Fun In The Sun 2016 - Tiger - Ape - Pitbull - Gorilla & More - Run Wild

I thought i'd pop in to see how your are getting on with the little nutrient def problem to which you have suffered with recently Major.

Looked back a few pages to see what was mentioned & seems a majority favour K - potassium problem.

Well it has been a good few days since then so i'll expect 1 or 2 results either getting better with no further spread or getting worse, so how is she doing ?
I just returned from a quick trip over to the coast. I had to leave them all to fend for themselves for 3 days in 104F heat. I watered the heck out of them before I left. All the plants in ground took it in stride. The two plants in pots were VERY wilted, but should make a full recovery.

I gave ZD(+) two applications of additional 'K'. I can't say it is any better, but I also don't think it has gotten worse - at least nothing obvious. I don't expect the damaged leave to get better. I only hope to halt the spread in its tracks. My initial impression is, it is working. I'll give her more 'K' tomorrow. Today was just a quick emergency watering for all to keep 'em green in our current heatwave.

catching a wave :surf:
sitting on top of the world.

Hope you are too! :peace:

Edit: Hmmm, I don't think we have red squirrels here, just grey and black. Oh and rats we gots rats. As much as I would love to grow outside again, I get blown away by what you guys go through outside, great job one and all.
We have grey squirrels too, but they are tree dwellers. These are smaller and live in burrows. They are gopher's cuter evil twin.
Of course we also have rabbits and bushy-tailed woodrats. :(
Sounding positive bud :thumb:

Back to the squirrels ah, well red are endangered in my own country due to the evasive nature of grey... Oh how tides turn from one neck of the woods to another !

Red vs Grey or is it the other way around ?
What a hoot Gov,...i'm pissin myself...LMFAO brotha :rofl::rofl::rofl: Ya eh....i have quite a collection of Replica CO2 BBguns me and the boys play with ....used to dispatch the little buggers with those,...but my one neighbor doesn't like kids + he's an a.....hole. Has been a big problem for me and the boys. He has done a lot but , you'l like this one. One nice afternoon last summer..we were out back shooting hoops and playing and stuff (my two boys and i) and Ryan started to shoot some targets with his Daisy Red Rider BB Gun (X mas gift , just like the movie...:love:) the blasted neighbor called the cops on him...ya heard me right. Cop showed up while he was back to shooting hoops and i was BBQing....he leaned over the fence and seemed pretty cool. He came in the backyard...commented on the burgers i was cookin...met my , then 8 yr. old son, ...asked to see his Daisy. Ryan went in and got it..showed the officer....wanna know what he said.......just shoot it when HE'S not home......:rofl::rofl::rofl::slide::slide::slide: Then he said have a great day and left. anyhow gotta run . Major, friends and gang....have an awesome weekend everyone!:circle-of-love:
Bastid ground vermin Major! We have plenty were I live. Norwegian Rats, ground moles etc the list continues. They've been running a muck in my outdoor garden this summer. Can't bring myself to poison the lil mongrels. Though it's getting to that point now where I'm considering it.

At least you can trust them. :cool:

Hmmm, I dunno about that Myself fella... gotta keep an eye on him!

What a hoot Gov,...i'm pissin myself...LMFAO brotha :rofl::rofl::rofl: Ya eh....i have quite a collection of Replica CO2 BBguns me and the boys play with ....used to dispatch the little buggers with those,...but my one neighbor doesn't like kids + he's an a.....hole. Has been a big problem for me and the boys. He has done a lot but , you'l like this one. One nice afternoon last summer..we were out back shooting hoops and playing and stuff (my two boys and i) and Ryan started to shoot some targets with his Daisy Red Rider BB Gun (X mas gift , just like the movie...:love:) the blasted neighbor called the cops on him...ya heard me right. Cop showed up while he was back to shooting hoops and i was BBQing....he leaned over the fence and seemed pretty cool. He came in the backyard...commented on the burgers i was cookin...met my , then 8 yr. old son, ...asked to see his Daisy. Ryan went in and got it..showed the officer....wanna know what he said.......just shoot it when HE'S not home......:rofl::rofl::rofl::slide::slide::slide: Then he said have a great day and left. anyhow gotta run . Major, friends and gang....have an awesome weekend everyone!:circle-of-love:

That kind of fakery fails to make sense to me. We have a way with dealing with those kind of trouble makers where I come from. It involves a random yet never ending barrage of eggs/rocks in the late hours of the night. Rocks for the roof and eggs for the windows. If he is so busy he needs to peak out his windows and so well rested that he has nothing better to do than to call cops on a father spending quality time with his boys than me and my mates are the types who would be the first to remedy that for him ;)
Bastid ground vermin Major! We have plenty were I live. Norwegian Rats, ground moles etc the list continues. They've been running a muck in my outdoor garden this summer. Can't bring myself to poison the lil mongrels. Though it's getting to that point now where I'm considering it.

Hmmm, I dunno about that Myself fella... gotta keep an eye on him!

That kind of fakery fails to make sense to me. We have a way with dealing with those kind of trouble makers where I come from. It involves a random yet never ending barrage of eggs/rocks in the late hours of the night. Rocks for the roof and eggs for the windows. If he is so busy he needs to peak out his windows and so well rested that he has nothing better to do than to call cops on a father spending quality time with his boys than me and my mates are the types who would be the first to remedy that for him ;)

Evenin Major,...ya eh GL, you and me....we gotta have a pint , my brotha...where are all you people!
His dog found a way into my fenced in backyard on Fri...the yappy little thing! What an op i had to pay the f...r back. more on this another time...boys expected any time from their mother. Have an awesome night Major and friends.:circle-of-love:
Opp's bad topic with with me. I'm touchy about the 2nd amendment and it's future. I myself have no wants or needs for anything greater than like a semi, but I feel we should be able to have.... Great pastime with that Red Ryder. And hobby that needs passing down. If we don't spark the interest, than who? I guess I'm old school and was raised differently. But whats more fun than denting a can or two. And it teaches so much, in the right hands. Some people aren't happy unless it's right in their eyes. I was raised plinking cans, as alot have. As are my youngings... Calling cops for some petty shit? Least sounds like the police agree....... Keepem Green
Evenin Major,...ya eh GL, you and me....we gotta have a pint , my brotha...where are all you people!
His dog found a way into my fenced in backyard on Fri...the yappy little thing! What an op i had to pay the f...r back. more on this another time...boys expected any time from their mother. Have an awesome night Major and friends.:circle-of-love:

I have every intention of hopefully sharing a pint with you, Major, Newb, OG... you get my point the list could go much longer and those not mentioned know who they are! All my US, Canadian and Commonwealth Comrades ;) It will happen!
Yep not exactly a walk in the park... although I keep reading everywhere how it's easy to just put a plant out there and let her do her thing :laugh:

I imagine it depends on where you plant outside as to if it is a walk in the park or not. While I have had a few issues growing outdoors, for the most part my grow has been a walk in the park compared to my indoor grows. Perhaps it is the chicken security system I use?
Cool, your own little zombie hut. Make those stairs retractable, put a water barrel and a week's worth of those prepper non-perishable foods up there and a blanket...done!

Oh, and extra ammunition. :cool:

Your talking about Duggan. The list of supplies must include several LEDs and some kind of solar/battery plan. He can't hide from zombies up there without all the supplies. At some point he would have to talk to someone, kinda like "Wilson", but he could name one "Bushy" or something.

Major, I anticipate a glorious photo of colas! Maybe if we look hard enough in the picture we might see a gopher shmokin.
Major, I anticipate a glorious photo of colas! Maybe if we look hard enough in the picture we might see a gopher shmokin.

I hope...
Nothin' to show so far. I looked back at last year and finally had small blooms begin mid-August.
:popcorn: :morenutes: :reading420magazine:
Hmm it seems the weather will be perfect for bloom this year, temps are in norm and it rains regularly.
Last year was a gem for outdoors. This year has been less than desirable :(

Hmm it seems the weather will be perfect for bloom this year, temps are in norm and it rains regularly.

This has been a mild summer for this area. Really pretty ideal for growing, so far.
I'm hoping for an "Indian Summer". With GT and ZD, I'll probably still have plants in the ground into December. :yikes:
Hmm it seems the weather will be perfect for bloom this year, temps are in norm and it rains regularly.

This has been a mild summer for this area. Really pretty ideal for growing, so far.
I'm hoping for an "Indian Summer". With GT and ZD, I'll probably still have plants in the ground into December. :yikes:

Out of all the outdoor greenhouse grows I've seen this year compared to how they were looking last year was considerably different. Might just be a Spokane, Washington Issue.
Hello Major Pita, the first part of this thread you talk about sexing and then uppotting. How do you sex?
I knew someone who started with seeds, grew them under lights then cut the lights and put just the females outside. Is this how you do it?
Hello Major Pita, the first part of this thread you talk about sexing and then uppotting. How do you sex?
I knew someone who started with seeds, grew them under lights then cut the lights and put just the females outside. Is this how you do it?

You can take clones and then put them to 12/12 lighting so they show sex when mature. Then cull the corresponding male plants.
Hello Major Pita, the first part of this thread you talk about sexing and then uppotting. How do you sex?
I knew someone who started with seeds, grew them under lights then cut the lights and put just the females outside. Is this how you do it?

That is how I did it. I started them under 18/6, but only for one week. I had plants in bloom at the time under 11/13 so I put the seedling in with them until they showed their colors. It took about 6 weeks for them to "flip". They were then immediately put back into veg. That kept them from doing the whole weird re-veg thing with odd leaves. The key is getting this done as quickly as possible.
Hello Major how is grow doing ?

Not seen any comments on problems over the last page or so, i'm guessing it has been tamed !

I wish.

I'm not sure the added potassium is helping. The problem continues to spread, although slowly. Of course you never know what might have happened if I hadn't added it. I've added as much as I think prudent and ZD has gotten it every other day for two weeks. Now I'm beginning to wonder if it was calcium after all, or if it is nute' burn. Today for the first time since my "HELP" request, I went back to giving her straight water.

It is weird since GT is so closely related and isn't doing it. Also, most of the plant looks good. But branch by branch I see a little more of the dark spots in the middle of the leaves that later spread to burned looking edges and tip. Frustrating!

I've found a new pest. Yellow jackets have moved into the abandoned squirrel burrows. The little bastardos are making my life hell in the garden. They love the moisture and are extremely aggressive this time of year. Hate 'em!!!

I was going to wait until I have some bloomage happening to update since everything is m/l the same. I did prune about half of everything growing. They were completely out of hand. I had to chop a large branch, about 1/6 of GG4, that was damaged by the gnawing of the squirrel. By the time I post an update the pruning may not be all that obvious, but they've looked a little sad for the last week, or so.

:thanks: :Namaste:
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