Got here late. I'll sit in the back. There's snacks, though, right? :cool:
Crudités on the way! Hey Azi :circle-of-love: You're here in time for the birthing. They have a day or so before I expect to see life. A bit stressful this stage lol!
Crudités on the way! Hey Azi :circle-of-love: You're here in time for the birthing. They have a day or so before I expect to see life. A bit stressful this stage lol!
Hang in there Carmen! i have found auto seeds can take a little bit longer to pop, i love popping seeds with my method of germ! i have popped seeds gifted to me from 15 years ago from Next Generation Seeds, i popped 1 Regular seed last year a Grapefruit Diesel and it was a female! i am just about to fill my lungs with her now!
I hope this gives you some hope with our seeds, they should be ok, say a prayer to the universe and she will reward you with breathing life into our seeds!:tommy:
Hang in there Carmen! i have found auto seeds can take a little bit longer to pop, i love popping seeds with my method of germ! i have popped seeds gifted to me from 15 years ago from Next Generation Seeds, i popped 1 Regular seed last year a Grapefruit Diesel and it was a female! i am just about to fill my lungs with her now!
I hope this gives you some hope with our seeds, they should be ok, say a prayer to the universe and she will reward you with breathing life into our seeds!:tommy:
Hey Sprout, Cream Mandarin is up after only 3 days in soil. I plant them direct now, skipping the soak and paper towel. I always give them a little longer to show, particularly since it is still wintry weather. I have them on the reptile heating mat. I'll take pics of Cream Mandarin later because she hasn't discarded her shell yet. I'm confident I'll see proof of life from Somango soon too! :meditate:In the meanwhile I try to be patient. Thanks for the encouragement!

Please remind me how you germinate, and enjoy the Grapefruit Diesel. It sounds like a well cured, tasty treat.
Hey Sprout, Cream Mandarin is up after only 3 days in soil. I plant them direct now, skipping the soak and paper towel. I always give them a little longer to show, particularly since it is still wintry weather. I have them on the reptile heating mat. I'll take pics of Cream Mandarin later because she hasn't discarded her shell yet. I'm confident I'll see proof of life from Somango soon too! :meditate:In the meanwhile I try to be patient. Thanks for the encouragement!

Please remind me how you germinate, and enjoy the Grapefruit Diesel. It sounds like a well cured, tasty treat.
Filtered water in clear drinking glass, also add 3/5 drops of hydrogen peroxide, stir water well before adding the seeds, and stir again after adding seeds to water.
Place glass on heating mat covered with a plastic bag or propagating cover.
Leave them for 24 hours checking and gently stirring with a spoon occasionally while waiting for seeds to pop
The seed coat softens by soaking your seeds in a hydrogen peroxide solution, allowing the seeds to absorb more oxygen. This results in increased germination speed.
This method will sprout most seeds within 24 hrs.
Filtered water in clear drinking glass, also add 3/5 drops of hydrogen peroxide, stir water well before adding the seeds, and stir again after adding seeds to water.
Place glass on heating mat covered with a plastic bag or propagating cover.
Leave them for 24 hours checking and gently stirring with a spoon occasionally while waiting for seeds to pop
The seed coat softens by soaking your seeds in a hydrogen peroxide solution, allowing the seeds to absorb more oxygen. This results in increased germination speed.
This method will sprout most seeds within 24 hrs.
Ok I've seen this done. I tried it once unsuccessfully and at the time reverted to paper towel. However having been learning all about the micro herd led me to trying soil germination, so that I disturb as little as possible in the organic environment that the seeds are starting in. I germinated this way last grow and I am very happy to allow them to take that little bit longer to surface 🪴
But kill off the native microbes in the process. :(
The good news is that both seeds have sprouted in the soil :) They are looking a bit nondescript at present so I'll wait for them to completely unfold and open up before I take pics. I think that's pretty good sprouting considering that it's winter here. I planted them on 17th and so that means that it took 4 days for the Cream Mandarin and 5 days for the Somango.
But kill off the native microbes in the process. :(
It dose also kill harmful bacteria? and it's a very diluted to solution so not to harm the new pure seedling entering a bacterial battle ground.

If you are worried about killing of microbes from adding hydrogen peroxide? just use Filtered water in clear drinking glass,
Place glass on heating mat covered with a plastic bag or propagating cover.
Leave them for 24 hours checking and gently stirring with a spoon occasionally while waiting for seeds to pop, this method is just as good! and don't handle the new sprouts with your fingers, use a metal spoon to transfer seeds to your planting medium.

Horses for courses i guess:ganjamon:
It dose also kill harmful bacteria? and it's a very diluted to solution so not to harm the new pure seedling entering a bacterial battle ground.

If you are worried about killing of microbes from adding hydrogen peroxide? just use Filtered water in clear drinking glass,
Place glass on heating mat covered with a plastic bag or propagating cover.
Leave them for 24 hours checking and gently stirring with a spoon occasionally while waiting for seeds to pop, this method is just as good! and don't handle the new sprouts with your fingers, use a metal spoon to transfer seeds to your planting medium.

Horses for courses i guess:ganjamon:
Yes horses for courses fer sure :) It is an "organophile" thing to be interested in the microbes that are released from the seed when it sprouts! We can become a lil ocd about organics. Azi is taking organics a step further by sourcing as much as possible of the inputs for his soil from his own back yard. There's some fascinating experimentation taking place in the organics threads!
Yes horses for courses fer sure :) It is an "organophile" thing to be interested in the microbes that are released from the seed when it sprouts! We can become a lil ocd about organics. Azi is taking organics a step further by sourcing as much as possible of the inputs for his soil from his own back yard. There's some fascinating experimentation taking place in the organics threads!
I will be checking the organic threads out! otherwise i'm totally organic after this stage of germination, we change and try other methods when we run into a problem with our own methods, until that happens? i will carry on with what works for me, it can definitely accelerate the germ rate is what i have found
I will be checking the organic threads out! otherwise i'm totally organic after this stage of germination, we change and try other methods when we run into a problem with our own methods, until that happens? i will carry on with what works for me, it can definitely accelerate the germ rate is what i have found
I agree. Don't fix what aint broke. Accelerated germ rates are desirable for many reasons.

My favourite organophile threads: I encourage you to check out Gee64's thread Sprout, we have a nerdy old blast in that one, which is literally a gathering of some of the best organic growers I know of. Also check out Azimuth's thread where he makes notes throughout his experiments (no photographs though :( ). One of the things I learnt from him last year was how to make shelf stable banana concentrate to fix K issues. That came in very handy this last grow. I really needed it for two of my plants. His potions and powders are way more interesting than straight banana juice though, and he is the initiator of the SIP concept here at 420! 👑
First appearances!

I'm pleased to report that both Satdica Bulk Seeds genetics have emerged healthy and full of vigour.
@Freedom of Seeds, from the crib 😃:circle-of-love::high-five:

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