Highya Carmen,

Very nice looking autos you have. Great structure for making big buds! I'm sure they'll like being closer to the light source. Hope the temp gets back to normal and the snow melts quickly. We just got our woodstove going again. Been chilly at night (low 40's). That time of year! Have a great and Happy Smokin'
They look so thick leafed! I bet brix is through the roof! :thumb:
I sort of think that too. I'd love to know :)
đź“š :)
Highya Carmen,

Very nice looking autos you have. Great structure for making big buds! I'm sure they'll like being closer to the light source.
Thank you Bode. I am following the same DLI recommendations from the last grow, which interestingly means less intense light than I'd previously thought.
Hope the temp gets back to normal and the snow melts quickly. We just got our woodstove going again. Been chilly at night (low 40's). That time of year! Have a great and Happy Smokin'
We have another extreme weather warning for the weekend coming. We are meant to be having a community painting day at the beach on Saturday. I wonder if it will be postponed.
Happy smoking!
:bravo: and I'm wondering if you have thoughts on anything getting plucked now that the bigger ones are in flower?
Thank you Shed! There's nothing to take off yet. Is that what you mean? The leaves are still sparse and the flower is only just budding. I took off the first node leaves and branches on both plants.
We're gonna need a page count!
Funny man :laugh:
I was looking at the pic of the CM with those little flowers halfway down the lowest node and was wondering if they were in your sights to take later. I have no idea what they'll amount to in the end but you would remember more from last time than I do. :)
I also looked at them. Would you take them off now? I was thinking I would wait to see how the plant grows but if you think it is advantageous to remove them early then I may do so. What would you do it they were your plants?
I also looked at them. Would you take them off now? I was thinking I would wait to see how the plant grows but if you think it is advantageous to remove them early then I may do so. What would you do it they were your plants?
If they were mine I'd only leave the ends on that lowest node, but if your last group had good production down there I'd go back and take a look at those pics at the same stage as a guide rather than me. :)
If they were mine I'd only leave the ends on that lowest node, but if your last group had good production down there I'd go back and take a look at those pics at the same stage as a guide rather than me. :)
I think you are probably right and I may as well do it sooner rather than later, to give the ends a better chance. The plants were in a different stage of growth at this age in my last grow. These ones still have some stretching and filling in to do.
I wouldn't compare by age, only by stage of growth. And if they have stretching and filling in to do that sounds like it's on the side of waiting rather than plucking!
Ok, I'll wait a bit but I did look at those bits and think they might need to go. Thanks Shed.
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