GanjaGrandaddy Grows Great Ganja, Sometimes!

Hi there

I’m a new member here, and I am hoping for some advice.

It looks to me like you have tipped/topped your plants.

When do you recommend doing it, and how do you do it?
You've come to the right journal, learned allot from GG !
Holy shit! That's a really nice plant there!
Nice job, in love with the build and the long cola's of the plant! :D
he has done the genetics proud indeed. Should chwcknhis journals too. some really different strains and just started to use a press so good to see that process being used too.
he has done the genetics proud indeed. Should chwcknhis journals too. some really different strains and just started to use a press so good to see that process being used too.
Nice! I will..
Hi there

I’m a new member here, and I am hoping for some advice.

It looks to me like you have tipped/topped your plants.

When do you recommend doing it, and how do you do it?
Hi traLa. Topping is a great technique and providing you have time for plants to recover and reset their chemical reaction to a new supply route basically. This is how we get the tops to all mimic being a main cola. For me , I use quadline method mainly. This involves waiting till the plant has at least 5 sets of paired proper leaves growing not including the 2 little rounded ones( cotyledons) as these are a lunch pack for an emerging seedling if needed.
once you have 5 pairs , you remove the top pair 1st and allow her a day or so to get over the loss. This will inform the plant that she needs to now reroute her nutes to develop another. We then take the 1st and second paired set off the plant which will leave you with only 2 sets of growing tips on the plant. These tips are then trained more horizontally for the start of the veg period in a kind of flatter V shape each pair. They ideally need at least a 20° angle upward on the horizontal growing tips so the plants auxins see them as new vertical mains stems. She will then distribute all of her nutrients and chemicals evenly between the new 4 main stems. This is why it is called quadline. As these mains grow, we still keep them growing outward towards the pots edges using simple stakes or ties as they stretch out. Each arm will also be producing off-shoots that want to also enter the race as main stems so we exploit those too. Each arm has paired secondaries so would create a very bushy and too cramped plant . By removing chosen singles from the secondaries on each arm/branch , we can control that overcrowding and keep some as new mains to increase the potential big colas growing. As veg period is used to do this part , once you are happy with their size and structure, we flip to flower and allow the colas to build vertical. There is a link below my post called Quadlining. It is an excellent resource and thread that is live and current too. The 1st pages show how it is done . Hope this helps.
You've come to the right journal, learned allot from GG !
Wow thank you Peter. It was a pleasure to walk with you to be honest and also taught me a few bits along the way too , not too mention how well you adapted the info to your growing and made it your own style and success. Now look . !!! Now I know how Yoda felt seeing Skywalker grow stronger and more powerful than he was. lol. You are killing it mate. nature has even thrown you some shitty curveball in a shirt tune and you have still nailed the grows to compensate. I think it is fair to say you are now an experienced grower with pro results to show for your commitment to learning more. keep up the great grows buddy
Wow thank you Peter. It was a pleasure to walk with you to be honest and also taught me a few bits along the way too , not too mention how well you adapted the info to your growing and made it your own style and success. Now look . !!! Now I know how Yoda felt seeing Skywalker grow stronger and more powerful than he was. lol. You are killing it mate. nature has even thrown you some shitty curveball in a shirt tune and you have still nailed the grows to compensate. I think it is fair to say you are now an experienced grower with pro results to show for your commitment to learning more. keep up the great grows buddy
Thanks man, nice words appreciate it! Now I mastered allot of skills I learnt on here and this growing thing turned out to be my biggest hobby now lol.
Thanks man, nice words appreciate it! Now I mastered allot of skills I learnt on here and this growing thing turned out to be my biggest hobby now lol.
It gets you that way mate. lol
I cant imagine not growing now and I never even think of it being not allowed ... heehee. Seeing growing ideas and thoughts in most daily activity is a sure fire way of knowing the addiction. Seeing the intuition and pioneer grows on here shows how that passion gets driven. Enjoy the free time bud. peace and sanity.
It gets you that way mate. lol
I cant imagine not growing now and I never even think of it being not allowed ... heehee. Seeing growing ideas and thoughts in most daily activity is a sure fire way of knowing the addiction. Seeing the intuition and pioneer grows on here shows how that passion gets driven. Enjoy the free time bud. peace and sanity.
Had 3 leftover silver hazes btw
Potted them outside in a park nearby lol
Just to see what trees mother nature will grow
Day 104 since planting, Day 40 Since 12/12 flip: Well here we are with potentially 2 weeks until the first of the Fast flowering strains are due to harvest. I based the flowering times of this grow on the Fast flowering girls kicking real flowers off. This did mean going against my instincts of waiting for stretch to about finish before I began the countdown. The Fft have no issues with the timescale/bud development and are clearly more developed on girth and on par to what I expect at this stage normally on an 8 week finishing strain. Not all three are the same bud wise or general size but that is the genetic strain and not anything else. The rest of the plants are where I would normally expect them to be if I discounted some of the transition time but with the flowering time being based on the FFt I will assume an extra week at least to the other strains harvest times.
The buds are all looking so happy and vibrant with plenty of new pistils packing on in general. The strains are all standing out for their own reasons now and this is why I enjoy the variety. Seeing and smelling so many different traits is a pleasure to work with. The comparisons possible this way are also helpful spotting the potential uses for them all in different ways. I.e pressing , Hash , caps ect. The amount of frost on a few of them is phenomenal now , especially the Ghost , GG#4 and close behind , my own girl FGS. Lots of cola stacks on them all in general too and their node spacings have been only slightly different from each other to help this. The Fgs is smelling sweet and the C Banana behind her has definite banana smell coming through. Monster Zkittelz plod long adding size and weight but did need some encouragement to get more light with Yo-Yo's and ties like the GG#4.They are smelling so sickly sweet now too as a good bag of Skittelz should. Wedding cake has a lot of spikey colas poking up all over her wide frame and they are feeling very sticky and solid when squeezed a little. ( just cant resist it like an older relative on a pink cheek!)
The frosty ghost continues to hide her green in trich coverage and fattening nicely now too. She wont be big but i think she will be heavy. Gorilla Glue#4 is looking exactly as she should with her colas too heavy to be held up by her own arms. (I could get a free parking space and jump queues at Disneyland with her !!). she smells sweet too.
I have taken some bud close ups to again show the different flower production among the strains. I love the smells and appearances each visit to the grow now.I will be doing an update of the FGS below but first things first , Here is the Bud porn !!:kiss:
Had 3 leftover silver hazes btw
Potted them outside in a park nearby lol
Just to see what trees mother nature will grow
Very nice move mate. I want to tey a sneaky one round here somewhere once prison is done !. lol
As mentioned in previous update....
Day 40: This girl has been a dream to grow so far. Having no idea if how she would develop with the mix of a tall lanky Gelato and a squat thick nugged Gorilla Zkittelz . She has definately took the buds from the Gelato41 and some of her node spacing but the smell is all Gz and similar in tackyness. Her cola length joining up is a little different to bg41 and more Gz though so this pheno does seem to be a good cross. I have not took any clones due to space issues at the ranch but have a few seeds of her left ( 10 I think !) so can try and train her to a more appropriate method. I loosely quadlined her and was way too gentle initially. Now seeing how big she can go with a very limited veg time ( 2 weeks less than the others growing) . I think she would be a great plant to scrog with as she has so much vigour on secondary growth that I took most of in the defol but still have a good amount that could have been taken out for the quadlining benefits. Again this lack of knowledge of the cross meant I needed to see her efforts first. At nearly 3ft after being held down and tied in place , she also has the potential to rival her cousin that DonkeyDick so expertly grew I think. It does seem the gelato gene is a huge boost to the cross for sativa height sized plants that would be great outdoors in a space they could really stretch into.
Feeding her has been no issue at all and she hasnt grumbled at all with the feeds or training.
Now I have done an intro justice , I hope the pics confirm what I wrote. lpl
Here is my pride and joy

I think she will be a full 11 week flowering lady so expect her colas to bulk up quite a lot over the coming 6 weeks if she goes that far. Her pistils are beginning to brown off in small amounts so she is replacing them fairly quickly which gives a nice tint to the colours she is starti g to develop.
I took a few pics today and have included them below to show perspective hopefully.

Have a great week and enjoy your home time.

Thank you so much for your reply.

I am working this weekend, so I will do it on Monday.

i‘m really worried I’ll fuck it up.

I am going to take pictures of my plants each Sunday in the journal section. Would you mind if I tagged you and you can show me where to cut them?

Thank you so much for your reply.

I am working this weekend, so I will do it on Monday.

i‘m really worried I’ll fuck it up.

I am going to take pictures of my plants each Sunday in the journal section. Would you mind if I tagged you and you can show me where to cut them?
Please dont worry . I assure you there isnt a grower here that hasn't felt exactly as you do right now. A worry of it being a competitive forum should not be a worry at all. We dont even like putting pictures for comps against each other. lol Such a supportive community. We rallied recently to a guy from south africa who was in a dry barren , burning hot environment and I think he still managed a harvest with a smile. The environment we create indoors is our to command. Grow how you feel most comfortable and with what is available. You can spend $10000 dollars and still not guarantee a good result without support. Ae all know thisnone too here. I bet there are a lot of is here that could show you shed full of bought and tossed aside grow mediums and ideas too so we have been in most places to find our personal comfort and still no two grows are identical here. Some swear by defoliation, some hate the idea , some folk flush their plants a, some dont and this debate alone has taken years of pages with no definate winner. Please dont let new experience put you off, you cant ride a bike without holding the handlebars first. We have got this .
Please dont worry . I assure you there isnt a grower here that hasn't felt exactly as you do right now. A worry of it being a competitive forum should not be a worry at all. We dont even like putting pictures for comps against each other. lol Such a supportive community. We rallied recently to a guy from south africa who was in a dry barren , burning hot environment and I think he still managed a harvest with a smile. The environment we create indoors is our to command. Grow how you feel most comfortable and with what is available. You can spend $10000 dollars and still not guarantee a good result without support. Ae all know thisnone too here. I bet there are a lot of is here that could show you shed full of bought and tossed aside grow mediums and ideas too so we have been in most places to find our personal comfort and still no two grows are identical here. Some swear by defoliation, some hate the idea , some folk flush their plants a, some dont and this debate alone has taken years of pages with no definate winner. Please dont let new experience put you off, you cant ride a bike without holding the handlebars first. We have got this .
I am only 3 weeks in and looking at my plants and reading this forum is fast becoming two of my favourite things to do!

I am growing using two mongrel seeds from an outdoor female who decided to devastate me by growing balls! I haven’t delved into this world of fem seeds and auto flowers. I have no idea if they are yet male or female. It is fun figuring everything out. TBH I am having trouble working out gallon pots too! We work in cm/inches or litres here.

Would you mind if I tagged you in my journal thread ? I would really appreciate any of the great advice you all have to give.
I am only 3 weeks in and looking at my plants and reading this forum is fast becoming two of my favourite things to do!

I am growing using two mongrel seeds from an outdoor female who decided to devastate me by growing balls! I haven’t delved into this world of fem seeds and auto flowers. I have no idea if they are yet male or female. It is fun figuring everything out. TBH I am having trouble working out gallon pots too! We work in cm/inches or litres here.

Would you mind if I tagged you in my journal thread ? I would really appreciate any of the great advice you all have to give.
please do . I am uk so am a litres fella lol. bloody yanks cant do modern Heehee. And even have the cheek to have their own gallon instead of the queens !!! it is insurrection I tell you !!!.... oh shit @Preston9mm, didnt see you there my well trained and armed American brother. !!! heehee).
We can come along for the journey with you With seeds from self hermies , they can replicate the same issue again and not get to flower fully. Dependant on when you flip them, sex initially is easy to spot before they get too far in but hermies can appear anywhere on the plant and at any time. We can all have eyes on for it though.Will happily join in.
Day 41: This Fruity Gorilla might have a few ideas of her own on harvest time !!!!.
today has been a scorched here again soni just went to check the girls. I have used the dehumidifier for the past few days but now put it on a constant drain off so it ran without using the small internal res. ( an option with the unit so mo bodge job). Sadly with every help comes a pain in the ass which is dry WARM air. My room had been in a good place until this new point and look ...

I dont thinknall the exhale bags in the uk could keep them smiling for long in that !!!!. lol.
Leaching pot water and perspiration all round from them has also kept the Rh at a higher point than when it's Switching it off until lights out is the answer so that's that. lol.
The girls didnt seem to be bothered at all but they have nearly emptied their res tanks and I now need to refill and water the pots all over again.
Here is the fruity today. she has a lot more colour in her now and is starting to show a pistil browning across the boards. I do think it is just a flush before the real burst of pistils happens but her smell and feel is also so close to that ready time too. She has a really tropical fruit pheno now too. subtle but certainly there.

I am hoping she gets some oily , heavy time now. Her biggest cola had to be laid over to keep some hope of a canopy level but she is swelling it up nicely now . I have to keep an eye for the dreaded bud rot now as there are some thick colas in the house and I will be gutted to lose any this time to the dreaded rot. If temps cant be bought down I could turn the Sp250 off and save some heat. moving power packs is not a thing to try for me right now so the dehumidifier is the first concession. Be safe and wobbly minded.
I thought I'd have more to catch up on GG. Did you disappear for a while? Good to see all the success buddy. I'm sure you said over in my journal that I beat you on yields....I dont think so lol. You're killing it.

Good job on your homemade crosses as well. I was trying to make some seeds myself but I think I've just killed my last chance for a male. Bloody damping off! lol

Hope you're well bud
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