Ganesha's Tent

Tomorrow is end week 7 of flower, yellowing is starting to set in.. hmm actually now I can't wait to get them finished cause I kinda already want to go again.. Aim more for those large towering buds, although the others are deceptive they are long as well as the buds continue down the branch, I've flowered them maybe a week or two too soon.. as now many of the other buds are bent halfway as I mainly placed them during flowering stretch so for some it's just the top part that grows straight out of the net.
I need to veg a bit longer or get them bigger in the same amount of time..
Beautiful, great work my friend. :bravo:
You want to max yeild?
Run my method in coco.
Half the veg time.
With a decent light you can get 4 - 8 oz per plant with minimal training.
Run 4 plants that's probably close to 2 pounds with a short veg.
If you put 2 into flower every 4 weeks you harvest a half to a pound every 4 weeks.
Just 2 cents.
Talk soon.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Beautiful, great work my friend. :bravo:
You want to max yeild?
Run my method in coco.
Half the veg time.
With a decent light you can get 4 - 8 oz per plant with minimal training.
Run 4 plants that's probably close to 2 pounds with a short veg.
If you put 2 into flower every 4 weeks you harvest a half to a pound every 4 weeks.
Just 2 cents.
Talk soon.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Thanks.. ha coco! no sips! no dwc!
Don't I need other nutes for coco? I just got the biocanna soil nute.. Nono I'm pretty sure I can get a bit better still in soil as well.
The sips business going on looks pretty sweet as well, if I can water even less that would be great :p

And decent light as you say that needs an upgrade as well, I mean the MH does wonderful but well to be able to get a bit more from the area.
Can't stop taking pictures.. even all the small buds underneath look pretty delicious.
Looks fantastic, I'd be snapping pics too. :thumb:
Great work. :bravo:
Hope your having a great day my friend.
Take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
End of week 8.. sigh.. well I'm not in hydro.. otherwise they'd probably be finished now.. I feel they can easily go an extra couple of weeks.
I don't know if Hydro finishes faster.
Possibly bigger.
Lots of white pistils left on that beautiful bud, might be more than 2 weeks. :Namaste:
Hope you are having a great day my friend. :passitleft:
Take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
I don't know if Hydro finishes faster.
Possibly bigger.
Lots of white pistils left on that beautiful bud, might be more than 2 weeks. :Namaste:
I sure hope not but a couple of weeks I can deal with.. but yeah they keep making white pistils, usually the bud finishes with a couple of sativa like outgrowths.. my understanding was that in hydro you kinda get full grown flowers in the shortest amount of time.. 55-65 days and in soil you're looking more at the 75 days for full flower the branch down.
I sure hope not but a couple of weeks I can deal with.. but yeah they keep making white pistils, usually the bud finishes with a couple of sativa like outgrowths.. my understanding was that in hydro you kinda get full grown flowers in the shortest amount of time.. 55-65 days and in soil you're looking more at the 75 days for full flower the branch down.
I know you get faster growth.
I did not realize it reduced flowering time.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
I know you get faster growth.
I did not realize it reduced flowering time.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
I guess ripening time is of course very strain sensitive.
My experience with hydro was that the all round development is faster, like the whole base of the bud develops just as fast and good like the top whereas in soil it takes longer for full development so then depending on strain it does cut a bit on flowering time as you are just waiting on ripening early on, not have all these stages of things already being fat and ripen whilst others still are going.

Although your potting method sure helps as well in fruit development.. the lower half is weaker but way denser and frostier than in previous grows.
I thought this was a function of light reach and it is to an extent but it has more to do with the feeding technique.. as I had a lot of dense & frosty yet light starved buds where in previous grows those would be fluffy.. as I just had less feeding opportunities as my soil stayed wet for way too long.
And in hydro there wasn't such a thing as fluffy or small buds as even those low on the branch had a ridiculous width.
I guess ripening time is of course very strain sensitive.
My experience with hydro was that the all round development is faster, like the whole base of the bud develops just as fast and good like the top whereas in soil it takes longer for full development so then depending on strain it does cut a bit on flowering time as you are just waiting on ripening early on, not have all these stages of things already being fat and ripen whilst others still are going.

Although your potting method sure helps as well in fruit development.. the lower half is weaker but way denser and frostier than in previous grows.
I thought this was a function of light reach and it is to an extent but it has more to do with the feeding technique.. as I had a lot of dense & frosty yet light starved buds where in previous grows those would be fluffy.. as I just had less feeding opportunities as my soil stayed wet for way too long.
And in hydro there wasn't such a thing as fluffy or small buds as even those low on the branch had a ridiculous width.
I run coco and develop a big healthy root ball before flower.
So my growth is pretty consistent.
But I ran some soil in the greenhouse aswell as coco.
Veg time in coco was literally 1/2 as long and grew 2 x as much.
But flower development was similar across the board, even though I chopped a little early.
You do make a very interesting point though.
Because growth is faster. :thumb:
Thanks Amigo.
Take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
I've started trimming the tops of the right plant.. she's very yellow and didn't take well to the last feeding next day all kinds of pitted leaves.. the left plant is still more green and can go a bit longer and didn't display the pits.
I've already tested a bud I cut last week.. and well I'm okay with this it doesn't have to get any stronger it's already a heavy knocker.
And it's pungent, pretty skunky.
I think it's time to trim the left one as well.. I'm going to do that tomorrow.
Fantastic Cola. :thumb:
Hope your doing well. :high-five:
Take care.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
Fantastic Cola. :thumb:
Hope your doing well. :high-five:
Take care.
all well!
yeah cool bud, the colour change over the past week is heavy they've gone all dark, and the bud is dense!
But I want to get to clearing down and go again :p I can't wait to try out the self watering pot.. It's a lot bigger than my growbags, I've just got one pot, so put that in the middle and now I'm going to try the top once and pull out left and right thing I've been wanting to try for so long.. and I need to wait a bit longer before flipping, now I kinda aimed for the stretch to fill the tent and that worked out perfectly area wise.. but I need to set the plant and then have the stretch all vertical so I get long buds.
I kinda want to try Dutch Passion Meringue, but I think best to get some more Channel + so I can compare the current and the next grow with the sips.
Okay I haven't gone for Channel+.. I was waiting to order seeds as Zamnesia had a promo running different gifts each day.. And today was three extra Runtz seeds, + the bonus seed for ordering seeds over 25 euro so I got 4 free seeds and 3 Critical Kush from Barney's farm.. I stayed with the critical as to not stray too far away from the Channel +. but throw some OG Kush in there.. also a heavy deliverer with big buds and probably a different nudge in taste from the stuff I have curing now.
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