Can you get mosquito dunks in your country? Just crush up a little and throw it in your water or mix crushed up bits in your soil mix. Wear gloves when you crush them as it’s a bacteria that kills the gnats and their spawn… For the thrips SNS 209 its organic if that’s your thing. A top dress of neem cake also helps and adds some nutrients also.
Hmm I'll check, probably through some site.. I mean these days what can't you get online.
The thrips are pretty much gone, the distilled water, hydrogen peroxide & soap combo worked.
And well first up is the little worms.. those are supposed to hunt and procreate on the larvae.
I've got for 10 square meters, so I'm gonna do all the pots, the ones I'm preparing for the hot peppers and my 70's plant. Just all the soil I can find in house. And maybe even some in the surrounding garden in the herb beds.
yeah, I will never use airpots anymore, like you said, hiway for bugs.
With that said, cinnamon is awesome for gnats. i always mix it in the medium before planting. 1 HEAPING tbs per gallon soil,ect. Cinnamon is also great for root growth, even cloning.
You could mix some up in a water bottle and spray the entire airpot holes, worth a try, and then add to the top of your media with sprinkle and finger rake it in.
Yeah airpots work great though, the shape is very good for the rooting system.. but pff in a closed tent with no natural enemies, if something gets in, in the right heat and humidity it's just well a perfect breeding spot. And the ones that can fly can really survive in there, they can crawl inside and find protection in all those bumps and caves, or underneath.
Outside it's a different story, it's also a bug hotel but usually when something multiplies heavy something else swoops in and goes haha lunch!
Cinnamon? just the powder in the soil? great, I'll think of adding that as prevention in the next pots.
But first I wanna get these, they have handles, and loops to attach things to.
And when bugs enter you just have to treat the top layer gets rid of them way more quickly.. I found the diatomaceous earth to work great that way. As as soon as I saw something flying couple of puffs on the top and couple days later nothing anymore and the hatched ones need to exit through the top so they got no chance.