First Journal, Bag Seeds

The new additions seems to b slow to start just like the last few, I’m thinking I’m not prepping
the rock wool correctly, I’m soaking it in PHed water for a couple minutes but I think their PH is still to high for the seedlings, I have some rapid rooters to try next, I was gonna wait to put it in the bucket but I saw a riot coming out of the bottom of the rock wool, the discoloring seems to have gotten a little worse on the big one
If you are soaking in pHed water then thats what the pH is in the rockwool. There has always been talk that rockwool has a a high pH, that is just not the case. Its the easiest to buffer medium out there and as soon as you flush with water, that is what the pH and PPM is inside the rockwool.

Are you top feeding your rockwool cube multiple times a day once you put it in your netpot? I top feed at least 4 times a day when that young. Normally they dont get transplanted until I see roots out the bottom(2-4 days) and then still top feed the same. You cannot over water rockwool. Water it 10 times a day if you like. Just make sure it stays wet.
That definitely looks like nutrient burn. Especially if its still happening. Once you bring that ppm down to a safe level the burn will stop within hours or less. Problems may crop up really fast in DWC but they can be fixed equally as quickly.

personally, i would drop the ppm by at least 100 each day until the leaves appear to lighten up a tiny bit. Once they do, stop diluting and record your ppm. Then, if they keep getting lighter, increase the ppm by say 50ppm. Once you find the sweet spot you’ll know it. Each increase in feeding shouldn't be more than a 100or so higher ppm than the last batch. Do everything in as small of increments as possible in DWC that was you never miss your mark by too much.
I have been top watering a couple times a day and misting the rock wool in between, it only sprouted like 3 days ago so it might b doing ok, I just get worried when they r this small/young
PPMs r just under 700 and PH is just over 5.7, I’ll get it down to around 550/600
550 would be a good target for now to see how they respond.
Not sure if you've seen this: but it's print worthy to keep, it was posted by another member, I refer to it almost daily lol.

@Rexer gave you a great tool for your arsenal, that chart is proven to work if you your ever unsure about the status of your bucket. Yes please dial back the nutes, I’m surprised you haven’t already but I wasn’t going to tell you what to do. Lol When you drop those ppms a little you will see a difference. I do not recommend dilluting your solution, I would dump and do a fresh bucket change to get the ppm in that sweet spot.
I did knock it back some, but I’m gonna do a water change today and dial it down some more, they r looking good other than those couple spots in the lower leaves
This leaf on both sides of the plant is laying on the bucket since the last time I did some LST, and doesn’t really get any light, should I cut them off?
Personally I'd leave it be, it might grow more and catch light. Just keep an eye for condensation from it touching the plastic.
Edit: ponytail the leaf above if you have some time
thanks y’all, what is ponytailing?
Ponytailing is
thanks y’all, what is ponytailing?
Basically it's a temp fix to get some light. It's crucial to not be left on too long so as not to cause stress.
Be sure to set a timer to take them off.

I have a few goods pics on some I did in my journal on this post.

So I just noticed the stems for the 4 biggest leaves r looking really purple, am I correct that that is a nitrogen deficiency? I’m already scheduled to do a water change today for that plant so I’ll try to adjust according if so
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