladies here and in particular I have had a little mentionitis where the GG#4 and her sticky sweet beauty is concerned. I knew I could not excuse just giving in and acted in haste . I removed the 2 lowers with swift action at the stalk and felt a minor victory. This was however short lived when I gazed at their severed state. Being the caring man I am I placed them in the warm above my Mars light to hopefully aid them in their suffering a little. I will be checking on their condition regularly to ensure they are comfortable.
No amount of poetry or expression can describe the emotions I feel for this hasty and heinous act and I shall be respectfully creating them once they have laid-in-state for a respectful time.

Any comments forgiven , I know what I did and deserve the appropriate feelings as they burn away into the ether. hmphh.....

Have great days Growmies. peace and love
I’ve heard about the Fires of Guilt.
Something tells me we are about to hear about the Tokes of Redemption.
Let us know how the testes testers go, mate. They look mean!
Thanks D. I will certainly serve my punishment publically here mate. Least I could do really. Pilloried in front of my peers while you all jeer and throw chocolate and biscuits at me !. I knew you would understand Donkey. Thanks for the semi reprieve. ( Take it where I can get it !!. A Mantra from youthful years gone by. Hahaha
Looks mean close up tbh D. Might need a chair for the test.
Have fun bud.
Got to watch the ladies, you know what they go for! Great pictures, your plants are looking great, my diesels are almost exactly the same age in flower, I would like to try and attach a picture I took with my phone on my next post, is that ok with you? Cheers
Got to watch the ladies, you know what they go for! Great pictures, your plants are looking great, my diesels are almost exactly the same age in flower, I would like to try and attach a picture I took with my phone on my next post, is that ok with you? Cheers
yes please mate. no issue with that at all . post away anytime. I would rather have a good community thread running than a lonesome soul . Look forward to seeing them. Diesel puts some nice sized colas out.. i had a barneys farm red diesel and it blew my other away for density and thickness.
Good Day, GanjaGrandaddy, I pulled one of my Deisel plants out of the tent tonight, took some pictures with natural lighting, quite happy with the results, did not think my camera would take such good pictures. Tricones are half/half clear and milky. Leafs not looking like the plant wants to die yet, I think about 1 or 2 weeks left, what do you think? Will follow your advice and keep feeding them until the chop. These are much frostier than my last crop of Auto Northern Lights. Cheers and thanks for letting me post here.


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Good Day, GanjaGrandaddy, I pulled one of my Deisel plants out of the tent tonight, took some pictures with natural lighting, quite happy with the results, did not think my camera would take such good pictures. Tricones are half/half clear and milky. Leafs not looking like the plant wants to die yet, I think about 1 or 2 weeks left, what do you think? Will follow your advice and keep feeding them until the chop. These are much frostier than my last crop of Auto Northern Lights. Cheers and thanks for letting me post here.
Nice bit of LST on the subframe there, Bud :yummy:
Good Day, GanjaGrandaddy, I pulled one of my Deisel plants out of the tent tonight, took some pictures with natural lighting, quite happy with the results, did not think my camera would take such good pictures. Tricones are half/half clear and milky. Leafs not looking like the plant wants to die yet, I think about 1 or 2 weeks left, what do you think? Will follow your advice and keep feeding them until the chop. These are much frostier than my last crop of Auto Northern Lights. Cheers and thanks for letting me post here.
Wow mate , why were you reluctant ??? They are looking good from here bud. I think that with so much info flying around and so many industry benefits to some of them too. We get caught up with the commercial growers and their Major studies on our pla ts. They have a totally different mind set and want to find different results to us entirely. The saving in 2 weeks nutrition coat on their scale would be astronomical compared to our postage stamp sized footprints. They sacrifice a small amount of overall yield initially by flushing early and for long periods. This practice kick starts cannibalizing off 2 weeks before she is finished but then saves them time waiting for her to do it more naturally during her drying period. This is why plants that are being flushed look so shit and ill after all that time put into them and caring to the point of panic if we see a tip yellow !. Seeing folks so happy in that state is mind boggling. Lol. You will see what a difference it makes to tour harvested girls. If you prefer wet trimming it also makes it a damn site easier than pulling floppy, rubbery leaf off before a trimmer can even go near. If you go the other route if not cutting anything at all until it is all dried properly for a dry trim . Folks seem to avoid dry trimming as a pain but for , trying to trim a starved out half dying plant is even worse.. good for you mate. Keep those girls fed and swelling with some oils leaking to keep her looking younger. By rights if flushing was valid. I would be on par with you doing it too and there is no way I could make them suffer during this swelling time. She will gorge on the feeds and see her season extending beyond the planned harvest so burst with a flush of fresh pistols maybe too. I used to call it second flowering years ago. Lpl. You can always harvest the top 2/3 and bring the rest on for a slightly layer finish to get a second burst on the flowers with all the light and feed for them. Also had some good experience with bud trimming to fatten them out if they start to stretch buds up again. My diesel diary here has some examples of ones trimmed this way. Can help if you get foxtailing too.
DAY 47 : BUD PORN ALERT. !!!!!
I have been busy among the buds today and thought a little bud porn was called for in the house. With approximately 10 days before the cull is supposed to start , I am hopeful they will play ball and finish on time. I didn't do an extra 2 weeks onto the flowering cycle to compensate for stretch this run so they may appear to pass the intended days in flower . The FGS is pushing some new pistols now thankfully so might hold out for a more fruitful finish on her. The buds are stinking up the loft now so I need to get busy connecting the filter up again now.
pots also need watering again with approx 4 L each as they have sucked the shit out of the 14 L total each this last 4 days !!. Fears of soil have come to bear it seems and I am now convinced I have been under watering by quite a bit. Emilya would be ashamed of my poor treatment of the herd !!. I feel this was the case in my first run with it too. Lesson learned now and I will be making sure they can swell with happiness for it.

Enough Ado Heres the filth !!!

A cophophony of delectable dancing girls , full bodied for sirs pleasures , they all come with a special fruit perfume that is unique to their lineages. They are all adorned in the highest quality jewels from the Botany treasure vault and will look amazing as company on any mans arm. They do however have a very strict "touch me and we will never part" dominance to them. !

DAY 47 (Cont..)
And a few general pics of my beautiful garden of joy.
Seeing the stacking on the majority of the girls is a relief. The node lengths have been perfect to form up nice and tall and even the more lengthy MS and FGS have solid feeling buds.
So close to the finish line now and still havent prepared for the next run with victims yet. Will be a few more of the FFT strains in the Los 3rd run no till for them. The seed store is plentiful for choices but I want to get into my seeds a little more too. A few separated out into what i know as their cross but a mixed bag that could be any of the Barneys strains and Gelato41 that i grew. Have 3 more seeds of each of the breeders strains to use too.
Wow mate , why were you reluctant ??? They are looking good from here bud. I think that with so much info flying around and so many industry benefits to some of them too. We get caught up with the commercial growers and their Major studies on our pla ts. They have a totally different mind set and want to find different results to us entirely. The saving in 2 weeks nutrition coat on their scale would be astronomical compared to our postage stamp sized footprints. They sacrifice a small amount of overall yield initially by flushing early and for long periods. This practice kick starts cannibalizing off 2 weeks before she is finished but then saves them time waiting for her to do it more naturally during her drying period. This is why plants that are being flushed look so shit and ill after all that time put into them and caring to the point of panic if we see a tip yellow !. Seeing folks so happy in that state is mind boggling. Lol. You will see what a difference it makes to tour harvested girls. If you prefer wet trimming it also makes it a damn site easier than pulling floppy, rubbery leaf off before a trimmer can even go near. If you go the other route if not cutting anything at all until it is all dried properly for a dry trim . Folks seem to avoid dry trimming as a pain but for , trying to trim a starved out half dying plant is even worse.. good for you mate. Keep those girls fed and swelling with some oils leaking to keep her looking younger. By rights if flushing was valid. I would be on par with you doing it too and there is no way I could make them suffer during this swelling time. She will gorge on the feeds and see her season extending beyond the planned harvest so burst with a flush of fresh pistols maybe too. I used to call it second flowering years ago. Lpl. You can always harvest the top 2/3 and bring the rest on for a slightly layer finish to get a second burst on the flowers with all the light and feed for them. Also had some good experience with bud trimming to fatten them out if they start to stretch buds up again. My diesel diary here has some examples of ones trimmed this way. Can help if you get foxtailing too.
Great explanation GanjaGrandaddy, I see what you are saying and will put it into effect. I did the two weeks water with my last batch and you are right, I could have had much nicer and healthier plants at harvest, I helped them dry up and dry. Trimming was a pain, could have been much easier. Lots of people say that 2 weeks of water prior to harvest makes the pot smoother and takes away allot of harshness. I am with you, think that a good dry and a long slow cure will do it as well, but with allot more buds in the jar. Not sure about the fox tailing, will keep an eye out for that. Also thanks for the Comment DonkeyDick, I did take allot of time with them when they were starting out to try and keep them short, I thought that the Diesel strain were going to be to tall for my tent, I think I would have been O.k. with this strain, don't think they would have reached my lights. Cheers
Great Pictures, thats allot of strains and buds. Thanks again GanjaGrandaddy. Good on ya
I’ll second that!
Nice updates, mate. Fun to read. We need a response emoji between likes and laughs, somewhere around smiling beatifically :cheesygrinsmiley:
Figgis FTW! Nice stacks!

I wonder when your sponsor is going to tell you what you are growing? I struggle to see how this promotes their product. I’m so numb to names I don’t even remember who your sponsor is. Top work, guys.
Maybe they are all CBD strains that won’t get you high? ‘Professional’ bagseeds :rolleyes:

Everything else is looking like the pilot light in a flamethrower, gigiddy :welldone:
Great explanation GanjaGrandaddy, I see what you are saying and will put it into effect. I did the two weeks water with my last batch and you are right, I could have had much nicer and healthier plants at harvest, I helped them dry up and dry. Trimming was a pain, could have been much easier. Lots of people say that 2 weeks of water prior to harvest makes the pot smoother and takes away allot of harshness. I am with you, think that a good dry and a long slow cure will do it as well, but with allot more buds in the jar. Not sure about the fox tailing, will keep an eye out for that. Also thanks for the Comment DonkeyDick, I did take allot of time with them when they were starting out to try and keep them short, I thought that the Diesel strain were going to be to tall for my tent, I think I would have been O.k. with this strain, don't think they would have reached my lights. Cheers
Be proud of them mate . Look nice and dirty as they should. Benefits are twofold with the slowed drying g as it not only allows the Chlorophyll to be used up better but also avoids too much time in the jars after for taste. Ideally we should be able to smoke the finished dried buds when they are dried without needing g a cure. Curing is for cigars and done in a humidor over months but has now been bro sciences I to our world too. Lol . I have had some awful tasting g weed over the years down to quick drying and o amount of sitting in a jar will bring a badly dried weed back. The whole process is about terpenes and transition of sugars to thc ect. terpenes are like tiny air bubbles that degrade rapidly in light and warmth. By keeping them cooler for the drying and in the dark , we preserve way more of them once done drying. Jarring g would need to be in the dark and for 3 months are least to ferment the buds properly bit we dont ever have that long to spare. Lol. Keep the faith bud , you wont regret it , I assure you. This week and some of the e t , they will be slurping up the nutes and creating more pistils to keep her sexy enough for the pollinators ..
Great Pictures, thats allot of strains and buds. Thanks again GanjaGrandaddy. Good on ya
Pleasure mate. I love a little variety and is always a challenge making them behave as a single canopy. Lol
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