Five Strains In 33"x33" - 600W HPS - Organic Soil Mix - 7 Gal Pots - Water Only?

I think the major is getting the Aliens stoned.

"Help I'm to stoned to water my plants" that would be a cool button to use oldergrower.
Hey gang :sorry: for going MIA, a total dick move on my part.

It's a bit of a long story and has nothing to do with 420. I had a craptacular week, or so, but compared to what other members are going, or have gone through, it was nada. I am a firm believer in what my dear old mama used to tell me. "If you don't have anything good to say, STFU!" Right or wrong, I decided to step back for a few while I had nothing positive to add to 420.

I appreciate the concern and for keeping this journal alive in my absence. You guys are the absolute best, a real hoot, and too cool for school! Much thanks to all of you for hanging in there with this P.I.T.A.

I finally escaped the aliens and finished the smokeout with Tead & Elvis at the Piggly Wiggly so time to get back to some journaling. I'll get caught up with a few journals and get an update done today. we're hanging with the "Gray Aliens" with RED EYES? :cough: You must have grown some bad A$$ weed Major. :high-five:

There's always a smile & a giggle to be had here on 420 Mag. :thedoubletake::cheesygrinsmiley::laughtwo::rofl:
Weekend Update (week #14)
49 days since flip to 12/12

I missed my first update in nearly a year last week. Things are looking a little ratty in the phone booth. Pitbull and Ace of Spades are doing exactly what they did outside last summer. PB is turning a sort of oxblood color while AoS is losing fans. This is my first experience with the other strains so any input is welcome. I'm thinking the Blue Dream (and others?) could be suffering from a magnesium deficiency. If so, it is severe by now. At this point I may let them all ride it out. They were neglected a little over the past two weeks and harvesting should commence in the next week or two. I've heard BD loses fan leaves in flower, but others tell me they have kept them green throughout flowering. It may be my soil is out of steam by now.

The struggle with humidity is being won for the most part. We went from very cold to warm (for this time of year) so my temperature is a little more variable than I'd like, but not too bad. For most of the day and night, RH is in the 40's% and temperature goes from 69 to 79F.

Heck - let's get on with it. All pic's are clickable links to larger images.

The extremes are not great, but the current numbers are representative of what I see most of the time.

Key: BD = Blue Dream, PB = Pitbull, SD = Sour Diesel, SS = Shark Shock, AS = Ace of Spades, GASS = F2 of Grape Ape x Sensi Star, GT+ = Golden Tiger x WYD (whose your daddy = unknown). :cheesygrinsmiley:

A pretty damn ugly peek around the corner shows BD in the foreground, PB behind her, SD shadowed in the left rear and AS is center-ish.

The next two are more of BD.

A little better look at PB.

AS is front and center here.

AS along with SS who is up against the wall.

SD is looking pretty good considering I can barely get water to her. No more growing 5 plants with a late flip in this space...

I guess my quick summary is, they look ratty and the yield won't be all that exciting, but the buds are chunking up and they smell great - even outside. :thumb:

I've been cooking DBHBB soil for a while now. It is second run soil and will be ready in about a week. Before I amended it, I grabbed enough to start seeds for my next round. I soaked the "volcano-holed-female" seeds overnight on November 22nd and they went directly into soil the following morning. First up was GT x WYD. By November 29th all 8 seeds were up. 100% germination! Three of the four GT+ were the first to see the light, then one of the GASS, the remaining GT+, and finally the remaining GASS. Since these are all F2's, I could get quite a variety of phenos. Unfortunately I will only keep four of them. I need to decide on the best way to sex them before they get too large. I can't put eight 7 gal. pots in there and wait to cull.

This picture belonged in my missing update last week. This was taken on Nov. 29th.

These are the tykes this morning, roughly one week old. GT+ are the four on the right and GASS are the four on the left.

I reversed them when I moved them out to get another photo. Now GASS are on the right and GT+ are on the left.

:thanks: again gang! All thoughts and feedback are welcome.
I still have some crap to sift through. I may not be posting quite as much for a while, but know I'm here, I'm looking over your shoulder, and I'm with you in spirit.
I wouldn't completely toss out your culls. Dried and powdered/crushed MJ leaves make great brews for arthritis, if brewed for at least a month before filtering. Since I don't smoke, I drink a few swallows of brew/tincture with a crystal light chaser, or whatever fruit-flavored drink is hand before bed. Doesn't give you a high, maybe a little buzz, but I sure sleep through the night and the effect lasts for a couple hours after I get up. Might be the vodka carrier, but I like to think I'm getting the benefits of whole plant medicine.
... Oh, and last week I renewed my OMMP card for another year.
It gives me a little more flexibility in what I grow and it keeps my legal on-hand quantity where I want it. :circle-of-love:
... Oh, and last week I renewed my OMMP card for another year.
It gives me a little more flexibility in what I grow and it keeps my legal on-hand quantity where I want it. :circle-of-love:

Doesn't it bother you that you are on a government watch list? Do you absolutely have to have an MMJ card to buy your seeds/clones? Not being critical, just curious.
Glad to hear your ok, that was my biggest fear, now I can stop worrying and get back to more tom foolery.

If I am not mistaken your crop and mine are pretty close to the same time schedule, if it was me I would just ride it out, if anything maybe do a flush on BD. I am starting to show a few deficiencies in my plants as well but this close to harvest I have decided to just ride it out and be happy with what I get. At least some of your colas look nice and fat. Plus they still have a week or 2 to fatten up some more.

Hope you get your issues resolved :hug:
Doesn't it bother you that you are on a government watch list? Do you absolutely have to have an MMJ card to buy your seeds/clones? Not being critical, just curious.

If I was worried about any sort of watch list, I wouldn't be on a cannabis grow forum. :cheesygrinsmiley:
But seriously, I'm not worried. In fact, I believe it may provide some small insurance against the Fed's. They may know I'm here, but I am extremely small potatoes even when compared to my next door neighbors (who also have medical cards). In fact, after last summer, I'd be very surprised if what I'm doing is on anybody's radar. On my little rural road alone, tonnage was harvested recently.

We can buy seeds and clones (locally) without a medical card. We cannot buy extracts, concentrates, or edibles unless you have a card. The biggest difference for me is the number of seedlings, mature plants, and finished produce we can keep.
Glad to hear your ok, that was my biggest fear, now I can stop worrying and get back to more tom foolery.

If I am not mistaken your crop and mine are pretty close to the same time schedule, if it was me I would just ride it out, if anything maybe do a flush on BD. I am starting to show a few deficiencies in my plants as well but this close to harvest I have decided to just ride it out and be happy with what I get. At least some of your colas look nice and fat. Plus they still have a week or 2 to fatten up some more.

Hope you get your issues resolved :hug:

Thanks OG!
I can't wait to get over to your journal and see what my garden should look like!
Welcome back looks like all you will have is big chunky colas to wash.......that is nice, at least ya prolly learned something bout pruning with this run...:), I agree tho when you can't even get to your plants to water them it's hard to keep up with em......I'm loving my bigger space, can actually walk in and shut the door behind me now.......have a good one major, glad your back:passitleft:
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