From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

re: From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

Thanks for the support everyone.;)

Nice! Busy over there.

Not really busy at all, I only go to the grow 3 times a week, and spend maybe 3 hours a week total tending to things. Other than that, its just a waiting game, especially in flower. Thanks for checkin' out the grow Cajun.:bong:
re: From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

Always love your great updates. Will get mine up tomorrow.... i know i have been slacking lol :roorrip::bong::blunt::bongrip::lot-o-toke::hookah::bigtoke:
re: From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

Looks Great Stealth :high-five:
re: From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

subbed. Just set up an LED 3.0 Deluxe so am THRILLED to find your journals - all of them! Just started our first grow and already see things I'm doing wrong right from seedling stage! Cannot thank you enough!
re: From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

subbed. Just set up an LED 3.0 Deluxe so am THRILLED to find your journals - all of them! Just started our first grow and already see things I'm doing wrong right from seedling stage! Cannot thank you enough!

Welcome Lavieboo, good luck with the grow. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.;)
re: From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

Hi everyone, I hope your all having a great weekend.;)

I went to my grow this morning and did my weekly reservoir changes. Things in the closets are looking great, and the plants are really doing well this round. The smaller closet with the two Critical plants is 42 days into flower now, and the buds are swelling very nicely. Nothing much happening now though, just playing the waiting game until harvest. about 3 more weeks to go.

Critical Closet Stats.
Day 42 of flower
PPM= 655
PH= 6.0
Air Temp= 84F
Water Temp= 76F











The OG Kush, and the two smaller Critical's in the large closet are stretching out, and doing very well. Baby bud sites are popping up all over both strains in the closet, and you can see the plants starting to stack the buds.

OG Kush & Critical Closet Stats
Day 13 of flower
PPM= 580
PH= 6.0
Air Temp= 82F
Water Temp-76F
RH= 44%










The veg area plants are doing great, they are all growing strong, and all of them have been topped at this point.






The Closets.;)


That's it for another week's update, I hope you all enjoyed.
Have a great week and stay medicated my friends.;)
re: From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

Looking great man !!! As always !!
re: From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

Hey stealthgrow - Ive been looking at your grow journals - very impressive! I started with an LED Superstar, but will eventually be getting the Trinity system as well.

If you don't mind me asking - I had a few questions for you regarding when you transfer seedlings to the veg/flower chamber?

So I have 5 seedlings, each with 2 sets of true leaves right now. They are in the cloner right now, and I have a 1/4 diluted nutrient mix in the cloner reservoir of Root 66 and Sugar Daddy as the Technaflora Recipe for Success states.

I noticed that you put your seedlings into the veg/flower chamber under the LED fairly quicky - in your first grow journal - your seedlings look exactly like mine, and you have them under the LED light.

I've been trying to find the answer to a few questions:

1. My seedlings have some white roots coming out of the bottom of the rockwool - I placed them in the 3" netcups and surrounded them with the clay rocks (hydroton) they give you - I put them in the flower/veg chamber as you did - and used a 1/4 diluted solution (around 400 PPM using RO water that started at 10 PPM without nutes) of the "vegetative" growth solution that Technflora recommends. Is this ok? They have 2-3 sets of true leaves right now. They do have roots growing out from the bottom of the Rockwool - does having roots mean they are ready for nutrients? I couldn't really find the answer to "when do you start giving seedlings nutrients" questions.

2. At this phase, did you run the pump that's inside the superponic chamber? In the "Growing Guide" that Supercloset gives you, it says to wait until you see roots coming out of the bottom of the clay rocks. Mine have roots, but they do not extend beyond the clay rocks as of right now. Should I turn on the pumps for the recommended 15 minute / 3 times a day / every 6 hours time span?

I don't want to hurt the plants - they are around 15 days from seed - they were in the cloner for around 2 weeks - I just transferred them into the veg/flower chamber under the LED's today. I have the water level 2" below the bottom of the net cups, and the bottom of the lid inside the chamber stays damp from the bubbles bursting and keeping the hydroton rocks damp as well. It seems to be keeping the rockwool moist too - but I'm not sure when to start the pumps, etc.

Thanks for your help man, I actually just registered so I could ask you these questions and post in your threads!
re: From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

Hey stealthgrow - Ive been looking at your grow journals - very impressive! I started with an LED Superstar, but will eventually be getting the Trinity system as well.

If you don't mind me asking - I had a few questions for you regarding when you transfer seedlings to the veg/flower chamber?

So I have 5 seedlings, each with 2 sets of true leaves right now. They are in the cloner right now, and I have a 1/4 diluted nutrient mix in the cloner reservoir of Root 66 and Sugar Daddy as the Technaflora Recipe for Success states.

I noticed that you put your seedlings into the veg/flower chamber under the LED fairly quicky - in your first grow journal - your seedlings look exactly like mine, and you have them under the LED light.

I've been trying to find the answer to a few questions:

1. My seedlings have some white roots coming out of the bottom of the rockwool - I placed them in the 3" netcups and surrounded them with the clay rocks (hydroton) they give you - I put them in the flower/veg chamber as you did - and used a 1/4 diluted solution (around 400 PPM using RO water that started at 10 PPM without nutes) of the "vegetative" growth solution that Technflora recommends. Is this ok? They have 2-3 sets of true leaves right now. They do have roots growing out from the bottom of the Rockwool - does having roots mean they are ready for nutrients? I couldn't really find the answer to "when do you start giving seedlings nutrients" questions.

2. At this phase, did you run the pump that's inside the superponic chamber? In the "Growing Guide" that Supercloset gives you, it says to wait until you see roots coming out of the bottom of the clay rocks. Mine have roots, but they do not extend beyond the clay rocks as of right now. Should I turn on the pumps for the recommended 15 minute / 3 times a day / every 6 hours time span?

I don't want to hurt the plants - they are around 15 days from seed - they were in the cloner for around 2 weeks - I just transferred them into the veg/flower chamber under the LED's today. I have the water level 2" below the bottom of the net cups, and the bottom of the lid inside the chamber stays damp from the bubbles bursting and keeping the hydroton rocks damp as well. It seems to be keeping the rockwool moist too - but I'm not sure when to start the pumps, etc.

Thanks for your help man, I actually just registered so I could ask you these questions and post in your threads!

What up Superstar!!! So glad I can help another Supercloset owner.:high-five:
I gotta ring up Supercloset, and ask for a sponsorship or something.;)

But seriously, glad i can help you out. To answer your questions.

I did put my seedlings under the LED's early the first grow, I was just so damn anxious to get growing. I use the T5 lights to veg a little longer now. The LED's work for veg growth but I find it makes for a very bushy, squat plant. Very little stretching, even when the light is 2 or 3 feet above the canopy. I grow scrog style to spread 1 or 2 plants out, so I find its a little easier to get this done when vegged under T5 for a good portion of the early growth.

1. If your seedlings have roots coming out of the rockwool cubes, your good to put the seedlings into the netcups with clay pellets.
You can start feeding them around this time also, but 400 PPM you mentioned is a little high in my opinion. I would cut that in half, to around 200 PPM. My rule of thumb for the nutrient recipe that came with the closet is 1/3 the recommended amount. I now use General Hydroponics Nutrients simple formula recipe, but again at 1/3 the strength the whole way through veg and flower.

I really do find that because the roots are literally sitting in their food, and have such readily available access, less is more.
It saves your cash on nutrient costs, and also saves on nutrient burn. Even at this 1/3 strength, you'll notice the tips of the leaves in my Critical closet are burnt. They are not underfed.

2. As far as when to run the top feed pump, honestly, I never use it. I haven't put really small seedlings into the closet since my first grow, but the bubbles popping and keeping the rockwool & clay pellets moist is plenty of water for the roots to grow if they are out of the rockwool. Just be sure not to let the water lvl in the reservoir drop too much, you gotta keep them moist. I keep my water lvls around 1-2 inches below the netcups at all stages of the grow.

Good luck with your grow man, and if you have any questions along the way, don't hesitate to ask. I'll certainly help if I can.;)
re: From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

Hi everyone.:ciao:

Going to change out the reservoirs tomorrow, so update tomorrow afternoon. It will be day 49 of flower and the plants are looking fantastic.;)
re: From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

Thanks for the answers stealthgrow - if you ever decide to sell that setup - let me know! I saw in a post you were thinking about upgrading. I myself would have used a tent, but I need the "look" of a locker instead of a tent for my growing purposes.

Also - if you get a chance - would you measure how big your "cloning" section of your deluxe is? As in, from floor to the shelf inside the cabinet? I was looking to purchase the LED Superflower 3.0 (your Trinity is a 3.0 LED Deluxe and a 3.0 LED Superflower combined, and since I have the Superstar, I would just get the Superflower to pretty much match it, albeit with a smaller first cabinet). I was also looking at the Supernova - but the "flowering" area looks to be about the same as the deluxe, with maybe an extra 8-9" of space. I'd like to have smaller "vegetating" plants in the Superstar, and then move them to the flowering chamber once I flip the 12/12 LED lights on to flower them since they can flower in a much larger space in the Superflower.
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