Sad to say but my surfing days are long gone. But I would still love to come to South Africa. I do like to travel.
I rave about the country as a tourist destination. It has its risks and it's best to realize this upfront and learn what to avoid and look out for, but hey. It's worth it.
I rave about the country as a tourist destination. It has its risks and it's best to realize this upfront and learn what to avoid and look out for, but hey. It's worth it.
I'm a terrible traveller, did not like it at all
Amsterdam, Moscow, New Delhi, Singapore, Bangkok, Brisbane, Surfers Paradise, Toowoomba - sod this, I wanna go home where it rains lol
Hey Carmen! :high-five:
I wondered where you went! One minute we’re tokin away (and I was puffin and puffin .. and passed it back to ya, but it musta been some kind of powerful strain cuz then I was resting my eyes (sleeping) and you were gone! :laugh:

I never thought it snowed in Africa either. Egads was that a lotta snow! So glad you and your Somango#1 wasn’t out in that chit! When you are not prepared for it, it puts so many lives at risk.

Love ya sweet Carmen!
All caught up-ish!

If I can find my cat I'll drop a pic lol.

Do any of you cat owners find that your cat just wants to completely destroy your grow or is that just mine?

I received a lovely DM from Sprout about a plant I grew ages ago so I was thinking about doing a Freedom of Seeds grow next.

Count me in for the rest of this journey!

Great job Carmen :passitleft:
All caught up-ish!

If I can find my cat I'll drop a pic lol.

Do any of you cat owners find that your cat just wants to completely destroy your grow or is that just mine?

I received a lovely DM from Sprout about a plant I grew ages ago so I was thinking about doing a Freedom of Seeds grow next.

Count me in for the rest of this journey!

Great job Carmen :passitleft:
my 2 cats might stick their heads in the tent every once in a blue moon & don't do much but a sniff here & there even with the outdoor grows, not even interested with the leaves but they go bat shit crazy for honey suckle & cat nip
my 2 cats might stick their heads in the tent every once in a blue moon & don't do much but a sniff here & there even with the outdoor grows, not even interested with the leaves but they go bat shit crazy for honey suckle & cat nip
Then I've got something awesome to show you. My cat goes mental for leaves. Way more than catnip. My cat love weed more than me lol!
Can you do videos on this site yet? Honestly, I'll show you the most "enthusiastically for cannabis" cat you've ever seen
a few members put up videos how exactly i do not know i'm sure the video embed symbol up top would be it @Trala would Know, crazy cat vids awesome can't wait
a few members put up videos how exactly i do not know i'm sure the video embed symbol up top would be it @Trala would Know, crazy cat vids awesome can't wait
If I can work it out then I'll show you all what a cat addict looks like. It's not pretty
No please dont. My wife loves cats and its a battle to not let her come home with new ones.

Unless its a funny cat video, then maybe
Sounds like you have dozens!

It'll either be a funny cat video or cat torture video. Depends on your perspective.
I rave about the country as a tourist destination. It has its risks and it's best to realize this upfront and learn what to avoid and look out for, but hey. It's worth it.
Mango worms. Out of everything that can eat you from the out/inside out/in 🖕🤢 ..those things are just...{shudders}...I'm sure there's a 100 worse things still. Oh man to raise a hyena puppy ❣️ 🥰
Hey Carmen! :high-five:
I wondered where you went! One minute we’re tokin away (and I was puffin and puffin .. and passed it back to ya, but it musta been some kind of powerful strain cuz then I was resting my eyes (sleeping) and you were gone! :laugh:

I never thought it snowed in Africa either. Egads was that a lotta snow! So glad you and your Somango#1 wasn’t out in that chit! When you are not prepared for it, it puts so many lives at risk.

Love ya sweet Carmen!
Thank goodness, Granny. I feel so sorry for those poor people trapped in that snow. Awful.
All caught up-ish!

If I can find my cat I'll drop a pic lol.

Do any of you cat owners find that your cat just wants to completely destroy your grow or is that just mine?

I received a lovely DM from Sprout about a plant I grew ages ago so I was thinking about doing a Freedom of Seeds grow next.

Count me in for the rest of this journey!

Great job Carmen :passitleft:
Awesome, Prof. It's great to have you and your feline companion along for the journey! I look forward to your Freedom Of Seeds grow next too, after we've had the opportunity to enjoy the current grow.
Hi Carmen if you do not mind, I am going to jump in and take a seat. :circle-of-love: 🍋
Please do Keith. It's good to see you, thanks.
my 2 cats might stick their heads in the tent every once in a blue moon & don't do much but a sniff here & there even with the outdoor grows, not even interested with the leaves but they go bat shit crazy for honey suckle & cat nip
Then I've got something awesome to show you. My cat goes mental for leaves. Way more than catnip. My cat love weed more than me lol!
Lol! must be a feline family member of Snoop Dogs cat
Too good lmao! I'll have what you're smoking :rofl:
Can you do videos on this site yet? Honestly, I'll show you the most "enthusiastically for cannabis" cat you've ever seen
You absolutely can. Either upload the video to Vimeo or YouTube and then post the link here in the video embed dropdown.
Mango worms. Out of everything that can eat you from the out/inside out/in 🖕🤢 ..those things are just...{shudders}...I'm sure there's a 100 worse things still. Oh man to raise a hyena puppy ❣️ 🥰
JIggi I don't know those worms. I think that's a myth lol. I'm talking city streets here with people threats. 🪱🪱🪱
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