G.G. Clone Topped Before 10 Days Old

:passitleft:Looks as you've been busy. Looking good my friend. I'm excited about your new little ones. I'm off today so I'm going to get your shed together lol the green shed I said lol. Anyway my dude. I have a full day but I think I can manage a ruff drawing.
I need the pot.
But it’s not dry enough yet.
I’ll leave this for 2 months to dry.
Then break away what ever coco I can and dump the rest.

Make sure you layer it perilite
And BK. F&D then your coco or soil.
Keep building layers till you get to the top.


Then you want the plug from your girls slightly higher.
Now I’ll water the outside edges
for at least a couple weeks.
This forces the roots to go looking for water.
With the center being higher it forces liquid away from the center to outside edge.




I brushed away the dimples to
give you an idea how the roots look
See how it holds together all the way down and out.
Completely full.
Keep watering where you want the roots to be
Not where the roots are.
Roots are important if you want big full buds, your going to need
A big root ball. Also helps keep her healthy.
Once you fill the pot it’s time to switch to the BLT method of watering.

Remember when your up potting
if your too low just lift pot up above outside rim of pot.
You can always lift if your too low but if your too high you’ll have to pull it out and remove dirt. So lower is better if your not sure.

I put this one low.
I just lift up to where I want it
and let the coco fill in under.
Then water outside edge of pot. It’s very important if you want roots / big buds.
Ofcoarse pics are in reverse order.



These might be backwards too. Hehe. I’m clueless sometimes.
I lift plug. Pour one last layer of perilite. Push it all in one last layer of BK. F&D. Then top with coco and water outside edge.





These might be backwards too. Hehe. I’m clueless sometimes.
I lift plug. Pour one last layer of perilite. Push it all in one last layer of BK. F&D. Then top with coco and water outside edge.





Holy cow I got it right.
Infernal inter webs device
Remember when your putting these pots together.
1- make sure the row without holes goes on top.
2-put zip ties or wire in the top for an anchor point.
Regular clips won’t hold.
Then you will have to dig it in.


Thanks for all the detailed info.
Every day is a school day on this forum.
You never stop learning
Thanks for sharing your knowledge my friend :thumb:
Thank you my friend @Squiggle
Hope you are doing well.
When is your harvest.
This is the bottom.
Make sure the holes are there.
If you put this row on top it will leak when you water.


When I put the plug in after I cover it in mycorhize I try and put it OFFCENTER.
That way when I put it into the veg room I can spin the pot.
Real estate will be at a premium as always hehe. I can spin it to pack them in tight. They don’t always sit round so I can jam as many in as possible till harvest.
Then the train starts all over again.



That’s one of the Gorilla Glue from the first post. Above.
This is
7- Gorilla Glue clones.
1- Blueberry clone.

Now I have to try and fit every one back in.
I still have 2 left to do. Maby a little gelato for fun and fek.
You pick ?

Black jack
Gorilla glue
Jack Herer
or gelato

and I cbd seeds popping.
I’m done for today.
Supercross tonight.
Who watches?

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