First appearances!

I'm pleased to report that both Satdica Bulk Seeds genetics have emerged healthy and full of vigour.
@Freedom of Seeds, from the crib 😃:circle-of-love::high-five:

Woohoo, after travelling all that distance from Spain to SA that took 6 months, and still me Growmy Carmen resurrected these well travelled embryos when all the odds were against her, Girl you have the greenthumb spirit in you:thumb:
I agree. Don't fix what aint broke. Accelerated germ rates are desirable for many reasons.

My favourite organophile threads: I encourage you to check out Gee64's thread Sprout, we have a nerdy old blast in that one, which is literally a gathering of some of the best organic growers I know of. Also check out Azimuth's thread where he makes notes throughout his experiments (no photographs though :( ). One of the things I learnt from him last year was how to make shelf stable banana concentrate to fix K issues. That came in very handy this last grow. I really needed it for two of my plants. His potions and powders are way more interesting than straight banana juice though, and he is the initiator of the SIP concept here at 420! 👑
Couldn’t agree more!
We have lift off! Thank you Shed! I just watched 100000 red white and blue balloons light up the night sky and I feel positive.
Woohoo, after travelling all that distance from Spain to SA that took 6 months, and still me Growmy Carmen resurrected these well travelled embryos when all the odds were against her, Girl you have the greenthumb spirit in you:thumb:
Thank you Sprout :)
Hey Number 3 :) Good to see you!
But kill off the native microbes in the process. :(
To your point, every year I do my random bean bonanza thing and put them straight to pot outdoors, i had 100% success this year and at least 80% avg success over last 13 years or so. Even if it doesn’t make that much of a difference as we believe, why not try to go natural for best genetics if you can have 80% success. My .02 cents :)
To your point, every year I do my random bean bonanza thing and put them straight to pot outdoors, i had 100% success this year and at least 80% avg success over last 13 years or so. Even if it doesn’t make that much of a difference as we believe, why not try to go natural for best genetics if you can have 80% success. My .02 cents :)
Congrats on the 100 %, Nice!
Both on my bucket list photo versions! Happy birthday little ones! :circle-of-love: :high-five:
Excellent! Thanks for the birthday wishes Otter :circle-of-love::high-five:
Looks like it's Showtime!🥰👊
It is, it is! My Blueberry seed from a different breeder was a dud. So I'll make my third plant another Satdica seed. And on that note, I'll segue into a small announcement.

I spoke to my fellow growmies in the guys vs gals, Braun vs Beauty friendly about including the Freedom of Seeds plants in that competition and they've agreed! Woohoo! :yahoo: So I'll be posting a weekly update in that thread as we grow, starting today.

These are the babies today.

Happy Saturday and keep safe!
Excellent! Thanks for the birthday wishes Otter :circle-of-love::high-five:

It is, it is! My Blueberry seed from a different breeder was a dud. So I'll make my third plant another Satdica seed. And on that note, I'll segue into a small announcement.

I spoke to my fellow growmies in the guys vs gals, Braun vs Beauty friendly about including the Freedom of Seeds plants in that competition and they've agreed! Woohoo! :yahoo: So I'll be posting a weekly update in that thread as we grow, starting today.

These are the babies today.

Happy Saturday and keep safe!
Doing a great job there miss Carmen! Gosh the little ones always grow up so fast, before you know it they'll be off to college 😉😁
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